Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paradise Recovered Movie Premiers (Recovery From Fundamentalism)

Andie Redwine was raised in Armstrongism.  After leaving the abuses behind decided to do a movie on helping people escape from abusive religion.

Here are his comments from his blog about the movie, himself and what he hopes to achieve:

 Paradise Recovered

Putting Them Out of Business

For the past decade, I (Andie) have been involved in assisting those whose lives have been devastated by abusive spiritual groups, as well as those silenced by church-sanctioned domestic violence.

This film is for them.
For years, I've looked into the eyes of the walking wounded, and for years, regardless of who they are or what their situation is, they have wondered out loud if anyone gets it. Does their story even matter?
It does matter. It matters enough to be told.
For years, I personally have struggled to come to terms with my own upbringing in a fundamentalist group. The members who helped raise me were and are (for the most part) some of the most loving, dedicated people I have ever known, and many remain close friends. Some are still heavily influenced by this group, some are indifferent, some are atheists, some are healed, some have a radically different faith, and some are no longer with us.
I've been pretty private about this. I am often asked if the script of Paradise Recovered is about me. Certainly my own experiences shaped the story somewhat...a rented hall where services meet...a preacher on a TV screen up front...metal folding chairs and spiral notebooks...lots of rules and regulations necessary for salvation.
But a lot of these stories have come from those who so willingly and often tearfully shared them with me in late night conversations, over coffee, or in Internet chat rooms and forums.
So the layers of the characters came from all of those experiences, but this isn't solely autobiographical. And given the content, there are some difficult moments, but there are definitely some light-hearted ones. It's good to be entertained while you learn.
To answer a question that I am often asked very publicly, yes, I am a person of faith, but my faith looks very different than it used to growing up.
My faith is very much about sharing love with others and caring for their hearts as if they were my own. And it certainly isn't about demanding that someone believe exactly as I do or deciding where someone's eternal destiny lies. It is about demonstrating what I believe to the best of my limited human ability and seeing with spiritual eyes that which I believe God does in spite of my failings. It is about being grateful for what I have been given and giving back as a response.
Often, when I am trying to show someone how abusive groups operate, I will watch a movie with them. Like M. Night Shymalan's The Village. Or the great '70's documentary Marjoe or the more recent Oscar-nominated Jesus Camp. Or a Norwegian film called The Other Side of Sunday.
Once, while I was watching The Other Side of Sunday with a friend, we both noticed how the film dealt with getting out of the group, but it never really dealt with what happens once you get out.
"There needs to be a movie like that," she said.
There did. But I knew nothing about movies, so I decided to write a book instead. A fictional tale called Paradise Recovered.
Sitting around a campfire one Indiana night, a good long-time filmmaker friend, Denis Hennelly, suggested that the story that I was telling really needed to be a narrative film.
"But I don't know anything about writing a screenplay," I countered.
"Well," he said, confidently, "I do."
And so I started writing Paradise as a narrative feature film.
About a month later, I met an old friend, Storme Wood, over breakfast to talk about filmmaking. And, to make a very long story short, we decided to make this film. Together.
Without Denis and Storme and an amazing group of talented actors, producers, and crew, there would be no Paradise Recovered: A New Film. Everyone gave me far more than I knew to ask or even imagined. Many involved had their own stories of abuse and difficulties with sorting out belief, and yet, despite all of the emotional buttons we were pushing, everyone gave everything they had to make this film everything that it could be.
This entire project continues to be a labor of love as a testament to those who have been wounded spiritually by those who were misguided zealots at best, criminal sociopaths at worst.
At the beginning of this project, a very good friend pleaded with me to do all that I could to "put the bastards out of business." It is for her and for the thousands of walking wounded that I continue to press forward.
And it is for a few that I never wanted to help bury that I make this film. I continue to do so in memory of them.
I feel loved and supported by my family, by my extended family and friends, by my community of faith, and by my generous cast of fans on Facebook and in the community who ask, "Now, when is it coming out? What's the movie about anyway? Is it going to be at a film festival in my area? Did you cut the part with me as an extra? Because my mom really wants to see me on the big screen."
As a brief aside, no one is getting rich here. There's this myth that indie filmmaking is about making crazy profits. I hope we do make crazy profits, because this will mean that a lot of the walking wounded will have access to mental health services through either an existing foundation or one that we set up.
And it might just mean that we shared information effectively enough to show that some of these self-proclaimed emperors indeed have no clothes. And maybe they'll be driven to the unemployment line. Permanently.

