Monday, January 22, 2018

COGWA Italian Feast Site Controversy


Feast meeting location

COGWA is the latest Church of God in the pre-Feast news.  This time it concerns their Feast site in Cortona, Italy.

COGWA members who were interested in attending the Tuscany site quickly found out that when they went to register that registration was already closed before it even "officially" opened.  European COGWA members were told to attend elsewhere.

Then to add insult to injury, they were told that if they showed up at the Feast site they would be barred from entering and would be turned away at the door!  Yes, you heard that right!  COGWA is putting the love of Jesus into action...a sure sign of the millennium!

The disgust level rose rather rapidly at these unfortunate turn of events and COGWA was forced to lighten its stance somewhat.

Another issue with the site is that nothing about the town or the meeting facility is wheelchair accessible or appropriate for those with walking issues.  Feast attendees must park outside the city walls and walk to their hotels or accommodations. Once again we see millennial concepts put into action!   Perhaps they are preparing for when people show up in Petra and COGWA can deny handicapped people admittance or deny those who did not pre-register in advance, entrance through the narrow gate.
A word of caution: Cortona is a “hill town” in its truest sense. Other than the main flat road that runs through the city, all the streets and alleys are steep ramps or staircases. The roads are pedestrian-only, so you won’t be able to drop anyone off at the theater where services are held. If you would like to attend, please be sure that you are comfortable walking on steep cobblestone streets and stairs.
The source that sent me this information has this to say, and I think it is spot on:
So what it amounts to is the creation of a luxury vacation feast spot for rich and healthy (and well connected) American members."
International Feast sites have always been set up by Americans to cater to American dollars.  Very few have been set up to cater to the needs of lower income members in certain European areas or in South America.

Just take a notice of the side trips they have planned during the Feast:
In addition, we are planning two excursions outside of Cortona. One will be to Florence—a city with wonderful architecture, gardens, museums and artwork. The other will be to Montalcino—a beautiful hill town set in the Orcia Valley, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site made famous by its beauty and its Brunello wine.
Cortona attracts many English-speaking tourists, and many of the merchants speak some English.
Feast site expectations:

  • Cortona is built on the side of a large hill, and almost all of its roads and walkways are steep. Please be sure that you are comfortable walking on steep cobblestone streets and stairs. Those needing wheelchairs or those who have severe walking disabilities should be aware of the mobility difficulties they will encounter at this site.
  • Cortona is a pedestrian town, so you will not be able to drive a car inside the walls or drop off passengers where services are being held. Free parking is available outside the city walls, approximately a quarter of a mile from services.
  • Round-trip tickets to Rome for travel dates around the Feast are currently between $600 and $1,000.
  • We have room blocks reserved at several hotels within walking distance of services. Prices range from €80 to €179 per night (around US$97-217 per night) based on double occupancy (breakfast included). In addition, there are many bed-and-breakfasts and affordable apartments and villas available for rent. Attendees are encouraged to choose accommodations within walking distance of the hall.
  • At this time, the exchange rate is US$1.21 to €1.
  • Please wait until you receive your site acceptance before reserving housing. When you receive your acceptance and housing brochure, we encourage you to reserve housing as soon as possible, as some of the room blocks are only available through the end of February.
  • If you are not accepted at first, you will be placed on a waiting list until you are accepted or until the Italy site is officially closed. You will be taken off of the waiting list if you choose to register for another site.
COGWA has always been looked upon by many in the broader church as a group of elitist members who threw a fit when things did not go their way.  COGWA is white and financially well off and they brag about it constantly to justify their break from the heretics at United.

The source that sent me this info ended with this:
This kind of thing is of course not unique to cogwa, but I'm not sure when people will wake up and realize that the cogs just amount to a Ponzi scheme for the benefit of the top of the pyramid. a side note:

Cortona is known for its Jesuit institutions and churches and for its quantity of "porte del morto's" (the doors of death) that are found next to the entrances of its medieval palaces.

LCG Members Perturbed At Feast Pre-registration Fee For Hawaii

Several Living Church of God members have complained about the latest information from LCG HQ in regards to pre-registering for the Feast in Hawaii.  LCG is charging a $25.00 non-refundable fee for the privilege of pre-registering for the Kaui site.  LCG members are also required to eat at least one catered meal on site.

This will make Lil'Jimmy's feast experience more memorable this year.  Hawaii is his favourite site since he gets to go there expense free and have all of his activities paid for.  Life is tough.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Are Living Church of God Members Already Disgruntled With Gerald Weston's Policies?

We have been hearing from various LCG members who read this blog that things are not as rosy in the Living Church of God as Gerald Weston and LCG HQ wants its members to believe.  Many LCG member post here on how corrupt and unchristian acting HQ is to its own employees and members of the church. Tithes are routinely mismanaged at HQ and the chosen elite of the church benefit mightily from those tithes all the while as they abuse members and place more and more burdensome legalistic rules upon them.

Are LCG members getting ready to start defecting to other COG's?  That process may already be starting!

This past weekend, 30 LCG members visited COGWA in Phoenix, Arizona.  Apparently, they were unhappy with their minister and LCG and are now looking for a new church to call home.  Time will tell as to how James Capo treats the LCG members.

Adam and Eve Were Not Able To See Their Bodies Till Their Lights Went Out

More fun from Robert Petry.  One thing for sure, the Armstrongite mind is a terrible thing to observe!  Here is a Church of God mind interpreting scripture.

