Sunday, March 4, 2012

UCG: Are Public Church Directories A Wise Thing To Do?

Decades back, local congregations of the Worldwide Church of God had what they called "Directories" of members. In some areas, they not only had the name, address, telephone number, family information,  they also had pictures. Apparently UCG is wanting to include baptismal dates in these directories too.  Some of the members back then knew and tried to warn people that this was a bad idea because unintended people may have access to the information and it could end badly for those so exposed in the directory.
United Church of God is at it again. Some of the congregations are again putting together a local church directory with all the information in it. Decades ago some had questions; today many more are raised.
Today, an innocent church member can be at risk from stalkers. Worse, there are identity thieves both in and out of the Armstrongist Churches of God. This is a very dangerous practice. It is bad enough to have names and addresses at headquarters or home office, but this ends up in the hands of the general public. 
It should be added that it is curious that local UCG congregations are again putting together directories at a time when the Council of Elders is making it clear they want and need more money for the church. It may be benign, but there are those who remember the Draconian efforts of Worldwide attempting to strong arm relatives of members who had died and the reputation of the leaders and administrators of the Armstrongist Churches today is less than stellar.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Book: The God Followers by Rand Zacharias

Here's what happens when you try to literally live 
by a human interpretation of the words from the Bible. 

Here is another book that has been written about life in Armstrongism.  The God Followers by Rand Zacharias 

 Imagine trying to grow up and do everything right. You're six years old and you know that Jesus is coming back...soon...and the world the way you know it will all change into a perfect world, an Utopian dream, a world tomorrow.

Rand Zacharias weaves an eerily humorous autobiographical tale of very creatively-enhanced non-fiction (with a little fiction added for a twist).

His story begins graduating from a world-renowned institution of excellence. He's graduated from the cult's unique learning institution--Ambassador College. Zacharias moves back in time and tells the genesis of their capture involving his loving father, who brought the family for the ride after a fiery explosion during the winter of love--1969.

Did Zacharias find the narrow path that leads to God? You'll find out.
Amazon has this blurb:

The God Followers is the autobiographical trauma-dy, tragic comedy, of growing up in a cult after Rand's father is caught in a fiery explosion. This real life account may make you question the inner workings of any organized religion--while taking you through the challenges of living in a manner of a literal interpretation of that ancient text--the Bible.

In paper back form it is here on Amazon where you can also read a small excerpt:  The God Followers

By eBook, Kindle, and other formats it is here:      The God Followers and here eBook

Follow Rand on his blog:  Randillusions

New Book: Genocide Revealed by Aleksandar Veljic

There is a new book that has been published by a former COG member Aleksandar Veljic.  It is about the massacre of Serbs, Jews and gypsies by Hungary during WWII.   Genocide Revealed: New Light on the Massacre of Serbs and Jews under Hungarian Occupation    Amazon has this review from Wade Frannson who is soon to publish his own book about life in Armstrongism - The People of the Sign.

Aleksandar Veljic has spent seven years doing primary research on events that were covered up 70 years ago. The list of accomplices is long and is not limited to Europeans. In the wake of WWII Miklos Horthy was given an unprecedented get-out-of-jail free card, as stated by the Wikipedia article on Horthy "But American trial officials declined to present charges against Horthy, a kindness that may have been the result of the influence in Washington of Horthy's admirer, the former ambassador John Montgomery." In other words, if we recall the geopolitical context - Horthy's strong anti-communist record was enough for the U.S. and others to turn a blind eye to his overt support of racist facists like Hitler, and the genocidal activities he endorsed and supported in regions under his control.

While under arrest, he made appearances at trials in which he helped convict others, but during which he was never required to testify. After his release from the Nuremberg prison, in December 1945, Horthy was supported by John Montgomery, Pope Pius XII and others. He could also count on admirers such as Joseph Stalin to plead for mercy on his behalf.

I would not have been aware of any of this if it weren't for the work of Aleksandar Veljic. In recent months the BBC has picked up on his work, Serbian news media and agencies are getting involved, and respected members of various Holocaust Societies in Israel and elsewhere are highlighting the importance of this book.

One thing is for sure, Veljic's work is important and explosive enough to stir up interest in atrocities that have been buried for too long. It's not just that the victims' blood cries out, it's that Horthy's reputation has been laundered, that his memoirs have been published in several languages, and that statues of Horthy are on display in his honor, and that schoolchildren in Hungary and elsewhere are reading stories about his role as a heroic leader, with no idea that in other ways he was a very evil man.

The facts, for example, that he was the first anti-Semitic European Leader, and that he had close ties to Hitler, who admired him during Hitler's own ascent to power, need to be surfaced, examined, and judged. Not to mention his record of endorsing genocidal atrocities.

This book is destined to cause a re-examination of those facts.

Congratulations to Aleksandar Veljic for his diligence and fortitude, in the face of opposition, with no resources and very, very little official support, on having created a work of original history that is destined to be cited in every subsequent work on this and related subjects, of which we can be sure there will be many.

Wade Fransson
Managing Partner
Something Or Other Publishing, LLC