Thursday, January 20, 2022

Petulant Prophet of Possibly's Shouts Out "I WAS CORRECT!"


Today, the greatest prophet the Church of God has ever had, the Chosen One whom the Bible describes as coming in the last days to lead the truly faithful into the kingdom where they will reign as gods, welding power and authority over the deceived masses who survive the destruction of 2/3rds of humanity, let the world know that he is also the most accurate prophet the church has ever seen! Everything he says comes true!

For the last several years the Great Bwana to Africa and 304 Caucasians has written "books" about what failures the incoming President/Vice President will be. Given the fact that 90% of the "prophetic" mumbo-jumbo he pukes out are just direct quotes from mainstream and conspiracy ladened blogs and websites, he is bound to find at least one thing wrong with every elected official we have and then claim to be accurate.

Joe Biden took office one year ago. 
Which was within a day of my book, Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction, getting published.
Has the Biden Administration fulfilled any warnings in that book? 

A reader here made a comment on another posting that accurately sums up how our Petulant False Prophet operates: 

By the way, for those seeking insight into how the Petulant Prophet of Possibly's works, notice one of his newest articles: Have published COGwriter warnings about Joe Biden come to pass? What Bob doesn't tell you is that over the years he has made strikingly similar comments about Hillary Clinton and other public figures. Throw enough mud against enough walls, and eventually some of it will appear to stick. But if the Joe Biden book from which he quotes is allowed to count as fulfilled prophecy, his Hillary Clinton book must be allowed to count as failed prophecy. You can't have it both ways. That is, unless you are Bobaniah, living in your own delusional Bobbylon.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Well Trained Counseling Ministry Of The COG


Satan Attacks God's Most Significant And Fastest Growing COG Ever To Exist In Christendom

Voted the most beautiful 
World Headquarters of a Church of God 
for 10 years in a row!

Satan has attacked the world's most mind-boggling Church of God in the history of Christendom. Satan knows that "work" must be stopped and will resort to any thing he can to inhibit the most amazing COG to do its job of preaching some kind of "gospel" to the world. However, even Satan himself can't quite figure out what that "gospel" is. Is it a message about some kingdom to come or about Bob himself?

We have been impacted a bit by COVID-19 here, but not the way most would guess. 
One of my company’s employees, who had COVID in early 2021 before she began to work here last May, again got COVID-19 in 2022. Because of that, the man that does nearly all of the formatting of CCOG literature has been partially sidelined to help make up for her being out for nearly two weeks now. 
Anyway, we hope she will be available to come back next week, and we can be able to get more CCOG literature ready for printing.