Thursday, August 4, 2011

What To Do With A Non Submissive Wife?

One of the uber-right wing COG Yahoo sites had this question asked today by a man about his wife:

I grew up in the WWCG, and drifted off some during the apostasy, but later
started to attend with Living. With the principals in the Bible about husband
being the head of the wife, what should a Christian husband do when the wife
doesn't submit to his leadership? We were both baptized, but I don't know
if she was really converted, she didn't really experience a "first love"
of the truth. If she is lukewarm about the Sabbath for example, I can't
force my way on her, she has to be accountable to God herself, right?

What would you tell the man?

Idiots in the Pulpit: Blue Glitter and Oil