The false prophet is still relying heavily upon "pagan" sources for his prophecies. He has a particular obsession with Catholic "prophecies" by Malachy and Fatima.
Like any good COG member he considers the Catholic Church be the seat of Satan which will provide the home base for the Anti-Christ that Thiel sees soon arising to torture and persecute his little personality cult.
Thiel says in his magazine that Satan picked the new Pope.
It would seem that one reason that the Malachy list hasA certain accuracy is that Satan and/or his demons haveinfluenced papal elections.The Bible refers to Satan as “god of this world”(2 Corinthians 4:4, KJV) and “the prince of thePower of the air, the spirit who now works in theSons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2).Thus, Satanic influence with the Church of RomeIs something that should be expected.Whether Satan influenced this election to put the finalAntichrist in power now or to set the stage up for him tocome into power later is not clear as I write this. But I dobelieve that Satan influenced this last papal election.