Heartland Film Festival, October 16, 18, 20, and 21, 2010

Indianapolis Metro Area 
Individual passes may be purchased.
After-party on October 18 to be announced.
Saturday, Oct 16, 2010 at 5:30pm - AMC Showplace 17 Indianapolis
Monday, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:15pm - AMC Castleton Square 
Wednesday, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:45pm - AMC Showplace 17 Indianapolis
Thursday, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:00pm - AMC Castleton Square

Austin Film Festival, October 21 and 24, 2010

Austin, Texas
Individual passes may be purchased 30 minutes prior to showtime. 
Discounted badges and passes are available until September 30.
After-party on October 24 To Be Announced

Film Courage Interactive, November 29, 2010

Los Angeles, California
Sponsored by LA Talk Radio's Film Courage with David Branin and Karen Worden
Tickets now available for this one-night event.
Monday, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:00 - 11:00 pm - The Downtown Independent Theatre

An Open Letter to Former Members

An Open Letter To Former Members

Hey everyone! Wow, we've been receiving some really great, heartfelt letters about how the Paradise trailer is affecting you. It's really encouraging to us as we continue to tighten up the rough cut. Here's an excerpt from one of the letters:

“I'm very interested in seeing this movie...after viewing a documentary about a month ago called 'Join Us', it brought back the pain of leaving a cult several years ago…I'll never forget the heartache, even though I'm mostly on the better side of it now."

Two weekends ago, we did a screening with Cara Jean Wahlers and Grover Parido to give them a feel for the film, as well as to discuss the score that they have been working on and ideas they have. At the end of the movie, Cara asked, “Is this what it is like for people who are trapped in these groups?”

Yeah. We think so. The letters and notes that we are getting from people confirm that we have hit a nerve, and that’s just with the trailer.

Here's another part of a letter from a former member:

“I was in a fundamentalist church for 15 years with an authoritarian leader…I was preached against and shunned. Still to this day, I do not go to a church, but still the Lord has me. It's been a journey…There are many of us out on the hillsides.”

Because of these notes and many others, we have decided to put a resources tab on our website to help hurting people network with those who might be able to help, regardless of your desire to have or to not have faith. Healing is possible, and there are some great resources out here…people who will be gentle, recognizing where you have been. It will take me a while to assemble all of that and get it uploaded, so if you want information in the meantime, please use our ‘contact us’ tab.

Additionally, as time permits after we finish the film, we intend to put together some podcasts or videos with cult experts who can provide some understanding about cult recovery and mind control. We have some great friends of this movie, and we indeed intend to help promote their work and passion to raise awareness about how cultic and religious abuse happens.  Helping people heal from abuse is one of the greatest callings on this planet.

Keep the notes of encouragement coming. It means a lot to us to hear how the issue of spiritual abuse has affected you or your loved ones, and we are excited to continue to do what we can to bring this issue to light to bring healing.

We continue to obsess over the rough cut, and we feel a strong gravity to get this story right.  We're not just making a film here -- we are telling the precious stories of people who have had the guts to share them with us.  And truth is always worth telling.

While we are not therapists or trained counselors, this we can say with certainty: no one ever joins a church or a cause expecting to be abused. Some of you were born into these groups without any type of consent whatsoever. Your stories? We believe you. And you deserve to live life to the fullest. There are a lot of great people out here who will be gentle with you.