As Adam and Eve romped in the Garden of Eden and got a little frisky, they were unable to see each other's bodies and therefore did not know they were naked.  Their bodies were so dazzling bright they could not see each other as they had sex.  Talk about "blinded by the light!"  It wasn't till Eve plucked that voluptuous, firm, ripe, apple, and they both took a bite, letting the sweet juice run down their faces, did they gain the ability to see each other's bodies.  What a shock!  All because of that apple!

This is a simple question also. But, it is the simple that confuses and befuddles the human mind with it’s attitude of “being so superior” and “self-knowing.” Here’s that simple answer, first without explanation.
Before they sinned they could not see their bodies. So, if they could not see their bodies they could not have known they were naked.
How could that be, you ask? Well, they could not see their bodies, that’s why. Why is that so hard to understand? Because you are using a normal, carnal human mind in rebellion to the Creator in order to try and understand the simple teaching of the Bible. Even Paul speaks of the simplicity of the Evangel.
OK, here’s why they couldn’t see their bodies, and what happened so they could see them clearly. At that moment, they knew they were naked.
Let me ask you this question. If you believe what the Bible says, and IF you “know” what it says, can a human being LOOK at the Father in all His power and glory? If you don’t know the answer, then no wonder you don’t know what happened to Adam and Eve. You are truly ignorant of the Scriptures.
Let’s look at the obvious, after understanding. For, before understanding the answer lies hidden right before our eyes. Once you “understand” this, it will jump out of the Scriptures at you clearly. You know, like those moments when we say to ourselves, why of course, I knew that, I just never put it together before.
How then did Adam and Eve realize they were naked?
Adam was formed first.
“YHWH Elohim formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”
Later, Eve was taken from the side of Adam. The normal translation says from a “rib” but the implication is more from his side than just a rib. Be that as it may, they were formed as adults, with certain knowledge and ability already built in. Language and basic knowledge so they could communicate. Now, here’s a key part that tells us what happened. That is, IF we use a stable mind and not the double-mind of unconverted mankind. Here’s the statement:
“… Man is the IMAGE of Elohim, and the mirror of His glory.”
“… let US make man in Our own IMAGE.”
Well, what was that image like? Well, speaking of YHWH, we have a beautiful description.
“Thou art CLOTHED with honor and majesty. Who COVEREST Thyself with LIGHT AS WITH A GARMENT.”
Adam and Ever were also of that image. Although not of the same quality, their original bodies were COVERED with LIGHT, that is, with a GLORY like the glory of the Father!”
So, what happened to make Adam and Eve see their nakedness? Very SIMPLE. The MOMENT they SINNED, they LOST their glory, or LIGHT covering.  i.e. Their “clothing.” They now were fully exposed. No longer did they “glow” as does the Father and His Son in light. That light also kept them warm, but no longer.
The end result was the Father had to make physical clothing for them, to replace their clothing of LIGHT. Now, they saw their shame, for the clothing reminded them they had lost the LIGHT. Now, they would die, fulfilling the punishment spoken over them: The day you eat thereof “dying you will die.”
So, the moment they sinned, they lost their LIGHT and GLORY, and began the dying process till they finally died.
Adam and Eve did not fall. That is a totally pagan doctrine and teaching. No, they SINNED, just as Scripture says. That SIN of rebellion brought on the process of dying, in the same day.
Before they sinned they could not see their nakedness, or understand how it could be misused, for they were “blinded by the light” which covered them. But, partaking of the tree of the “knowledge of good and evil,” they now knew the evil ways things could be used. Before that, they could not understand the evil part. After their sin, they could no longer see their light, only their bodies. And, so it is with all the rest of mankind until this very day.
YHWH’s plan for all of us is this: To help us REGAIN the LIGHT. A method to reverse aging and death, pain and suffering.
So, my friends, LIGHTEN UP!!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mystery Behind Exodus Has Been Solved By COG Member

It has been a hard issue for historians to deal with the biblical story of the Exodus and the fact that not one single archaeological bit of evidence has ever been found to support it.  A million plus people travelling 40 years in the desert and never discarding a single thing that was broken or worn out, no food byproducts have ever been found, no human latrine fields, no remnant of idols, no ashes from the burning fires in the tabernacle area, nothing.

Fret no longer!  A COG member has solved the riddle!  Sit back and be amazed!

This is from someone we have not heard from in a long time, Robert Petry.

Here is his revelation on the matter:

Because this was a DIVINE migration, it should be no surprise to real scholars, that there would be no artifacts of note, nor a need for them. Just reading the Bible story itself clearly explains these things. But, “scholars” are only physical minded, they cannot conceive that the DIVINE POWER behind the Exodus is real. They just pretend to believe that, if at all. Now, what does the Bible show about this?
Well, it’s very clear…
1. Their clothing, shoes, and trappings never wore out. Ergo, nothing to throw away.
2. Their shelters never wore out. Ergo, nothing to throw away.
3. Utensils and other things never wore out. Ergo, nothing to discard.
4. All food supplies were DIVINELY given. For instance, Manna — here today, gone tomorrow. Quail, masses fly in, and disappear. Ergo, what’s left to find.
5. Certain mass events where one might expect artifacts to remain, left none. Why? The ground opened and swallowed them up. Nothing left behind to find. 
There you have it!