Friday, March 2, 2012

Dave Pack: My Name is Derived From the "Passover"

Pack certainly has no problem opening his big mouth and making an ass of himself.  Did you know that he claims that his name is a derivative of the word Pascha?  As if this is supposed to give him some divine mandate for being an apostle.  Since the Passover has at is base the concept of forgiveness, redemption and wholeness, there certainly cannot be found in Davey Pack any forgiveness and he certainly does not have the power to provide redemption or the tools for wholeness. 

Here is a letter from one of his former members calling him on the carpet for it.

One last and, what should be a, totally shocking example of Mr. Pack’s mind can be found in his latest book “How often should The Lord’s Supper be taken?”  At the bottom of the first paragraph on page 9 the following statement can be found, As a side note, while researching my genealogy, I learned that our family name is derived from this very word pascha.  This statement is made as a concluding remark for the section explaining the translation of the Hebrew word for Passover.  He not only makes the point about his name but it looks as though this is the fact he wants the reader to take with him or her!!  How can a man of God actually and publicly state that his name in effect is PASSOVER?  It should be made known here that Mr. Pack was advised at some length not to include this statement for obvious reasons.  He has insisted on leaving this remark in the book and I might add that this is the weaker version of that statement.  It originally read …I learned that my name is derived from this very word pascha.  Is there anyone in God’s Church who, if they had found this to be true, would actually include this in a book that they had authored?  I guess we have at least one!
Brethren, these are only the things that I am aware of.  I ask you what else is out there and more importantly how many times does this have to happen before we all wake up and realize that this man is not who he pretends to be?  I do not know how else to say it.  I know that all you have to go on is my word, along with a steady stream of other individuals, who have over the years tried to tell you the same thing again and again and again.

The time will come when we will all have to stand before God One at a time. Does it not make sense that He would test us now, One at a time, perhaps to see if we can stand One at a time, finding out if we can be trusted in his Kingdom that is surely closer than we think?

Jim Leighty

Van Robison on "The Religious Seduction of the Innocent"

The Religious Seduction of the Innocent

Humans have been religiously seduced for thousands of years.  In our day and age, many have been religiously seduced by the Worldwide Church of God and its religious splinter groups, who all seek disciples that they can indoctrinate.    It is not really about "truth", but rather it is about lordship over those who are gullible enough to financially support these self-appointed men and church groups, who espouse that they are the "true" church of God on earth.  I marvel at the television preachers who must spend a fortune on television exposure to mouth their particular spiel and quite often that if you want "prosperity", then sow a seed and send a donation of such and such an amount of money and be "blessed."  Pure nonsense!  But of course the old ladies and old men on social security, along with the gullible and naive send money.  Somebody must be sending money, otherwise why are they still on the air?  Mike Murdock is one among many such deceivers and if you watch him, if you can "think" you know that he is a complete fraud.  Many of these clowns are wealthy, live in million dollar homes, fly around the world in private jets and live in luxury at the expense of the utter gullibility of those who send cash.

Putting forth an air of "sincerity" deceives many.  Trinity broadcasting and others use music to whip people into a frenzy.  Virtually every time there is a promotion to collect funds from the television viewers, music, dancing, and emotional hype is the tool to psychologically whip people into a state of "giving money."  We see this over and over and over on religious television programming.  We also see clown shows such as sending for your vial of "Holy" water so that you can be "healed."    The simple minded apparently must be supporting these people, otherwise they would all dry up and disappear from public view.

None of us have the answer as to how to rescue those who are captive to the ridiculous splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God, anymore than people have the answers as to how to see people set free from the
Mormon Church, the Jehovah Witnesses or a multitude of other groups that have taken many captive.  It is not that the people who have been swallowed up into these groups are bad people, they are actually innocent
human beings who have been hoodwinked and they just don't know it.  Cults are prisons of the mind.  It is a sad situation and when our own loved ones are caught in any of these man-made religious webs, we suffer
mentally for them.  Many will live their entire life caught in the religious web and exit life on earth never having known that they were prisoners to religious deception.  Some will struggle free and others will not.

I can well remember years ago when one of the Ambassador College students left the college and the church and those of us who were still captive, thought this individual had gone off the "deep end."  Perhaps he was
really ahead of his time and cut a path for others to follow into religious freedom.  Some time later, many others actually did follow and took an exit.  FEAR is the common reason that enslaves multitudes of human beings to religious groups.  The FEAR of the loss of salvation is a tool used by religious frauds who use the name of Jesus Christ or God.  If you really believe that God is LOVE, then why would you "fear" Him?  People need to be taught to question, to think, to prove, to even doubt so that they will pursue knowledge and understanding outside of the box they have been living in.

Why not question the validity of the Bible?  Is it wrong to question?  Is it wrong to prove all things?  Is it wrong to stop trusting pied pipers in the pulpits and seek understanding for yourself?  Is it wrong to think for yourself? Is it somehow against God to ask questions that most people never ask?  Must what you think and believe come from some "pastor" or "elder" who does your thinking?  Must you believe that INK on PAPER is actually God "inspired?"  Why think that?  Have you been told so many times that what you believe is "true" that that is the real reason you believe what you do?  What if there are actually alternatives to how you think?  Should they be considered or even entertained?  Why not?

The world is drowning in innocent human beings who have been religiously seduced.

Van Robison

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"If God Wants You To Be A Doormat, Then Accept It!"

There is a fascinating group on Facebook called Worldwide Church of God I Can't Wait For Sundown and Other WWCG Musings that is filled with people who have escaped Armstrongism.  It is funny, irreverent and filled with some appalling stories.  There was one the other day that struck me as truly appalling.  Appalling that any minister would ever tell a woman such a thing.  It's no wonder people have no respect for the ministry of the Churches of God anymore.  It is from a thread on what caused people to leave the church.

After divorcing my abusive husband I went to the minister (Abner Washington) to become "unbound" so that I could start dating again. He refused to do that and told me that "if God wanted me to be a doormat, then I should accept it." That was the beginning of the end for me.

Sadly, this is not an isolated case in Armstrongism.  It still is happening LCG, UCG, PCG and many of the other splinter groups. Women seem to be mere chattel, to be used and abused, while putting on a happy face all the time.

There have been many women who have had to leave abusive husbands because of the violence, yet COG ministers would tell them to stay because their reward in the Kingdom was far better than the pain. Some of these women ended up being beaten so bad that they were unrecognizable.  Others have been killed.

One of the "churches" in Pasadena was the Imperial Gym. It was run for many years by a man who would have made a great Gestapo agent.  He was a mean, nasty, vindictive man who ruled his congregation with a rod of iron.  No matter how much people complained, WCG kept him there. The ministurd/pasturd told a young woman, who was unmarried and had gotten pregnant, that "...her bastard baby would never be in the Kingdom of God because of her fornication."

The men who plotted and schemed behind the scenes to form new COG's had a golden opportunity to set things right and truly be shepherds that took care of their flocks.  Instead, they continue to support child molesters, rapists, abusers, and others in their ranks instead of caring for the hurt members.  There is a pox on the heads of UCG, COGWA, PCG, LCG and others that continue to allow this.