Friday, February 3, 2012

UCG First COG to Admit There Are Rampant Mental Health Problems With Its Members?

UCG is the first COG I have seen to openly admit that there are serious mental health issues with it's members.  I think that is a good thing to admit that its members are just like the rest of the society instead of being a  "special called out group" who is immune to life issues.  You will never see Davie Pack or Gerald Flurry's cults ever admit such a thing.  "True COG members can never have mental health issues because they are True followers of God."

Mental health issues have been a tremendous problem in Armstrongism over the decades and it was always swept under the carpet.  If the Church had met those issues head on we would not have the rampant alcoholism problem plaguing ALL of the COG's today.  We would not have the rapists, stalkers, child molesters, murders and suicides that have plagued the Church.

When a person grows up in a sect that isolates it's self from society, imposes strict rules and regulations, demands high use of members time, prohibits everything under the sun it starts to mess with peoples minds.  You hear the same familiar strain over the decades.  "If only I can graduate from High School," followed by "If only I could graduate from college," then "If only I could get married before the end times," "If only I I could have kids before we have to flee," "If only we could have our first home a few years before we have to sell it for the final push."  The list could go on and on.

There is even more anxiety if you are a rebel rouser and make waves.  Your eternal salvation is at risk if the Church kicks you out and disfellowships you. Being marked and shunned was equivalent to a death.

We are placing more focus on educational issues such as addictions, anxieties, self-injury, depression, abuse and other relevant maladies that afflict many in our congregations.
We would like to form a team of “experts” who might be able to write or bring presentations to educate others on the seriousness of abnormal behavior. With that knowledge our brethren will be able to get the affected person the necessary help and encouragement needed to overcome one’s difficulties.
If you have special skills or have experience in focused education issues, please send me an e-mail explaining your credentials. Once I have that information, we will form a team who will be able to write and/or present relevant information for the edification of the brethren.

Much remains to be seen how this "new" focus of UCG will accomplish. As it attempts to break all ties from the past will they eventually dump Armstrongism?

With UCG's income down it has decided to put the brakes on the proposed new facility in Cincinnati. That is unless the Council of Elders decide to be idiots and build it anyway.  That is how so much of Armstrongism operates anymore.

We have received many responses to our building proposal survey. Most responses have been positive, to step out on faith, but with concerns about financing so much of it. The members responding mention they are glad to be included in this decision. We are family and this exercise has helped to increase unity.  Although the determination will be up to the Council of Elders, with the needs of our church areas and members, I don’t see at the present time how we as an administration would suggest adding this expansion into the upcoming budget. That being said, I believe we should have a contingency that would allow us to move forward with building it IF our Texas property sells or enough money is raised during the year to make it viable. We want what is best for the church, as God shows us, and at the moment we do not plan to put these building expansion plans into the May budget. We will not cut our service to God’s people to force an agenda.

Armstrongism and UCG has always had a convoluted way of manipulating numbers to make things look different than they really are:

We anticipate positive income comparisons each month for the rest of the year, even though our year-to-date income will remain negative.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Guest Writer: Van Robison: "The Collapse of Armstrongism"

The Collapse of Armstrongism

Strong arm Herbert was a master deceiver.  Throughout history there have been many charismatic personalities that have masqueraded as the source of "light" and "truth."  The world has never lacked for sheep like human beings who have demonstrated an inability to think or reason for themselves.  The world is overrun with human beings snared by a religious fish hook.  It is not that God Almighty has come down and presented Himself to anyone on earth, at least in our current day and age, but you would think that these "spiritual" gurus who stand in pulpits are personal pals with God, in a form that no one else is.  It is pure nonsense, but the gullible overwhelm the world.  If it were not for the gullible and the naive, there would be no religious organizations or institutions.

Every religious organization is headed by some man or woman who thinks of themselves in terms of "Godhood", but who in reality are only human as are all other human beings on earth.  They are NOT God, and not even close.  That so many would give their lives, time, energies and money to such false religious leaders is astonishing.  Herbert W. Armstrong was NOT God.  He was NOT even an "apostle" of Jesus Christ.  He was a self-appointed, self-deceived human being with an enormous ego.  Words that come from the mouths of persuasive public speakers is often magnetic and attracts the listener.  In the world of religion and the world of politics, there is not really much difference.  The goal is persuasion!  If the speaker can persuade you to follow them, then you have been hooked.

The greatest defense against being deceived by anyone is to QUESTION.  Question everything and assume nothing is true just because someone in a pulpit says it is true.  Fear, is a tool of those who want to control
the minds and thinking of their naive followers.  What gave Herbert W. Armstrong the "right" to know "truth" as an exclusion from others, unless they learned it from him?  This is such a common type of situation in the world of religion that it is ludicrous (totally ridiculous).  Who can enter the mind and thinking of Herbert W. Armstrong and understand what made him tick?  How did he arrive at all his pretended and supposed religious convictions? No matter, he was off the deep end, as are many others, such as those in Scientology, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses and countless others, including the splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God.

The many people involved in the Worldwide Church of God splinter groups have no concept of Jesus Christ and that He came to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE (from all man-made religious bondage).  Life itself is NOT about keeping the Saturday Sabbath, "Feasts" of the "Old" Testament, or legalistic religious ideas, but about LOVE towards others, which is also by its expression love towards God.  The simplicity in Jesus Christ is that He taught LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, EMPATHY and HUMILITY and NOT rituals, like keeping the Saturday Sabbath.  The Sabbath has not one iota of anything to do with righteousness.  The Sabbath will NOT garner favor to anyone because they observe it.  In reality no one keeps the Sabbath, because it is NOT possible, based upon the conditions of what one reads in the Old Testament ( and I suggest the website of Robert K. Sanders an ex-Seventh Day Adventist who penned "Renouncing the Sabbath after 47 years as of 2002" and although directed toward Seventh Day Adventists, it applies to anyone who thinks they keep the Sabbath (THEY DON'T), see

Under the weight of TRUTH, Armstrongism collapses into the dust and dirt of the earth, as do all other false religious beliefs the world over.  Those who follow leaders of the Worldwide Church of God splinter groups need to get a real life.  Wake up people!  These self-appointed religious nuts are NOT God.  Neither was Herbert or Garner Ted.  Can't you think for yourselves???

Van Robison