Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Satan's Wrath Was Stirred Up In Petra September 2022 Causing Him To Soon Prohibit Loyal COG Members From Using Internet. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Satan's Wrath Was Stirred Up In Petra September 2022 Causing Him To Soon Prohibit Loyal COG Members From Using Internet. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2024

Satan's Wrath Was Stirred Up In Petra September 2022 Causing Him To Soon Prohibit Loyal COG Members From Using Internet


Little did we know how significant it was in September of 2022 when Samuel Kitchen told Worldwide Church of God members to gather in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Upon arrival in September, they found out that they had been scammed and the money they had dished out for the accommodations would not be returned, they had no accommodations waiting for them to use. Then, fearing for their safety they headed down to Petra, the Place of Safety, where all good Church of God members know to go to.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 I declared in Jerusalem THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD EXISTS and was keeping the Feasts of the Lord in Jerusalem. Instead, God brought us to PETRA and placed His name there because it was TOO DANGEROUS in Jerusalem.
The Standard was published and declared.
It was a call for the membership of the Worldwide Church of God to ASSEMBLE in Jerusalem.

While things were certainly a little better there, it did not go well and relationships and family were broken. The return home was disheartening. 

Having had many months now to reflect upon this traumatic defeat, this is what he now says. Of course, in typical COG fashion, it is the fault of all COG members in the various splinter groups that refuse to heed this call.

Because you have FORSAKE GOD and served strange gods in your land, and SO SHALL YOU SERVE STRANGERS in a land that is NOT yours.
That is future tense! So the warning message is warning of a future DOOM soon to be on these C.O.G groups.
A WAR waged by the Lion which is SATAN THE DEVIL! (Rev. 12:17)
Jeremiah 5:20
"Declare this in the house of Jacob, and publish it in Judah, saying,"
The house of Jacob is AMERICA AND BRITAIN! It was published by me in Judah, in Jerusalem, September 21, 2022! How God is sending destruction.

All of the Middle East events, attacks, October 7, and troubles between Russia/Ukraine and the rest of the world are now a result of the not heeding this call to gather.

God says those this message was sent to, DO NOT FEAR HIM!
Jeremiah 5:22
"Fear ye not me? saith the Lord: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?"
This exposes those who are NOT of the Philadelphia era, and who WILL NOT RECEIVE protection promised by Christ to the Worldwide Church of God!

Just like the Great Bwana Bob Thiel, those who don't heed the call and join the one true faith, are doomed to suffer mightly for that misdeed. 

Samuel continues:

The Worldwide Church of God came to Jerusalem, as an ENSIGN.
Was that in 2022? Because when it was too dangerous in Jerusalem, we then was forced to go to Petra, and keep the Feasts of the Lord THERE, so it was obvious that God placed His name in Petra!
Jeremiah 6:1 is what we read when we arrived in Petra.
"O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction."
Jeremiah 6:2
"I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman."
The Worldwide Church of God.
As a result of God's people assembling in Jerusalem, and the setting up of the Two Witnesses, Armies will surround Jerusalem. That's what all thee scriptures say.
As a result, the Church flees to the place of safety.
But the center of being there in Jerusalem, is to ESTABLISH THE TWO WITNESSES! Those who respond to the WARNING MESSAGE today, will be there.

Jerusalem is going to be a busy place for COG witless witnesses. Ron Weinland and his dingy wife Laura will be there as the two witless witnesses. Dave Pack is assured to be there along with some other dude. Herald Flurry and Alton Billingsley think they will be there. Bob Thiel believes the two witless ones will emerge out of his group. Herbert Armstrong and Garner Ted were supposed to be resurrected to perform miracles. This doesn't even include the witless witnesses that various Christian and Jewish groups imagine will also be there. What a shitstorm it will be!

On top of that, Kitchen says that ALL Church of God splinter groups. are HARLOTS and WILL be destroyed!

The Worldwide Church of God is EXITING this BABYLON, and withdrawing from those who are playing the harlot, by creating a "daughter of Babylon" THESE C.O.G groups. They will be destroyed by Babylon in Satan's wrath. A MARTYRDOM.
Those who repent and come out of her, will be spared for they fear God!
But in Jerusalem you will hear "The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the Lord our God, the vengeance of his temple."
People mock and laugh me to scorn, but this is SURE TO HAPPEN.

