Wednesday, November 14, 2012

False Teachings and Division Disrupting Apostle Malm's Group

Apostle Malm recently had a man start a Facebook page for those loyal acolytes who were afraid to publicly write comments on his main blog.  Malm claims he did not participate on it or have anything to do with it's content.

Things went along rather well for the loyal acolytes who had a common interest.  Then, Satan sent his demons to start infiltrating the Facebook site with "tares."

The Apostle writes:

OUR FACEBOOK SITE ANNOUNCEMENT:   A few months ago one person volunteered to set up a private FB site for LIKEMINDED persons. Since that time a number of tares have slipped in who are NOT of LIKEMIND.

It has taken some time to identify most of them and in the interim the matter was dealt with by deleting obvious false doctrinal posts.  When such nonsense posts were deleted the individuals often reacted by personally attacking the moderator.  Eventually the false sheep more or less took over the posting and many of the good people just sat back and observed.

This has come to the point where the FB Group has been dissolved.

Since the dissolution of the FB Groups several spin offs have begun; many now without a moderator and being totally open to false doctrine including such things as sacred names and their false teachings.

At first when the moderator decided to close the group down I objected, but it was his group and I had no part in it [I was not even a member].  Now that I understand what was going on; I do NOT endorse any of these new groups and I fully concur with the dissolution of the FB Group.

If we set aside our disappointment for a moment this in microcosm is exactly what has happened to the Church of God.  Satan has slipped in his tares and they have taken over and led very many of the brethren astray.

Crackpot leaders tend to draw crack pot followers. The  apostle obviously got a dose of his own medicine and he did not like it. Preachy people with strong viewpoints are not allowed.

In usual Church of God fashion, the apostle blames all of this on Satan and that it is a "test" to weed out the tares.

Why then do we give the working of our salvation to others?  Blindly following men and not questioning, checking up. or proving them from the scriptures.

Do we not realize that Satan has a plan to lead the whole congregation astray with his tares, and will sow the most talented and ambitious of men to gain eldership and leadership among us?

Are we not aware of our own history how in almost every generation the tares rise to the top and begin to lead us astray and there is a split?  This is a continual process throughout many generations, ans why?  Is it not because God is TESTING his faithful and teaching us to trust in him alone?

It's your damn fault because you are weak in the faith and are not able to hold up apostle Malm's arms in this mighty ministry!  REPENT!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! No New Moon/No Bible Study Tonight!!!!! Whew!

You can rest easy tonight as you are not required to have a Bible Study in honor of Malm's new moon god.  The moon watchers in Jerusalem did not see the new moon rise, so you are free one more night to be a heathen.

You had better be ready though on Thursday to have a new moon festival and follow a prescribed ritual in study.  You need that dude Christ to intervene on your behalf to an obviously angry god who is not going to listen to your prayers otherwise.  Wimpy Jesus doesn't have the power to help you.

Apostle Malm writes:
ANNOUNCEMENT:   The new moon was not seen this evening.  It will definitely be easily visible tomorrow evening in Jerusalem making Friday the first day of the ninth biblical month.

We are commanded to “Worship God” on the new moons and the most appropriate way at this time is by having a formal Bible Study; with like minded persons if possible.  By formal I mean in the presence of Christ by seeking his presence in prayer to the Father to open the meeting.

Remember that assembling with anyone just for the sake of assembling with people is wrong.  We are to assemble with Christ and the Father and they come FIRST; followed by others who are are like minded in faithfulness to Christ and the Father.

Ron Weinland Off To Jail For 3 1/2 Years With Big Bubba

I just love it when the courts get all Biblical on Weinland.  3 1/2 years jail time, a time of intense persecution or a time of safety and final training.  Let's see how the spiritual deviate spins this one!

Mike is reporting the following on his blog.

District Judge Danny Reeves pronounced sentence on False Prophet Ronald Weinland this morning:
  • A sentence of 42 months
  • Followed by 3 years of supervised release
  • A fine of $7,500
  • Restitution in the amount of the criminal tax loss, approximately $245,000