Friday, July 5, 2013

Balaam's Ass Davey Pack Says God Planned For Him To Discover This New Truth 3,000 Years Ago

COG cult leaders witnesses this man lie and be proven wrong,
yet they keep on making stupid predictions and prophecies.  Liars all!

According to Balaam Davey it was all God's master plan for him to find this special hidden knowledge about August 30.

Upon hearing of the timing of Haggai’s prophecy, some have claimed that I am setting dates. I am not—far from it. Knowing the year of this prophecy is in no way comparable to declaring the date of Christ’s Return, which is not revealed in the Bible. In fact, Christ specifically warns not to set a date for His Return since “no man knows the day or the hour” (Matt. 24:36). I have no authority to set dates. The Haggai prophecy came with one ON ITS FACE because of the element of timing directly related to the remnant believing that it was NOT yet time to build God’s House. When properly understood (because of actions the remnant are told to take), the prophecy would have to include when—in this case involving a particular time and year—to take these actions.

The dates revealed in Haggai have nothing whatsoever to do with any decision that I made. God decided that this prophecy would be fulfilled after planning it over 3,000 years ago (it is referenced in several Psalms). I am not so arrogant as to decide what God must do and when. I repeat again, these events in NO WAY parallel the Return of Jesus Christ. This prophecy is directly tied to a date. You should be able to clearly see this. The reader will see in subsequent parts of the last of these Friday announcements that there is more information than I can share in one announcement. It must appear in its own context in the next few weeks. Once you see the evidence laid out, you will understand the last statement.

There you have it. As long as Balaam Davey does not predict the date of the return of Jesus it is OK for him to give specific dates for other prophecies.  I mean, come on!  Really?  

Don't worry though, Balaam Davey is going to tell us how it is over the next weeks of weeks, which is also an indication that he lied to us all earlier in a previous letter when he said he only had two to three more letters to write concerning this reunification.  Now it is spread out over the next few weeks.

Balaam the Ass (aka Joshua Pack) Says He Possesses the Hidden Code to Understand Scripture

All of you COG brethren out there are far toooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid to have ever thought of this amazing "truth" Balaam Davey has dreamed up.  Like the Gnostic's who claimed to have hidden truths, Balaam Davey also has hidden truth that no a single person in the history of creation has ever understood till Balaam Davey had a brain fart in Wadsworth.

Let’s recall again. Previous announcements explained why Haggai 1:15 describes this event as happening “in the second year of Darius the king.” For those who believe this date pertains to the Persian King Darius (who lived over 2,500 years ago), remember that the modern Zerubbabel is also described as the “son of Shealtiel” and Joshua as the “son of Josedech.” Let’s reason together. The modern types of these two men are obviously NOT sons of these two fathers of long ago. The Bible is obviously speaking in code about what are two modern leaders. Mr. Armstrong knew the ancient Zerubbabel having been born to a man named Shealtiel had nothing to do with his prophetic fulfillment of this role. The same would be true of the modern Joshua regarding the irrelevancy of the ancient figure Josedech.

Similarly, the description of the YEAR of fulfillment must also be in code. Now think. If God specified in advance the exact year, the entire world would know when the prophecy would be fulfilled! See this! Now let’s think again. God does not name in the Bible (or need to) the modern Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11 because His Spirit will guide those who are looking to Him to see who fulfilled this role. Fruits, as well as who fit the profile, eventually revealed the man’s identity—Herbert W. Armstrong. For that matter, the same applied to Zerubbabel. The same principle would apply to the identity of the Beast and False Prophet, whom God would never name in advance—or the Two Witnesses, among others. But eventually God’s people WOULD know who these people are. Back to Haggai. First, to believe the prophecy is fulfilled during the reign of Darius would mean Haggai is an historical account, and not PROPHETIC. The first thing the thoughtful reader understands is that this prophecy has nothing to do with any year in the reign of a king that lived over 2,500 years ago! So the fulfillment comes in a year that can be known in OTHER WAYS. Thus, the day and month are seen to be easier to know than which YEAR it will happen.

Wadsworth's Balaam the Ass Says the COG's Will Be Reunited On August 30


And His Talking Donkey

Balaam stands in infamy as the paragon of apostasy.  His worldly lusts lured him into the power of Baal and brought upon him the ultimate symbol of pastoral asininity, a reprimand from his donkey.  Through his counseling Israel fell for the bait of Baal, the alluring Midianite women, and brought upon the Client Nation a national curse.
Davey Joshua Balaam Pack writes

Recall that Haggai 1:14-15 states that “all the remnant of the people…came and did work in the House of the Lord of Hosts, their God, in the four and twentieth day of the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.” Elul is the sixth month in God’s sacred calendar. It is August 30 this year in the Roman calendar. Also notice that this date in Haggai does not reflect the pattern of the other three dates mentioned in that short book, dates that Haggai received a message from God. Rather, it describes an action that occurred on a particular date. And this particular date is consistent with people being reunited by the Feast of Tabernacles. (It is also consistent with other scriptures describing things GOD is going to do in a particular month, which you will learn more about in three and four weeks when these postings are projected to end.)

Since the Feast of Tabernacles is NOT a required convocation for Christians what is Balaam's point?

Thankfully I can predict with 100% accuracy that August 30 will come and go with no major COG event happening.  We can be guaranteed Balaam Davey will make some asinine announcement that God has delayed his timing, but other than that Balaam Davey will be exposed as a liar.