Sounds like Bwana Bob Thiel is rubbing off on Samuel. 

Church of God grups are now encouraged to rapidly repent and jointhe one true CHurch of God, the Wordlwide CHurch of God - a spiritual organism. Heed the call to assemble in Jeersualm thi year becasue the United States of Europe is risingup and will soon be invading the Armstrongite Bristiash Israelite countries totake citizens captive, slaughter others and set up concentrain camps. 

October 2022 set all of this in motion and world events are swirling around us in frightening scenarios.

Brethren, what was declared and published in Jerusalem, in Judah September 2022?
A call for the Worldwide Church of God to assemble.
The standard has been set towards Zion! Now in September 2022, we didn't stay there in Jerusalem.
"retire, stay not" God said! God was stirring up Europe towards Jerusalem.
Now what is next? "The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant."
When the United States of Europe rises up, this BEAST will go to America and British Commonwealth nations, to wage war.

This rising Beast will directly hone in on Samuel Kitchen, his websites, and the few who gather with him as the restored Worldwide CHurch of God. 

You need to heed the call right now so you cango to Petra and be traiend by Ron Weinland and Bob Thiel. Can you imagine?

First, this beast power will stop THIS WORK(Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong). That means shutting down THE WARNING MESSAGE.
After leaving Jerusalem, in 2022, World Events KICKED UP A NOTCH.
War broke out in the middle east, and God says the responsible party, this "evil", comes from north of Jerusalem, from Europe.
Now in Petra, Satan was doing his very best to destroy me.
But God through many miracles delivered me out of them, and those of us who gathered, returned to our homelands.
There are sword rattling from Russia and China now.
But God says Europe is uniting, and going to go to America, and the British Commonwealth nations(modern Jacob), to destroy our lands.
Why? Because we announced in Jerusalem, but returned home!
We wasn't in the middle east any longer!
So what does a PREDATOR do? He tracks his prey and readies himself to DESTROY HIS PREY!

Satanis ANGRY, and I mean ANGRY!!!!!!  Satan is royally pissed, along with Samuel that there are various COG-related internet sites that preserve Herbert Armstrong's works. His bitterness at those sites has consumed him.

What has been happening since 2022? the restoration of the Worldwide Church of God, and warning people of departing from God. People are fighting me left and right, all upset because they want to OWN what they have taken from the Worldwide Church of God.
Every demon, and his house, is raging and foaming, saying "It's mine! It's mine!"
No, It's God's.
So when the work of God is shut down, they will shut down the internet, or at least STOP the true people of God from using the internet.
Those who are outside of the Worldwide Church of God, are going to find themselves in great trouble. They want to play both sides. They can't be a harlot and the fiance bride of Christ at the same time.
God says their lovers will destroy them.
The next step after our work is shut down, is the Great Tribulation, and Europe INVADING these lands via the United States of Europe.
Once that happens, go to Jerusalem.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Trouble Brewing In The Restored WCG


Why is it that every single splinter group leader has to claim that their "new" copycat version of the original Worldwide Church of God they have dreamed up is by and through the authority of Jesus Christ working in them? Despite JC supposedly working in and through them, every single article, booklet, website story, Facebook page, etc. is all about THEM. None of them can stop flapping their mouths about how great they are and how much work they do, how great their websites are, how great their videos are, etc., instead of focusing solely on Christ and his salvational work.

Every new alliteration of the mother church has had the chance to start over, do it right, and do it well. Sadly that has never happened as none of them can get rid of their narcissistic egos long enough to let Jesus get a word in.

We now are witnessing the implosion of yet another restored church and the very public breakup of a family.

This time it is the newly restored Worldwide Church of God and the Kitchen family.

