Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Poll on How Long You Have Been Part of the COG Experience

There is a new poll in the right hand column under the flags.

How Long Was/Is Your Connection With the WCG or Related Groups?

Bob Thiel: 1974 WCG Hymnal Is Only Hymnal Approved By God and Then Makes Excuses for Video Background Noises

Poor Bob.  He has had such a difficult week.  First Dennis confronts him about his obsession with death and maiming that his god is prone to do with natural disasters.  Then Dave Pack humiliates him with his latest letter mocking all break away group leaders as UNCLEAN.  Then on top of all of that Bob has to apologize for the background noise in most of his videos that we so conveniently mock here.

First the ONLY approved songs fit for human consumption are:

Here is our suggested format for Sabbath services on May 25, 2013:

Blaming your incredibly BAD videos on poor mics or unruly guests in the room is really bad.  

We recognize, and have noticed, various problems with certain sermonette and sermon videos.  We tried another new microphone this week, which also did not work properly, so went back to an earlier one.

The sermonettes we suggest are normally posted at the Bible News Prophecy channel.  Those tend to be in the 10-20 minute range.  We have an editor for those who live over 200 miles away, and he puts in the scriptures and the opening and closing screens.  Otherwise these are not edited.  We have also made some changes as to how we video these and I believe that this will result in them becoming better over time.

Our sermons are normally posted at the ContinuingCOG channel.  These normally have had no editing.  These are sermons filmed live as given here in Arroyo Grande, California.  Because of this, audience noises are heard from time to time and we still do not have an appropriate way to totally prevent them.  In addition, there were microphone issues for  this week’s suggested sermon, and we believe we now know how to greatly reduce those particular ones.  So, as you listen to it, please realize that we believe we will have less of those issues overall in the future.

That being said, what excuse do you want to make for the crooked bookcases and door knob next to your head?  Do you sit on the floor when you make these videos?  All of them look like you are sitting on the floor as you have to look UP to the camera.  Please do something about those flailing arms and hands.  Waving a floppy KJV bible waved about is not impressive, nor is holding books and papers in front of your face while speaking.  For the sake of Herbert Armstrong quality please make some changes!!!!

Dave Pack: My God Is Ready To Strike Down Ministers Who Disagree With Me

Dave issues a veiled threat to all COG ministers who do not come over to Dave's group:

Elijah presented a stark choice to Israel, shortly before putting to death in the people’s presence the 450 prophets of Baal: “Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word” (I Kgs. 18:21). The question applies: Will you copy ancient Israel, and “answer God not a word”?

The decision that will soon face you is the same one Israel (the Old Testament type of the New Testament Church) faced over and over, and that many thousands before you have faced since Christ built His New Testament Church. God tells you He does not accept indecision—that you cannot serve two masters—that you cannot halt between two opinions. God does not permit you to “answer Him not a word.” To make no choice is to make the WRONG CHOICE!

In other words, be prepared to die!  What a self serving jackass Dave has turned into!