Monday, December 3, 2012

UCG Members Told To Fast That Earthy, Sensual, Demonic Influences Stay Away From Upcoming Conference

UCG has a conference coming up.  Robin Webber has laid out the agenda for the meeting and has this to say.  Notice that Jesus Christ is not the focus of their conference. Jesus Christ once again is not to be found. Grace is not to be discussed.  The list could go on and on. 

Instead UCG is focused upon the negative.  Evil is out to destroy UCG.  God is an impotent wuss that cannot keep UCG safe.

If UCG were really grace focused and were believers in the Jesus Christ they claim to follow, then they would not need to be sitting around for several days worry about envy, lies, or earthy sensual demonic influences.

We are humbled by the task set before us. More than ever, we are in need of God’s grace, mercy and direction on all our lives. Since my recent selection as chairman, my eyes have more than once visited the admonition found in James 3:13-18: “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

Will you please pray for us towards this end? If you can set aside time to fast this coming week, before the upcoming meetings, that would truly be meaningful. We sincerely seek Almighty God’s direction and not our own. On behalf of the Council and Administration, I implore you as your brother in Christ. As you bow your heads before our Heavenly Father, we will surrender our hearts, roll up our sleeves, and get on with the work.

I had to laugh at that last line.  This is the same thing they have been saying for decades.  They said this same thing while part of WCG as they connived and manipulated in the background while in WCG's employ.  They said it while they were rupturing into COGWA two years ago. 

That last line has never worked because not a single one of them actually believe it!  They have no idea on how to surrender their hearts. They have never worked an honest days labor in their lives where they had to dirty their fingernails or strain some muscles.  More importantly, they have never accomplished a "work."

Malm Asks: Can A Mad Man With A Nuclear Bomb Cause An Earthquake?

The inner workings of a brain entrenched in Armstrongite mythology is an interesting thing.  It is capable of all kinds of wild scenarios whether it be with prophecy or every day life.  Satan and mad men reign supreme.  God's people are in danger of everything.  Jesus Christ is not capable of helping them. It's a cruel wicked world out there and the brethren need mighty men to warn them of the dangers.

Apostle Malm has a post up today about American earthquakes. Its about the New Madrid quake zone and the San Andreas fault zone.  Both are areas that scientists have regularly said will experience  massive earthquakes.  It could be today or decades down the line.

Malm writes:

A major earthquake of 8 – 9 is expected in the relatively near future, and if pressure continues to build could be of even greater power.

The scripture warns us that at the end time earthquakes will increase in number and intensity and Revelation warned of some truly massive events.

When our nations are rejected by Christ and the blessings promised to our forefathers are withdrawn and the final false prophet is set up;  could the opening events of our tribulation include such a major earthquake that would send the US back a century into a third world condition?

Even worse, could such an earthquake be accompanied by the expected massive “Big One” on the west coast? Aand perhaps more hurricanes?

Such events, accompanied by a cyber attack which wipes out the remaining financial, transportation, security, etc, etc systems, would bring the nation crashing back to the dark ages, with a starving population becoming susceptible to disease.

The apostle then ends his fearful article with this comment:

One more question:  Apart from the natural or from God; could a very smart fellow, perhaps with spirit guidance; explode a weapon at the right spot to trigger a massive earthquake?

Malm, Thiel, Flurry, Pack and all the rest of the whack doodle ministers in charge of the splinter cults live in a world of fear.  Fear drives their organizations.  Fear causes members to be afraid. Fear brings the money in.

United Church of God: Income Continues Downward Spiral

Things are not rosy in the disUnited Church of God.  What was once seen as Armstrongism's best hope, has turned into a ruptured and fragmented irrelevant sect with an expensive office building complex and an infrastructure it is struggling to support.  The income level has dropped so dramatically that the new UCG Chairman, Robin Webber has sent out a pleading letter to the membership for more money.  Typical of Armstrongism, this is another letter letting the membership know that they should be sending in extra money because UCG is the greatest thing on earth.

UCG members got to experience the Feast at official UCG sites around the world.  These sites were funded, in part, by money from the Home Office.  Ministers sent by HQ preached at these sites and the membership should not forget that!  You experienced a great Feast because of UCG. Plus, since we are all one big happy family, you should be more than willing to open up your wallet.

Webber writes:

We have some very important matters to discus with you in this letter.

But first, we hope you had a very inspiring Feast of Tabernacles. As you will see in the November United News, we had an encouraging increase in attendance over last year. Many members commented to us about the peace, unity, and harmony they experienced–and we are very thankful to God for that.

This years Feast sermon video was titled,”Fitly Framed Together”. Our vision mirrors God’s desire of a Church led by His Holy Spirit, joined and knit together by what every member supplies, with all doing their share,and growing in love to fulfill God’s great purpose for humanity–to bring many children to glory (Eph. 4:16, Heb. 2:10)”
Now that Webber has the positive  back patting comments done with it is time to get to the meat of the letter.  Money!

But now we have a special request. As you may have heard, we recently asked all employees and ministers to cut back expenses from their already lean budgets. This was so we can continue to direct our God-given resources to to proclaiming the gospel and serving you.

Please remember brethren, our ministers are sacrificing their lives for YOUR benefit and it is YOUR duty to support them!  Our hard working employees are doing God's work in the world and they need your financial support too!  We are working sooooooooo hard.  Just look at us!

And that’s why today we’re asking you to make a special offering. Since the unnecessary upheaval of a couple years ago we have been tapping into our modest financial reserves to fund our gospel outreach, provide congregational care, and sustain important Church programs like our youth camps. The Churches income has been stable and we deeply thank you for your continued commitment and dedication. But we must find ways to cut expenses and raise income if we are to effectively continue the work of God.

Brethren, because you are withholding money, we are going to have to eliminate the youth camps!  It's all your fault.  If you would only give more money we would not have to hurt the children.  It will be on your shoulders when little Johnny is told that the summer camps have been done away with causing him to run off and join a gang.

The UCG membership are already funding the high lifestyles of the minister and Council of Elders.  These are "kept" men.  Men who have never worked an honest days worth of manual labor like the membership have been struggling within this economy.  High food prices, high gas prices, sky rocketing utilities, rising health care costs, and a failed economy, have hit the general membership hard.  The ministers not so much. They still make their full salaries. Not a single one has offer to take a large pay cut in order to save the summer camps.

If Webber and the rest of the Council want the members to step up to the plate then let the Council make the first move.  Take large pay cuts!  Reduce your income for the first time in your lives.  Get a real job.  Be MEN for once.  When will the COG 99% stop funding the 1% in the hierarchy?