Thursday, April 12, 2012

Van Robison: "Is The Bible---Mind Control?"

Is The Bible---Mind Control?

To be straight forward, the Bible is INK on PAPER.  That will offend many because they are led to believe that the Bible is the "word of God", infallible and inerrant and totally inspired by God.  None of us were living when whoever penned the many different parts of the Bible were penned.  We have no idea who really penned the various parts of the Bible, or who altered the writings purported to be "original."    Just because a particular book of the Bible has been assigned a name, does not mean that we really know that such a person really penned those words.    Studious researchers always think they know the answers, but we are thousands of years removed from the time and the language or languages of the time the Bible material was penned.

The Bible did not always exist.  It was compiled from the writings (and who knows how many times edited) of many sources.  Parts of it, if not all of it are said to be penned years after the fact.  Another words, it is said by some that many of the books of the Bible were actually penned much later than is commonly believed.  Humans will forever argue over Bible issues and most likely never know the absolute truth.  There is most likely no greater means to control human beings than through religion.  Invent religion, instill fear in people and cause the masses to submit and obey the rulers.  It is the oldest con game in human history.  Is the Bible then "mind control?"  What if it is and you don't know it?

One thing is for sure and that is that God Almighty/Jesus Christ has NEVER appeared to you or to me or to anyone in our day and age, in person, in a visible and physical form and communicated so much as one word.  Therefore God has NEVER told any of us individually what is and what is not TRUTH.    Of course we can read in INK on PAPER that some make the claim that God did in fact communicate with them, such as Noah, but how do we know that it really happened?  If we are totally truthful, we don't know.  We were not there and we are not witnesses in person that it was so.  We can be emotionally attached to the belief that God spoke to Noah, but just because we read it in INK on PAPER, does not make it automatically truthful.  What if it is a myth?

How do you as a Bible reader know whether you have been subjected to "mind control" as a result of the Bible?  In the New Testament you are led to believe that some character named Paul (formerly Saul), was so significant that the writings attributed to him, are totally inspired by God.  What if in fact this man named "Paul" was a fraud, not an "apostle" and in fact did not even write all the books, epistles or letters attributed to him?  If you read widely from many sources, you will in fact learn that many actually believe this is so.

How do you know that the books entitled "Peter" (First Epistle Of Peter) and Second Epistle of Peter were in fact penned by the UNEDUCATED fisherman called Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus, and not some other Peter of unknown origin?  And why would Peter (the fisherman) make the claim that the writings of some man called "Paul" were "scripture", as if inspired by God?  Perhaps there is actually much more that went on behind the scenes than most people will ever know.

Is there in fact a hidden agenda or more than one hidden agenda in the writings of the so called "Bible?"  What does control, power and free money for ever have to do with such sayings as "obey those who have the rule or
authority over you?"  What part does FEAR play in the role of control?  Are there ulterior motives behind much of the writings in the Bible?  How does anyone separate truth and fact from myth, fiction, fear-mongering and
out and out deception, in the name of God, Lord or Jesus Christ?  No one but the most simple minded of people would not ask questions and probe for answers to obvious and glaring issues of the Bible.

The difference between Jesus Christ and the fraud in the Bible, is that Jesus was pure in heart, came to make truth known, and had no ulterior motives.  On the other hand there have always been LYING SCRIBES, false prophets and deceivers who make the claim "thus saith the Lord", "God commanded" or "God inspired" or "God anointed" and so forth, when He did not.    Religion is man made.  LOVE is of God.

Van Robison

Undeniable PROOF That JC Will Return To Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After His Death

Here is a new moron that has predicted the year Christ will be returning.  Apparently this guy finished his new book on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  So who is this new prophet?  Prophet Gabriel.  Gabriel Ansley.

Gabriel was born December 25, 1970 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  At 12 years of age, in a certain church for the first time, he was picked out and told by a traveling prophet preaching there (who had never met him!) that his name was Gabriel, and that God had given him that name.  The prophet proceeded to tell him he would be like John the Baptist in the last days preparing the people to meet the Lord, for God would place him in a position one day to be able to influence multitudes of people!

Over 25 years later and after many supernatural visitations and revelations from God that DAY has finally arrived; for the prophetic Word of the Lord came unto Gabriel in the year AD 2007.  Instructed by God to write down the message he had received, Gabriel quit his job and dutifully set out to complete the task.  Twenty months later, the book Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return To Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After The Year Of His Death is the result.  In stunning fulfillment of the traveling prophet's words above, Gabriel's message now calls out in the loving, yet earnest, spirit of the Baptist (like all true prophets of God) to REPENT of your sins before it is too late!

He has determined the year Christ is returning.  This date cannot be changes since it was established from the foundation of the world, even though he says "somewhere between...."  I wouldn't call that being really precise.  That's a pretty impotent God that could not figure out the exact day 6,000 years down the line.

Another idiot to mock.

Long story short, when the nation of Israel amazingly, against-all-odds, came back on the map again in AD 1948 (after almost 1,900 years of non-existence) the Fig Tree in Jesus’ parable above had put forth her leaves!  Thus, Jesus was declaring, “The generation of people that sees this happen will not pass (or all die) before my 2nd Coming occurs!”
So how long is this generation of people?  Are you ready for this?  The answer is contained in the SAME Psalm of Moses where God first revealed the prophetic length of a day in His master time plan:
“For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past … The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70 years); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (80 years), yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we FLY AWAY” (Psalms 90:4-10).
There you have it, folks … 80 years added to 1948 yields AD 2028!  THAT is the last possible year on our current Gregorian calendar that Jesus Christ could return to Earth and still fulfill the words of his parable above.  And isn’t it mind-blowing to realize 2,000 years earlier (from that future year) yields AD 28 on our current Gregorian calendar, which is a highly respected year among scholars for Christ’s death!  Friend, I cannot say it any louder or clearer … JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK TO EARTH VERY SOON!  And it will be somewhere between AD 2026 to AD 2028, with AD 2028 looking very likely—which means the final 7 year tribulation period will begin somewhere around AD 2021.
Friend, Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming cannot be hastened or delayed.  It is a set time!
God cannot and will not change His prophetic Biblical Word, and He will NEVER be found a liar.  Therefore, Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth during mankind’s 6,000th year! 

Gabe had a miraculous vision on the Sabbath, December 8, 2007, where God revealed the true meaning about the Bible:

"...on a Sabbath morning, Saturday December 8, 2007, the
Lord first revealed the true meaning of the Bible to me. Oh, but that was
not the end of it, for more revelations continued to happen. For months
it was like God sat down with me, wrapped his right arm around my
shoulders, and carefully explained the meaning behind every detail
of the ancient Bible stories. Friend, the ancient Bible stories are ALL
prophecy: God caused and controlled every detail in them to happen to
foretell the future!!! In due time, the entire purpose and significance of
the Bible was made clear to me. Knowing the true implications behind
the details, I voraciously reread the first 5 books of the Old Testament
and the whole Bible sprang to life! The verses literally leapt off the
pages with spiritual prophetic value! The Bible’s true significance is
flabbergasting, and I bowed on my knees in reverence to God many
times for what He was revealing to me.
Then, during February of 2008, God asked me to quit my
carpentry job to write a book on what He taught me.
 We have William Miller, Ellen G White, Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Waterhouse, Dean Blackwell, Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Ron Weinalnd, Harold Camping and now this dweddle brain.  Give it a rest guys!  Your predecessors have all been proven to be liars, so when will you learn your lesson?