Monday, April 22, 2013

LCG's Wyatt Ciesielka: Gives Directions to the Place of Safety and Speaks About "... the Satanic Videos Out There, you know, I Wrote Down the Titles, you know....."

From a reader here:

Here are some fascinating quotes from a video by LCG's Wyatt Ciesielka (with approximate time at beginning of each line).  (I don't have time to listen to the entire thing to hear what he has to say about the Place of Safety.)

Directions To The Place of Safety

~time: 26:45 Rev 12:1 “….Here we have the church in the wilderness; the House of Israel. Christ is coming as a baby, and He’s going to establish the New Testament Church. The House of Israel is giving birth to the Messiah.”

~time: 47:20 (Those worthy of protection) Isa 33:14 “’….Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire; who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?’ You know, who has the character; who is able to withstand, who is able to dwell, live through the <pauses> it’s really the, um, the-the, the uh second death – the lake of fire. That’s the question, who has that character? Well, only those who are converted, only those who become spirit beings. ‘Who can dwell with everlasting fire?’ you know, looking forward to what will come. Well, the answer is only those who God has judged as being, or Christ has judged as being worthy firstfruits.”

“So now we come to verse 15 and we move back in time. ‘He who walks righteously…’ and this is a prophecy that alludes to the place of safety, but it gives characteristics of those who God counts worthy of having the right spiritual character to become firstfruits. Those who He counts worthy to be firstfruits, He also counts worthy to go to a physical place of protection.”

~time: 58:40 (concerning video games) “You parents, watch what your kids read, and play, and do. I am familiar with the video games that are out there and I wrote down a number of titles. And I’m not going to give them, so that we, you know, don’t get in trouble (snickers) for mentioning certain titles. But there are video games out there that are so violent and disgusting, I think it would shock you. I won’t even describe what the plots are and how graphic they are. And they are the top selling games. You know I’m not some old guy - grew up in the woods - doesn't now about computers, you know, doesn't own a TV, and I’m just making this up. The top selling video games are graphically violent and graphically sexually violent. And I’ll let you fill in how. And satanically graphically sexually violent. It also applies to most of the popular television shows, you know, reenacting murder, meditating on that. How does that, how does that gel with Isaiah 33:15 or Philipians 4:8?

Gerald Flurry: I Am King and Law Giver and as Such I Have the Power to Save You as You Gaze On My Beautiful Feet

Gerald Flurry has always held himself up as better than the rest of the church.  He thought he knew more than the WCG when he started rebelling against the changes and formed his own splinter cult.  It has always been about him.  The narcissism and ego-centrism of Flurry is what makes him stand out as another aberrant teacher of Armstrongism.

Here are a few bits of wisdom from the Dear Leader, a man so morally superior that he is now a King and the Official Law-Giver to the Church of God. A man so stupendous that we are to gaze at his feet an awe. Dave Pack has been seen cowering in Wadsworth because of Gerald's holy feet!

Mr. Armstrong had an intimate relationship with God too -- in a way we do not have.  Presently, I am intimate with God in a way no one else is directly; you are, however, indirectly.  This has to do with the man to whom God is giving the revelation.  God gives the revelation to a man and has the Church look to that man.  Then God holds that man very accountable.  Because it is through him and the revelation God gives him that we get to know God intimately.  [RV Sept./Oct. 2000, pg. 6]

Following God’s Man is actually following God.  [TP pg. 11p5]

The Church today will truly unify only by rallying around this throne through a man. ... There is a spiritual Throne of David in God’s Church today.  [TP pg. 12 bottom, 13p1]
God placed me into the office of a prophet.  The fruits of new prophetic revelation and a work to declare the message prove who I am.  [TP pg. 21 bottom]
In fact, “king” and “counselor” apply to the office I hold.  [TP pg. 34p1]
This prophet ... He speaks for God.  Here is a clear statement that God sends a “thus saith the Lord God” through one man – His watchman, or prophet.  The man speaks for God!  [TP pg. 43p2] 

His man, His lawgiver – that prophet. ... He can give His lawgiver something you don’t have ... God has given me that same advantage He gave Mr. Armstrong.  [TP pg. 55p2,3,6]

I didn’t receive this message from man!  I was taught it by revelation from Jesus Christ!  [TP pg. 61p1]
Remember, when God places a man in charge, He gives that individual something extra spiritually – an added power to lead God’s people.  That places him at an advantage, prompting the people to look to him.  [TP pg. 62p4] 

Like Paul, I will continue to magnify my office that I might save some. ... The ministers have to magnify this office ... God’s ministers must understand this concept deeply and lead God’s people to magnify my office – which is really God’s office.  [TP pg. 70p1,2,3]  

There is abundant rain coming from a teacher of righteousness – or that prophet. ... It says God has spoken to this man.  That does put me in a different category.  [TP pg. 110p4, 111p5]
A man must deliver this message, and cause the whole world to drink it. ... I must cause all the nations to drink this message.  [TP pg. 113 bottom, 114 top]
Think on “the feet of him” – some man ... We need to see the beautiful feet of “him” – the one bringing revelation ... God actually wants us to focus on this “him”... Not only should we see the man ... but also notice his feet. ... Look at the beautiful feet of him.  [TP pg. 117p4,6,7, 118p3]