The apostate apostle is continuing to hyperventilate over the two sermons given this past weekend in United Church of God services by Bill Eddington and Roy Holiday. Malm is basically equating these two sermons as the equivalent of setting up the abomination of desolation in the church.
Malm starts right out of the gate by spitting that they use the NIV Bible as their translation of choice. According to apostate Malm this Bible version is a new age, demonic inspired translation in league with Madam Blavatsky.
He then moves on to start reaming Bill Eddington. Apostate Malm is still jumping to the conclusion that Bill Eddington fainted after the sermon because of the sermon topic, which Eddington never wanted to preach in the first place. Evidence of which apostate Malm has none.One of the notable things about these tow talks is that BOTH speakers relied on the fraudulent evangelical translations produced by the evangelical movement to justify their doctrines and positions. They also relied on Commentaries produced by unconverted evangelicals.
Bill himself was obviously highly stressed and immediately after the sermon collapsed into a fait requiring medical attention. Clearly he was uncomfortable with the deception by half truths, that has was asked to perform.
Malm continues on:
Declaring that much existing doctrine is wrong and needs to be corrected: this is true, however the direction they want to go is even more wrong.declaring that Christ wants us to teach a false gospel about uniting men with one another; instead of the Gospel of warning, repentance and the internalizing of God’s mind, nature, spirit and works within ourselves, through the diligent keeping of all the commandments of God: which Jesus Christ COMMANDED us to preach.
Malm feels that all of the men currently leading UCG were Tkach lackeys for the time they remained in WCG before they jumped ship to UCG. He also believes that all of the men left in UCG are of the same mindset that Tkach Sr. held and want to change UCG doctrine to fit what Tkach Sr. brought.For those with eyes to see: the references to the mistakes of HWA and his WCG, with no mention whatsoever of how wrong the Tkach transitional teachings were and are, is a dead giveaway that they are moving to correct the teachings of the HWA WCG and moving towards the evangelical fold.
When they announce that they must learn and correct the mistakes of HWA, and then announce that they are moving to a new beginning in Christ for UCG. They are saying the lie that HWA was not Christ centered!
That much they have right, if that is what they actually believe. HWA was "law centered" and nothing beyond that. Every doctrine of the church was law based instead of grace based.
Malm is upset that UCG wants unity on the church to be centered around
Malm cannot stand that fact that grace is unmerited and that there is nothing anyone needs to do to receive it. According to Malm grace only comes when you have been beaten over the head with the law and are groveling on the floor for mercy. Sack cloth and ashes are not even enough to gain God's grace if you do not keep all 613 elements of the law.In fact, this message was all about love and organizational unity and nothing was said about the way to achieve that unity! Which is to be built on the foundation of true repentance and the diligent obeying the law of God. Indeed he implied that grace unites us with God and the commandments are entirely minimized or ignored.
Then Malm goes on to accuse them of this, which is actually true:
In fact grace is only applied to the repentant who commit to: sin no more. Grace covers past sins repented of and reconciles us to God, but it does not KEEP us in unity with God. To remain reconciled with God, we must remove and root out the sin that separates us from God.
They have reset the minds of the congregations to accept this false teaching; that it is grace and the resurrection of Christ, and his life that reconciles us to God, and keeps us reconciled. And that we need do nothing on our own except have love for one another to remain in Christ and reconciled to the Father.
All of the above was just the lead in to picking apart Eddington's sermon. Malm continues on:
He says that RCG/WCG were filled with mistakes in teachings and actions and they need to be changed. Then he mentions the split with COGWA and declares that this is an opportunity to make a clean break from the past teachings of HWA and to go forward as a changed organization.
If that's true, which I really doubt, then I say hallelujah! It's about time! But, I will not hold my breath on this.
He clearly states that the UCG now has a different spirit from the past, produced over the last 12 months in particular.
Eddington is right. Now that the legalistic pimps of the law have moved over to their new regime in COGWA, UCG obviously will have a different spirit. The angry legalists are gone!
He quotes 2 Cor 5:17 as justifying the changes and presenting UCG as a new entity in its core attitude and goals or mission. He implies that UCG was not in Christ in the past, and is now changed to become new in Christ.
He is very clearly saying that they were NOT in Christ in the past! He is saying that HWA and the other organizations based on his teachings are NOT in Christ. Of course they are making mistakes, but this man is declaring them unconverted and NOT in Christ; because they at least make a pretense of KEEPING God’s commandments.
Therefore he is saying that the keeping of the commandments is not important and is contrary to Christ. Which is an absolute LIE and a COMPLETE PERVERSION of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
He then says that we are on the threshold of a new organization which is based on the love of Christ! Based on an emotional cotton candy false love without any foundation, that looks good, tastes good; and has no substance, bringing only a spiritual belly ache, rottenness and ultimate destruction!
Bill then says that Christ settled the relationship between God and man by forgiving sin; and that the gospel is for man to do the work of Christ by settling our relationships with each other and forgiving one another tolerating sin; totally perverting the Gospel that Christ commanded that we teach.
That last paraphrase by Malm sends him off the deep end and he starts shouting:
According to apostate Malm the gospel message thatNO, NO, NO! That is NOT the Gospel. The Gospel is the message of warning and repentance and instruction to keep all the commandments of God! The Gospel is that we are to become the children of God by internalizing his nature, mind and spirit through the diligent keeping of all the commandments of God.
This scripture is also not talking about an evangelical false lovey dovey Christ either; it is talking about a Christ who is filled with zeal for his Father's temple; a Christ who will not hesitate to spew the sinner out of the temple, out of his body, and into great tribulation.
Jesus Christ is NOT some pansy pushover who will wink at every unrepentant sin and gush about how terrible it was that the devil made us do something. NO, NO, NO! Jesus Christ is a God of personal responsibility; and he will destroy all unrepentant compromisers and sinners in Gehenna.
Doesn't that war mongering "christ" make you want to drop your NIV translation and run to Malm's arms? What a welcoming god Malm follows.
Apostate Malm then says this is what he follows
My Christ is a great man who threw the wicked OUT of his Father's house; who destroyed the Egyptian first born and then the army of Egypt in the sea. He is a mighty God and Great King, a jealous husband who wants his bride to be united with him and his Father totally as one; in mind, spirit, attitude and ACTIONS; through a passionate love for God and a true zeal for his commandments.
You can read the rest of Malm's silliness here: Bill Eddington announces UCG becoming a NEW organization