It wasn’t your fault. You deserve to heal. And it is a long road, but freedom is worth every step.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

UCG Crisis Continues To Boil: Income Down, Less Ministers, Less Members

Just another sunny day in the wild and wacky world of Armstrongism!

Abigale Cartwright (ucgcurrent crisis) has listed the following leaders (see below) from UCG that have been suspended in the last few days and through the last year.  It looks like United is not so 'united' as they all claim.

The convoluted background of United's existence started  in the 360/380/390 apartments on the Pasadena campus.
 Ground Zero for the formation of UCG

It was a group of men that gathered with Kubik, Webber and others to plot their separation from WCG.  They had refused to follow in the changes in doctrine that WCG was establishing.  They knew their jobs, their free cars, their homes, their standard of living, paid feast travel, their $10,000.00 +  year-end bonuses, etc was about to change if they did not start toeing the line.  This process went on for several months.  All the time they had these little meetings they continued to stay on the salary of WCG.  Money was their first priority, plain and simple. They certainly were NOT martyrs for the truth as so many claimed they were.

Those of us who lived in the Pasadena area also saw them in action as they 'served' the church in their 'ministerial' duties.  These men were FAAAAAAAR from being ministerial and pastoral in their actions.  Conceited, self-serving jackasses tyrants would be a better description of some of these men.  They were not all bad, but the overwhelming majority were rotten to the core.  They continue their controlling, power hungry ego trips to this day in their splinter cults, UCG included.

UCG recently removed all the regional pastors from their duties:

Excerpt from Kubik letter to ministry: October 13 Letter to Ministry

When United began in 1995, not only was the Regional Pastor system put in place, but a Ministerial Services team was added. It was recognized that this was perhaps too much structure, but we hoped that the Church would “grow into” this structure.

But, today, 15 years later, we have not grown. In fact, we have fewer full-time pastors than we did in the beginning , yet we have continued with this top-heavy structure. It served a much-needed function in its first years by helping write some of the Ministerial Services policies that are now more or less complete and available to the ministry on disk or in the notebook binder.

With the recent change of Presidency and Ministerial Services Operation Manager, it is a good time to reevaluate the Regional Pastor structure. We do not need ten RPs plus a ministerial team to oversee an experienced ministry totaling about 90 full-time pastors and 300 local church elders.
We believe that it is the right time to restructure the management levels within Ministerial Services.

We have decided to discontinue the regional pastor structure as it currently stands. A newly appointed ministerial team will function as regional pastors and perform many of the duties that the former RPs carried out. They will be actively involved in most aspects of current RP duties. Policies that related to the regional pastors will not be changed; they will be fulfilled by the Ministerial Services team who will now act as the new Regional Pastors.

Since United has experienced a downturn in revenue, this leaner management will afford savings as well. We thank all of you for your ministerial support functions over the years. This change will be effective Friday, October 15.

In Christ’s service,

Victor Kubik
Ministerial Services

Dennis Luker

Individuals who have resigned or been removed from their positions in the last year

Posted by Abigail Cartwright on October 18, 2010 at 6:30 AM 

Larry Salyer, October 2010, suspended from ministerial duties - status pending.

Paul Suckling, October 2010, relieved of his position as Senior Pastor of the United Kingdom

All Regional Pastors removed to be replaced by Ministerial Team October 2010.  These Regional Pastors were: Bruce Gore, Todd Carey, Greg Sargent, Jim Haeffle, Jim Servidio, Larry Grieder, Lyle Welty, Larry Neff and Mike Hanisko. Denny Luker was an RP when he was made president; he was not replaced.   

