There is an online edition of the latest Journal that you can download as a pdf. There is a lot of controversy still boiling around over the canon of the Bible, what belongs, what doesn't. There is a long article about women speaking in church that has some really interesting points.
Most of it is just typical COG articles of interest. The thing that strikes me as kind of weird are the numerous paid advertisements from various COG ministers and members who write about some of the stupidest things. The World Trade Center was an inside job, Illuminati silliness and more. I also find it interesting that this kind of garbage makes it, yet Douglas had his article kicked back when he struck at the nerve of Armstrongism by debunking British Israelism. That old apple cart can't be upset still, after 70 some years.
One crazy guy caught my attention so I thought I would check out his web site. Below are just a few of the absurd things he preaches. His name is Jan Young and below are just a few comments from a single days entry on March 10, 2012. There are hundreds of other tidbits in that day's entry that are not even quoted here. Conspiracy nut jobs will salivate at this morons web site.
The number 666 and All-Seeing-Eye are embedded in some movies and on TV. They are seen easily in plain sight, or slightly off the focus area, or only noticeable subconsciously.
There are 3 city-states: Vatican City (spiritual), “The City” in London (finance), and Washington DC (military, forces regime change)–the 3 parts of the All-Seeing-Eye triangle. Each with an Egyptian style obelisk for god Ra.
Just 6 months before 911 the (Larry) Silverstein Group bought the WTC for $3.2 billion, yet was to pay $200 million in renovations including asbestos removal. In court after 911 it was awarded billions so profited greatly. Larry increased insurance against terrorism weeks before 911. Marvin Bush, George’s brother, was head of security at WTC until just before 911–another coincidence?
Mostly non-ethnic Jews died in the Holocaust, not racially of Judah. Real Jews in Denmark and elsewhere escaped.
The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing created a 3.0 Richter scale signal, but only buried explosives could do that. Blasts above ground dissipate upward due to least resistance so there is little earth moving. The 3.0 corresponds to 100 tons of TNT (really a nuke blast?) buried deep under ground causing a crater, 60% of the blast going upwards. Not 2 tons of cheap fertilizer explosives. The blast collapsed or damaged 324 buildings.
Why else would Timothy McVeigh be indicted for WMD using a fertilizer bomb? A nuclear bomb produces an EMP frying all electronics in the area, and that happened.
Viet Nam war was for drugs of the Golden Triangle. US troops shipped home in body bags had drugs inside. Those alive became addicted and spread the habit in the US. Those in the military who protested were eliminated. War dissidents in the US were disrupted with ELF or microwaves used to make them crazy, slated for insane asylums and not believed.
Jonestown cult suicides were really CIA mind control victims with various mind control drugs evidenced by needle marks on the bodies, staged as suicides. Church of Satan founder LeVay worked for the CIA.
The logo for Time Warner Inc. is a variation on the Eye of Horus…Gradually, we’re are all being inducted into Satanism.”
“The Illuminati intermarry with other generational Satanists. It’s no coincidence that Chelsea Clinton married a Jewish investment banker, while Karenna Gore married the grandson of one.”
Freemasonry and the religion of most Jews is based on the Cabala, not the Bible. Copying the Skull and Bones Club, the Boule recruits top Blacks as civil rights activists to prepare to rule. Like other secret societies, they bond in sexual perversions.Several people told of sexual abuses at Bohemian Grove for top male leaders, and that the ritual of a burned sacrifice of a real child does take place there, as many had suspected.
That top Freemasons sacrifice children 8 times a year on their high days, even tens of thousands of children. She gave details of their perversions, including bestiality. “She said 80-90% of the House of Representatives and 100% of the Senate belong to the Illuminati.”
Freemasonry has Infiltrated the Boy Scouts. The OA was founded in 1915 by two 32° Masons and the rituals are patterned on Masonic rituals…These rituals–which include a blood covenant are being conferred upon innocent Boy Scouts…(This info) comes from a scout who has experienced demonic spiritual manifestations after his initiation into OA
MI6 planted a nuclear bomb to cause the Dec. 26, 2004 Tsunami. “Indonesian Intelligences were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims.”
Many Jewish prayers are said in Yiddish, as Bar Mitzvahs The young involved do not understand what they say and actually invoke demons in their rituals. Judaism is Lucifer worship.
Armstrongism want its self to be taken seriously by the world as a legitimate church. How can anyone with an intelligent brain ever claim they are when this is the kind of stuff that is passed off as truth in COG publications?
You can read this edition of The Journal here: The Journal, Issue 148 - February 2012