Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Some After Easter Fun With The Silent Monks

Are You Having Intercourse With The World?

Dan Cafeo, of the Church of God In Training splinter cult, thinks that when you educate yourself by higher education or by reading books by non converted COG members you are fornicating with the world.  Looking around my den right now with it's bookshelves filled with hundreds and hundreds of books, I must have been a busy guy!  I do have to say it has been quit pleasurable! Delightful too!

Another reason that false doctrines are spreading in the Church of God is because of intellectualism—which is a mind-eroding cancer! I’ve seen “ministers” walk up to the pulpit with a stack of books and commentaries, in an attempt to show how “learned” and “scholarly” they are. Yet they had no understanding whatsoever. These books and commentaries have no place in the true Church of God. Reading and preaching from them constitutes having intercourse with the world! God gave us books—contained in the Bible—and we don’t need any other!
All of this worldly intercourse has blinded them from understanding what love is. And how great God is.

Say what????????  The images that come to mind that I could use here to mock this moron would surely offend some, so I won't.

Besides being pissed off at books this guy is also pissed off at Richard Ames from Living Church of God.

Now, this letter was inspired by a terrible, false doctrine being taught by an evangelist in one of the larger church groups, Mr. Richard Ames. He is teaching that “God’s love is unconditional.” This is totally false! Nowhere does the bible teach that God’s love is unconditional. If you can find it (and you’re not just “reading into it”) then contact me, I want to know.

There is a lot of what Richard Ames preaches that I feel is not right, but if he is actually saying this then he has scored some points.

So how does this guy PROVE that Ames is wrong?  By showing how God kicked Satan's butt out of heaven:

If you believe that God’s love is unconditional, then consider this: what happened when Lucifer—the epitome of God’s creation—decided to rebel? This bright, beautiful, created being decided to attempt a hostile takeover in heaven, but what happened? God kicked him out of heaven so fast, that Christ said it was like lightning! (Luke 10:18) How long did it take for God to kick him out? Did God give him a “time out” in the corner, like so many parents do today? No, He dispatched Michael to immediately cast Lucifer (Satan) out of heaven and down to earth! (Rev 12:7-9). 

Where was the “unconditional love”? Did God say, “I’ll love you unconditionally, Lucifer, no matter what you do.”? NO! He said, essentially, KICK HIM STRAIGHT OUT OF HERE! 

Can you find “unconditional love” anywhere in the bible regarding that event? I don’t think so

Satan always seems to be the gold standard for proof-texting in Armstrongism.  He is surely one powerful dude, while Jesus Christ and God are impotent because they lost their gospel for 1,900 years.

Richard Ames has also sinned in another area that has ticked off this guy:

I’ve also heard false teaching regarding our prayers. This same evangelist is teaching that we ought to pray for the world, namely world leaders and heads of state. He tried to use Matthew 5:43-48, where Christ commanded us to pray for those who hate, persecute and use us. But this command clearly refers to individuals who persecute us directly on a personal level, not some distant stranger in a high office. 

Brethren, God is the one who is orchestrating His plan on earth. He is the conductor. We are instructed to submit and honor those in authority in this world, because God has placed them in their office of responsibility. (1 Pet 2:13-25). But the Bible does not instruct us anywhere to pray for world leaders. Furthermore, Christ Himself said that He did not pray for the world, but only for those whom God has called (John 17:9). He set the example.

Words fail me.

Apostate Apostle Still Predicting Tribulation By End Of This Year

Apostate apostle Malm is again predicting that the current pope may die and be replaced by another who will the final false propeht who brings about the tribulation.  If you have any fantasy trips abroad you had better do it within the next few months because by the end of the year you will be up the creek without a paddle.

When the final false prophet is set up, he will have a maximum of 1,335 days;  Therefore if he is set up in the autumn we will know that the resurrection will be in the spring; and if he is set up in the spring we shall know that I am wrong and the resurrection shall take place in the fall.
While it is not certain; it is highly likely that this abomination will be set up later this year and that the tribulation will begin towards the end of this year.

This is how the Apostate apostle sees it happening:

The Pope is now finalizing plans for a tour of the Middle East this fall. 
The announcement of the first city has now been made and other cities are to be announced soon. 
I point out that if this pope should die before then:   These things are big events and the trip would not be cancelled;  only temporarily delayed for a couple of months.
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict will visit Lebanon for three days in September at the invitation of religious leaders and the Lebanese government, the Vatican said on Sunday.
A brief statement said the trip, the pope’s second this year, will take place on Sept. 14-16.
These threads are beginning to converge on a regional war very soon; and a possible Papal visit to the Holy Place near the end Nov, beginning of Dec.  IF this present schedule is slightly delayed.