The original has been preserved.
I worked with my father, to raise up several YouTube Channels:
Some of those Youtube Channels raised up THROUGH ME, Samuel W Kitchen, and it was Jesus Christ through me, is the following list: "The Real Elijah TV", "Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives", "A Voice Cries Out- Herbert W Armstrong" and the "Worldwide Church of God Archives".
I brought my brother Timothy on board as an "Administrator" for those channels to assist me, but I lost control over my emails, and could no longer gain access to those YouTube Channels! So I went to my brother and asked him to add my new email address, so I could regain control. He told me NO. He also removed me from many Facebook pages, and blocked me.
And now, I see, as many of you have also seen, all the videos I worked on and uploaded, all the videos my dad worked on with me, are now gone. They've either been made private, or deleted.
Now my family used the domain "" and so all the videos, and old publications and Facebook pages, which my Dad and I worked on, shared that domain.
I had found out recently, this domain was NO LONGER owned by my brother. It was DEAD IN THE WATER, and was up for sale by the hosting company. So I purchased it, and attached it to "", and once again it was ALIVE and being used by this work.
And because my brother saw that i had purchased it, and he no longer had control of it, he slandered me before the brethren, in order to change YOUR MIND against me.
And so now he has REMOVED the videos on my Youtube channels, all the World Tomorrow Videos, and Radio Programs, and Sermons I worked on and uploaded, and the programs my Dad and I worked on,(which has his voice over). Because those videos had "" on them, my brother decided to SHUT DOWN those YouTube Channels.
IT WAS NOT HIS TO TOUCH! He was NOT over those YouTube Channels! He was only included to ASSIST ME.
But he booted me from the Facebook pages, and has refused my requests to be restored back to these YouTube Channels. He said, he would give it all back after he edits and changes them to go to his NEW website "".
I say new, because he started that rather recently on his own.
When our Father was alive, my brother was over administering the website "". I was placed over the Social Media pages, and Youtube Channels, and over the PUBLISHING of the warning message on those medias.

This family breakdown is a result of the failed fiasco of the Kitchen family traveling to Jerusalem because they thought they would give a final warning there to unite the one true church and deliver a witness to the world. 


Kitchen Family Suffers Humiliating Setback In Jerusalem

God's Two Pillars Are Currently In Jerusalem At This Very Moment! 

Would You Help Build A Library In Petra Dedicated To The Worldwide Church of God And Herbert Armstrong?

Satan's Wrath Was Stirred Up In Petra September 2022 Causing Him To Soon Prohibit Loyal COG Members From Using Internet

Samuel continues: 

My brother, in anger, ROSE UP and KICKED ME OUT OF THEM, to have control of them, because he felt he was wronged on our trip to the middle east. So because he could do it, HE FEELS HE CAN DO IT.
I had to start again from scratch, and this has been a very troublesome time in my life. MY BROTHER, my TWIN BROTHER, as he admitted publicly, is no longer walking in agreement with me. I do not know exactly what he is in disagreement with. But that's what he said.
So he started a NEW ARCHIVES, and the one we had been using, the original, was thrown aside, and eventually made inaccessible to him.
Now, I had NOTHING TO DO with removing him from the domain. The domain was almost LOST, and everything we used in the Work of God was going into DESTRUCTION, under the hand of my brother. His solution, was to start fresh.
While my hand was forced to start fresh WITHOUT MY BROTHER, because he separated from me, I have made the purchase to PRESERVE THE ORIGINAL WORK I've been involved with since 2005, at least.
My brother CHOSE to separate himself from me, and he chose to start fresh with a NEW WEBSITE, using what Jesus Christ raised up through my father and myself.
My father died April 15, 2021. Since then, I believe Christ has showing me what Satan did concerning God's Church after the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. It seems to be the exact thing step by step.

How many damn times have we heard this? Look how far that has gotten all of us.

Anyway, on with the drama: 

Tim, is making it about who is in charge. I believe Jesus Christ is in charge. And if Tim comes with a right attitude, and repents before the Church, I will be so happy!

It is always someone else who has a bad attitude or is causing drama. It is never the self-appointed savior of the church. 

