Wednesday, June 12, 2024

UCG Still Trying To Climb The Two Trees

How can anyone who was part of the Church of God before Herbert Armstrong's death forget the two trees in the Garden of Eden and how Adam was standing right next to Eve and together decided to eat off the wrong tree. We had one bellowing sermon after another with fists hitting the desk as we were bellowed at, constantly being reminded we were too stupid to understand what he was saying.

Sadly, many of the splinter groups had the perfect opportunity when they split off to start a new church unencumbered by COG myths and legends and instead be Christ followers. Sadly, that has never happened.  

UCG is constantly looking back. The two trees, Moses, and the law seem to occupy the minds of UCG leaders. When that is your lens to look through, everything is wrong around you and the world is falling apart.

The two trees 
There were two trees in the garden of Eden—one was called the Tree of Lifeand the other the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. One pictured revealed knowledge from God, which would lead to life. The other represented good and bad knowledge acquired by human self-discovery and would ultimately lead to death. 
In Genesis chapter three, Moses was inspired to record the incident when Adam and Eve took of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God had warned them not to take of the fruit of this forbidden tree in Genesis 2:16-17: “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’” 
Not all knowledge man has discovered is bad; there is some good. Music is an illustration of this. Some of the music man has developed is inspiring and uplifting, but other music can express the evil characteristics of human beings and degrade human behavior. Some discoveries of science serve the needs of many people. On the other hand, those same discoveries may be used to develop weapons to kill people in wars. Some plants we might discover can be used to help make people well, but others can be used for poison and cause illness or even death.

Are there decent people in the world? Yes, there are those who strive to live worthwhile lives and strive to be good citizens. There are many who call themselves “Christians.” However, do they truly obey God’s laws and follow Christ? Not really—they do not completely follow Jesus Christ’s words and keep His laws. Should we hate them and the rest of humanity? We certainly do not hate anyone. What we hate is sin and evil, not the sinner.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Building Walls Around The Church


Here is a man who better understands what it means to be "the church" than Bob Thiel and the rest of the self-appointed harbingers of "truth" in the Church of God understand. Bob and his ilk are all about building walls and division in the church.

The church has always built walls to surround itself from others, to keep itself "pure and untainted" by the world. Well, look how well that has worked out for them all so far. They are all just miserable little shells trying to recapture the glory days that are unattainable for all of them.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Did WCG/Armstrongism/COG Destroy Your Marriage and Family?


Boy did this church mess up a lot of families! Was your family ripped apart by their way of looking at marriage and divorce? It was all so wrong in so many ways and we're going to break this down. 
Why and what was wrong about it.