Rod says:
Even though it may not be the “popular” or the “politically correct” thing to do, I am commanded by the Creator God to correct when necessary and to exhort you to do better. For God Almighty commands His faithful ministers: “Cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins” (Isaiah 58:1).
Rod is ready to SPANK the world, particularly the United States for their backsliding, multicultural ways. Of course this is done out of "love."
So how can I genuinely help you the most? Going beyond what we normally do in these letters in telling you about the ongoing fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the growth of this powerful Work of faith, I now want to warn every one of you dear co-workers, in love, about one of the most dangerous and pernicious attitudes now permeating our entire society. This attitude will undermine and simply destroy your relationship with God if you get into it. Please think deeply about this quotation I have used in the past in articles and letters. As U.S. News & World Report pointed out a few years ago: “More than three-fourths of Americans call the nation’s religious diversity a source of strength…. Meanwhile, more than 3 in 4 Americans believe all religions have at least some elements of truth—even though few say they know much about religions other than their own. And nearly 70 percent think spiritual experiences are the most important part of religion. ‘If one’s religion is more about individual identity than doctrine or creed, it’s a lot easier to be tolerant,’ says Egon Mayer, a sociologist at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Gallup says that the high degree of religious tolerance reflects, in part, ‘not only a lack of knowledge of other religions but an ignorance of one’s own faith.’ In some polls, he says, ‘you have Christians saying, “Yes, Jesus is the only way” and also, “Yes, there are many paths to God.” It’s not that Americans don’t believe anything; they believe everything.’”
Is this the same "love" that conspired behind WCG's back as they were defending Rod in court for his big flapping mouth? Is this the same "love" that led Rod to start Global Church of God and move into it with full salary after being fired by WCG? Is this the same "love" that stabbed Raymond McNair in the back as he took all the money and most of Global's members and formed Living Church of God? If it is, forgive me for not wanting to have any part of Rod's "love."
I also have to wonder why since Armstrongism considers all Christians to be fake and their churches fraudulent, why is he so concerned about what they believe?
My dear brethren and co-workers, this attitude is certainly pervasive in the approach of millions of Americans. For they increasingly believe different “bits and pieces” of various religions and philosophies. Also, because of the almost total confusion in religion today, other millions are completely “giving up” and turning to atheism—completely denying the existence of God Himself! People are really confused as they “cobble” together, “their own” form of religion. However, extremely few people in the United States, Canada, the UK or Australia take with total seriousness the real God of the Bible. Somehow, they are not willing to surrender their will to the genuine Higher Power who created them and gave them life and breath. They are often quick to say, “Here is the way I look at it!”Rod writes, "...because of the almost total confusion in religion today, other millions are completely “giving up” and turning to atheism..." I think Rod's need to look at his own confused group and the 700 some confused Churches of God, before he stats casting stones at Christianity and other religions. The Church of God is just as screwed up as the groups he disses. Look at the countless people from the Church of God that have turned to atheism because of the blatant hypocrisy and weird teachings of its leaders, including Rod Meredith!
Ron continues:
In all respect, do you really think that the great God—the Creator of heaven and earth, the God who gives you life and breath—is very concerned about the millions of differing “opinions” that we puny, mixed-up human beings have about the ultimate purpose of life?
If you are a follower of Jesus, then there is only one answer to the question Rod apparently does not know the answer to. God cared enough about all the different opinions to send Jesus. But you cant expect many in Armstongism to ever grasp that concept because they can't even talk about the guy.
Yet, in our supposedly sophisticated society, we now increasingly “water down” and virtually do away with almost everything the real Jesus Christ of the Bible taught, stood for and lived for as He set us an example that we should “follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21). Although we often have clever arguments to justify our conduct, we manage to regularly break nearly all of God’s Ten Commandments! This attitude reached an all-time high recently when the very President of the United States publically stated that he now approves of the idea of “men marrying men”!
Ah, sex. I knew I would not have to wait long for Rod to start talking about sex. Even better, Rod gets into gay sex, his FAAAAAAVORITE subject.
Again I say, before Rod starts casting his stones and going into orgasmic ecstasy at the the mere thought of his god beating the shit out of this world. The Church of God leaders want to see the world around them punished. When they start shouting about it their voices start rising and bodies start shaking. They need this to happen in order to legitimize all their beliefs.
Rod ends with:
Indeed, the watered-down “form” of godliness now permeating our nation always leads to “denying” the real power or the authority of the living God. The Word of God reveals that—in this final age or “era” of His Church and of this earth’s civilization—the spirit of “Laodicea” will prevail. Here is how God Himself describes the Laodicean attitude: “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16). Even most supposedly religious people very seldom get truly inspired or “on fire” for God and His Word.
Why would anyone want to follow Rod and his god? It offers no hope. How can a person have hope when all they hear about is an angry vengeful god that is so incredibly eager for blood lust that he is going to destroy most of humanity so a tiny remnant parked on their self righteous asses in Petra can become Kings and Priests. Why would anyone want to follow that?