Mr Hendren  - August 2010 - removed from ministry
Mr. Mendez - August 2010 - removed from ministry
Mr. Garcia - July 2010 - removed as Deacon
Mr. Lovelady - July 2010 - resigned as Treasurer / HR Director
Mr. Walker - June 2010 removed as Director of Spanish Work, removed from the ministry
Mr. Roybal - June 2010 - removed from UCG ministry
Mr. S Langarica - June 2010 - removed from UCG ministry

The following ministers have been removed from the church website in June of 2010 but remain in limbo as an official announcement has not been made

Mr. Dimakis
Mr. Sanchez
Mr A. Lanarica
Mr. Gonzalez
Mr. Mundo Tello
Mr. Ortiz
Mr. Avila
Mr. Hernandez
Mr. Ouijano
Mr. Nain
Mr. Gunez
Mr. Arboleas

The following individuals while removed/resigned or asked to resign continue to be employed as paid elders

Mr. Johnson - May 2010 - not reconfirmed as Corporate Secretary
Mr. Horchak - May 2010 - position on the Ministerial Services team was eliminated when Vic Kubik came in as interim operations manager.
Mr. Thompson - May 2010 - position on the Ministerial Services team was eliminated when Vic Kubik came in as interim operations manager.
Mr. Register - May 2010 - resigned as Director of Educational Services, his position on the Ministerial Services team was eliminated when Vic Kubik
Mr. Kilough - April 2010 - asked to resign as President
Mr. Franks - April 2010 - asked to resign as Operations Manger of Ministerial services
Mr. Salyer - April 2010 - resigned as Operations Manager of Media
Mr. Kilough - July 2009 - resigned from CoE
Mr. Thompson - July 2009 - resigned from CoE
Mr. Foster - July 2009 - removed as Council Reporter

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sex Crazed Long Haired Teens in Prayer Booths and Inter-racial Walking in LCG Camp

A while back on the LCG Yahoo board there was this serious comment about the horrible state of affairs at LCG Summer Camps.  Is it any wonder people mock Armstrongism when there are yahoo's like this posting their stupidity on newsgroups?

Who would have dreamed that prayer booths would be connected with rampaging fornicating teen boys at a Living Church of God Summer Camp!  And what the hell is the problem with walking next to someone of another race.  Is it going to rub off on you?

This stupidity is tied directly into the absurd teachings of British Israelism that still permeates the COGlets to this day.  Whites are superior to all other races.  Meredith still believes it.  Flurry believes it.  Look at both of their splinter cults. White as white on rice.

Photo from Spanky's childhood photo album

Given Spanky's obsession with sex, his constant talking about it in sermons, writing about it in his magazines is it any wonder the kids in his cult want to try it!

Masturbation seems to occupy so much of his mind.  The same goes for Six Pack and his teachings to his cult college students.  I guess HWA's flog log has had a permanent imprint on their minds. (Read about HWA fascination with certain anatomy parts here AR 27 )

The second Sabbath at camp on 7-28-07 RCM gave a sermon about prayer.
During the course of the sermon he suggested that the church give "a
few thousand dollars" to the camp so they could build some prayer booths
for the teenagers. 

The first question about that idea is whether or not
it is an appropriate use of tithe money to give it to a facility they do
not even own? 

The second question regards if RCM is so naive as to not
realize what teenagers could end up using those booths for instead? 
I happen to have firsthand knowledge that one teenage boy and girl
successfully fornicated despite the so-called watchful eyes of
supervising adults at the camp. Thankfully this situation was not
further complicated by a pregnancy! 

Another eye catching event was the presence of at least 4 boyswith long hair. How long? It covered their ears and the back of their necks. The previous year this was non-
existent. I was told by a minister and staff member that the staff
camp manual had a grooming guideline of no long hair for boys. Yet last
year it was allowed. Did the camp director not have the courage to
contact the parents and tell them the boys would have to get haircuts
or go back home?
Does this alleged evangelist not understand I Cor.
11:14 ?

Last noteworthy occurrence was the teenagers given the latitude to decide whether or not to couple up interacially in the march to
Sabbath services. This decision should be the domain of the adults not
the children. This was not allowed in WCG camps under HWA. The only
exception was an odd number of teenagers per race which made 100%
coupling impossible. This was a sound practice put in place by the last
living Apostle and no one in a lesser office has the authority to
change it.