Friday, January 6, 2017

Wade Cox: Unless you Prosecute Murderers They Will End Up Being Sabbath Breakers and Will Start Keeping Christmas and Easter

Wade Cox shows the world once again just how disturbed his little cultish mind is.  He has posted a comment on his Facebook page stating how important it is to prosecute murderers.  If murderers are not prosecuted they will end up being Sabbath breakers and will start celebrating Christmas and Easter. Who knew!!!!!!!!!!

Cox is a prime example of what happens to one's mind when one claims to be a Christian yet denies the one whom they claim to be following.  To Cox, Jesus is a created creature just like koala's and panda's.

It is mind boggling that there are a few hundred followers of this buffoon.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dave Pack: Christ personally picked the Wadsworth compound because of the trees

Oh Dave!  You are such a lumberjack!

“Open your doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars” (Zech. 11:1). Trees are a wonderful thing or, they can be a terrible thing. Again, I’ve been mentioning this…Cutting a lot of trees…I’ll be back tomorrow. I have cut about 500 trees myself, personally, over the last three Sundays. Most of them are small…
I read an interesting article about trees, and it tells you something interesting about the Garden of Eden environment that God wants to bring to the whole world, and I think why the living Christ…Before we get into a story of “bad” trees, let’s talk about “good” trees for a moment, because the world will be filled with beautiful trees. I was just sitting the other day writing down the number of kinds of major trees on the campus…About four major indigenous oaks. There are a couple of kinds of ash; there are three kinds of maples; there is black locusts; black cherry, wild cherries; there are king nut hickories and shagbark hickories; a couple kinds of poplars, a tulip poplar and then standard American poplars, and American elms and so forth…and they all look different. I’ve gotten to where I can pretty much spot them in the winter. We’ve got some flowering trees and apple; hawthorn and dogwoods, and some ornamentals.
But trees are all unique and different and serve different purposes. Here is an article. I just wonder, as I think of this magnificent campus filled with thousands of trees…about this article title, “Being around trees makes you less stressed”…and Christ picked this property.
Has there ever been a man in human history who is as macho as superfantabulous Dave?