Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Columbiana Church of God - - More Drivel for the Theologically Bankrupt Church of God

One thing Armstrongism has accomplished over its eight decades is that it has created some of the craziest and theologically bankrupt men the world has ever seen.  If you thought Bob Thiel had poor speaking abilities then you have not seen this guy.  I have a feeling that Bob Thiel gets his training from this guy.

This guy also has ties to Sir Anthony Buzzard's "One God" group that promotes "Christian monotheism."  Restoration Fellowship

Monday, November 10, 2014

The World Tomorrow May Be Ruled By A Woman!

Did you knew that the ruler of the Kingdom of God could possibly be a woman?  She would be directly under JC on the organizational chart. 

The ministry is beginning to be streamlined and organized in a fashion that better prepares everyone for what lies ahead of us, including the Millennium. Some of those changes have already begun. One important change involves the preparation of the immediate structure of the Church once we enter the Millennium. Although it did not strike me at the time when it took place, the recent ordination of a third prophet in the Church was picked up by quite a few people as they realized this could mean that a woman, if not part of the 144,000, would be the physical head of the Church at the beginning of the Millennium, just as I am now, as an apostle, the physical head of the Church under Jesus Christ. It is wise to note here that God is preparing someone for that role and it will be someone well trained and molded for it. Read it here
I can just see it now.  In that World Tomorrow, Dave Pack will be humbled and will be her chauffeur and Rod Meredith will be cleaning her palace in his bright pink speedo.  Flurry will be doing what he does best, making alcohol for her parties.

The mind of Weinerdude Weinland just gets crazier day by day!  I think he has too much free time with Bubba in that jail cell!