Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Apostle Says: Tribulation Could Start In Late 2012

Self appointed Apostle and prophecy nut Apostle Malm is spitting out more dates for the start of the tribulation and a potential upheaval in LCGlala Land leadership:

I am not making a set in stone prediction, however in my personal opinion it looks highly likely that the Abomination COULD be set up in Rome in the second half of 2012 [probably in Sep.] calling for a New Europe; and the tribulation to begin 75 days later.

When the abomination is set up, and the New Europe comes together, all the biblical signs are present and peace and safety is declared; UCG and the other major groups  will reject the biblical signs around the peace and safety declaration; probably be saying that no Temple has been built and no Daily Sacrifice started: in a misunderstanding of the stopping of the Daily in the midst of the Week of Dan 9.

LCG: It is possible that LCG will have a new leadership before the end of 2012.  They are likely to cling to the widely held pagan idea; which seem to be unique in LCG compared to the other COGs;  that the full 70th week of Daniel still needs to be fulfilled.  Therefore when the abomination is set up, many of them will be caught in the tribulation; believing the pagans rather than God’s word; that immediate destruction will come when peace and safety is declared. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Idiots in the Pulpit: Weiner Dude Weinland

Weinerdude Weinland is cursing all who dare to mock his imbecilic rantings.

The only people in the world who think he is a true prophet 
is his equally idiotic wife (Witness #2 of the two of the Witless Witnesses) and his crazy daughter.

UCG Still Trying to Figure It Out Almost 17 Years Later

Seventy plus years down the pipeline and the COG's are still arguing what days to keep, human nauture, and unleavened bread.  Herb rebelled against the COG7th Day and started his own splinter group with these same topics thinking he knew better at the time.  Now 70 some years later his harlot daughters are STILL arguing over what they think is right and wrong.

UCG is looking into Passover, AGAIN.  Human nature, good, evil or neutral, AGAIN, eating unleavened bread during Days of UB, AGAIN...............The next thing we know they will be blabbering on about new moons, triple tithes, clean/unclean meats, and mixed fabrics.  Oh wait, they already do that!

When will they ever discuss something really important?

On Thursday afternoon the chairman of the Doctrine Committee, Bob Berendt, updated us on four doctrinal areas that are being examined by the committee at this time—most in response to the receipt of papers from members of the Church. They are: When does human life begin?, What is the proper date of the Passover?, Is human nature inherently good, evil or neutral?, and whether we are required to eat unleavened bread every day during the Days of Unleavened Bread

Then, due to the fact that income is down, they have to merge two UCG magazines into one to save money.  Readership is dropping too.  Only 300,000 people subscribe to the Good News.  That is some amazing worldwide ministry dudes!  The message of the Kingdom is sure making an impact.....NOT!