Friday, June 7, 2024

Does "that smart-alecky little twerp, Bob Thiel" Have No Shame?


The ad in the link below popped into my news feed this morning. I am a member of CG7, so at first I was pleased to see it. 

But eventually, it became clear that the ad was not put out by any of the genuine CG7 organizations from Denver or Meridian or Caldwell or Salem.

The ad was put out by that smart-alecky little twerp, Bob Thiel.

Let’s be clear. The name “Church of God Seventh Day” is not owned by anyone. It is used by several different groups. So Bobby-boy can legally use it. But his organization is called the “Continuing Church of God.” The ad initially looks like it is put out by one of the real Church of God Seventh Day groups. It is not. 
The ad is totally misleading. Has he no shame?

Now I doubt any of the CG7 people will confront Bobby boy. The real CG7s have no desire to get into wars with Armstrong off-shoots. 
In the 90s, I was told by a couple of elderly CG7 ministers that in the 60s the Denver CG7 received a cease and desist letter from WCG. Armstrong’s legal department claimed that the booklet, “Has Time Been Lost” was written by HWA and that the WCG owned the copyright to it. Further, they instructed CG7 to stop printing and distributing it.

CG7 sent Helge et al a copy of an early version of that booklet. CG7 showed they had published it long before HWA was even baptized. 
Now, did CG7 respond to WCG in kind and return the cease and desist favor to them? Nope. The matter got dropped. I am not a spokesman for CG7, but I know they have no desire to get involved in legal squabbles or dirty tricksterism. In fact, CG7 leadership may gently chastise me for calling Bobby boy a twerp.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Apostate Sisters Interview David About Growing Up As A Child In The Church In The 1960s


5 Jun 2024

Welcome to a new episode of the Apostate Sisters Interview Series, where we hold space for the life stories of those who were once entangled in the web of the Worldwide Church of God. Today, we're joined by David, who was introduced to the church in his early childhood in the mid-1960s and left as a teenager in the late 1970s. 

Raised in a family deeply committed to the church after his father discovered "The Plain Truth" magazine, David's upbringing was steeped in the doctrines and practices of the church, from observing the Sabbath to attending the impressive Ambassador Auditorium for holy days. Despite the church's deep influence, David recounts his journey with a reflective and critical eye, especially discussing his transition away from these beliefs during his pursuit of higher education. 

Today, while his mother and some siblings still observe the church's teachings, David identifies as an atheist, maintaining a nuanced view of his time within the church. This episode explores the complex dynamics of growing up in a cult, the allure of questioning, and the path to personal freedom. Join us as 
David shares insights into the everyday life aspects of cult membership, including youth camps, relationships, and the impact of church doctrines on personal decisions like dating and education. David's story is a testament to the power of questioning and the search for personal truth. As we unpack his experiences, we invite our listeners to reflect on their own journeys and the impact of religious teachings on personal growth and freedom.

Crackpot Prophet Now Taking His Heresies To The Muslims


The heat is started to bear down on California and it's causing our favorite crackpot prophet to say stupid things.

After being an epic failure in converting Christians to his cause, and even Church of God members, he is turning his attention to trying to convert Muslims so they can jump ship into his superfantabulous church. I have a feeling that will not go down as well as he found it did with a few thousand Africans who were Sabbatarian church hoppers.

Muslims and a Book Not Yet Finished 

There are reportedly over two billion Muslims in the world. 
Jesus said:

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14) 
Being nearly a quarter of the world, it seemed appropriate to put together materials, other than, for example, mainly just having our The Gospel of the Kingdom of God booklet in multiple languages that Muslims and others can read. This is part of our preparation for the short work mentioned in Romans 9:28. 
That is also consistent with something that the Apostle Paul wrote:

19 For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; 20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; 21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; 22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you. (1 Corinthians 9:19-23) 
Yes, for the gospel’s sake, we want materials that are directed to different peoples. 
So with that in mind, to the Muslims, we wish to show some connections, as well as important differences. 

The problem is, he does not preach the gospel and is deliberately leading Muslims astray with his heretical crap. 

In the recommended sermon for this week, I showed a new book that we are still working on. Originally, I hoped that this book, which I began working on in the early Fall of 2023, would have been ready this past January, but research on it took longer than than originally anticipated. 
That said, I ordered two preliminary draft copies of it which arrived last week. One was to use as a visual prop during sermons, and the other was given to the caretaker at a local mosque for him to see if he or others there will give additional feedback before the book is finalized for printed distribution. 
The caretaker and I originally met several weeks back and some items we discussed were added to the book as the result of that meeting. We, along with my wife Joyce, also met late last Thursday, when I gave him a draft copy of the book.

Someone needs to contact that mosque and let them know what a nutjob they are cavorting with. Nothing good is going to come of it!

While the draft of the book is available online, it is not expected to be finalized, printed, and sent to supporters for several months from now.

That said, the recommended sermon for this Sabbath is based on parts of the book as well as with items that are not in the book, but that were published by the old Worldwide Church of God over forty years ago. I expect to do several sermons related to the book, and then plan on it being re-edited before it becomes available from us in print.