I am working hard, to encourage members to have a RIGHT ATTITUDE towards the ministry. As I believe the ministry of the Worldwide Church of God is being restored. I AM NOT IN CHARGE.
This is NOT the Church of Samuel W Kitchen! This is NOT the Church of Timothy J Kitchen Jr! This is NOT the Church of Herbert W Armstrong! IT IS THE CHURCH OF GOD! And it is known today as the Worldwide Church of God!
I am fighting with everything I have, to preserve the Worldwide Church of God and this work. People mock me, and try to weaponize my words to OFFEND Mr. Aaron Dean. Now I am talking OPENLY about Mr. Dean, as I have already gone to him PRIVATELY. This isn't behind his back. I am not trying to ROPE HIM IN. But out of all the Administrators with Mr. Armstrong, at that point in time, He seems to be the one God has picked and he is an ordained minister. He is not with the Worldwide Church of God anymore. He is attending with ANOTHER CHURCH, the United Church of God.
But he has been kind, and brings people to remember the lessons he learned from Mr. Armstrong. But he is waiting for God's servant to be raised up. So am I.
Out of all those examined by Mr. Armstrong to be the next Pastor General, He is the last. He actually was picked by Mr. Armstrong, but he claims he talked Mr. Armstrong out of making him the next pastor general.
Out of that casting of lots, as Samuel the prophet examined the sons of Jesse, Aaron Dean remains.

That is truly one of the dumbest things I have heard. 

And no HE WILL NOT MAKE HIMSELF the next Pastor General! And I think that is clear. If he is to be, then GOD WILL PLACE HIM THERE! And I feel, since I am involved with this work, I have to ENCOURAGE God's people to BE READY for that time, whether or not it is Aaron Dean!
These other Cog groups, are preparing the people to REJECT the government of God, because THEY DON'T WANT a single man in charge!
But we won't come back together through these other groups. IT WILL BE AS THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD! And that's what I am declaring! Now, did Jesus Christ send me to do that? Examine the fruits.

That is the same crap Bob Thiel pulled on everyone when he tried to justify his self-appointment. Gerald Flurry did it. Dave Pack has done it. It is revolting.

I've faced opposition. From Shirley and Earl Timmons, from Grace Communion International, from these COG groups, and from all these websites and new trademarks that have sprung up to STOP THIS WORK AND THIS CHURCH!
Family members were targeted and murdered because we had a FAMILY holding fast, and working together.
SO like Satan took out the patriarch, he took Dad out.
Now, he wants to DIVIDE the work, and to break up and destroy the Worldwide Church of God! But God does not work in MULTIPLE GROUPS! THE BODY AND WORK OF CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED!
Now my brother separated through disagreement. Please pray for him. I love him. But he took control of what was raised up through my dad and I, and is attempting to SHUT THE DOORS, by shutting the videos down, because things aren't directed to him.
I would love to direct things to his website and work in cooperation. I certainly wish it and pray for it.
But he has removed everything, when God's people need it most, out of bitterness towards a brother and because he has zero control over the archives now. Jesus Christ removed him. Now let's pray for his repentance, and his speedy return. But I felt you needed to know what has happened! Let us be ready with open arms when He returns! But let us not be distracted from the work set before us.
The Work of God must go on. and THE DOORS NO MAN CAN SHUT!

Woo Hoo!  Isn't Bob Thiel doing that? He thinks he is. Gerald Flurry claims he is. Our official COG felon, Ron Weinland claims he is. Gerald Weston, Viv Kubik, and most other COG splinter leaders all claim they are. If that door is unable to be shut why is the current state of the COG movement such a pathetic mess? 

So please pray brethren. Don't let Satan DIVIDE YOU to cause you to leave your calling, to be some other church. WE MUST BE READY!
I am blocked from my brother. But if you ask him anything, ask him to restore those videos with the domain on them. I am not here to destroy it. I am seeking to preserve what was lost.
But if you can be my advocate in this perilous time, to my brother, perhaps he will see his error, and return. Take it to Christ, and please pray for the healing between us brothers. I don't see him as an enemy, but he is no longer with me, and has done some things he should not have done! He thought he was hurting me, but he is hurting the Church of God, and so I have to say something now for the sake of the Church.
Pray for him. Thank you Brethren,
In Christ's service,
Samuel W Kitchen