Friday, July 12, 2013

Davey Pack: Only I Have The Ability To Give You Eternal Life, Your Splinter Group Leaders Cannot

Davey wants the membership to know that only HE has the right to give salvation to those in his group.  Salvation cannot be found outside Packism.  Members risk their calling, as dot he ministers, if they ignore Davey.

If you want your ministry to continue, think carefully about the men you currently support. To pooh-pooh this announcement is to risk your calling. Think it through. The leaders of your organization cannot give you eternal life. They will soon be unable to even continue your employment as a pastor or associate pastor. I will reference in the final two announcements how God will deal with certain leaders. As we leave Haggai for other books and passages, the prophecy is about to grow MUCH more serious.

Davey Pack Says You Will Loose Your Eternal Life If You Refuse To Join Up With Him

The sheer arrogance of Davey just gets weirder and weirder as his article goes along.  Davey now has the authority to make you loose your salvation if you do not join up with him.

Related to this, realize that God cannot stir His Spirit in ministers and members who do not have it. Sadly, this describes many in the splinters. And it means a tremendous battle of wills may soon develop. You must be ready to help defeat the devil’s attempt to continue the status quo. Confusion and division will temporarily reign. God’s people will be unsure of what to do. Satan will attempt to deceive them about what is happening. Recognize that God’s Church—HIS Headquarters—will back you up during this difficult time. Reread John 10:11-15 to understand what is about to fall upon YOU.

Tragically, some will make the wrong decision and lose eternal life. Consider carefully your actions. Your record is being written. Judgment is now on the house of God (I Pet. 4:17). You know human beings. You know they will broadcast what happened in your pastorate. (Future announcements will explain EXACTLY what God says will happen to everyone who does not come—one of three things, none good.)

Oh goody!  I can hardly wait to see what fate Davey Pack has poured on my head for refusing to join his dumb-ass cult.  One of three things?!  Is this a multiple choice punishment?

Davey Pack: COG Ministers Have One Last Chance To Repent And Join My True Church

Davey lays it on the line for ministers in the various COG's.  Don't assume when you leader dies that you are going to waltz over to the Restored Church of God and start giving sermons.  You will be sent to RCG's reeducation camp like Dale Schurter was subjected to.  You have to repent on bended knee with trembling lips, just like Raymond Buffy McNair had to do at Rod Meredith's feet.  You will need to kiss Davey's feet and wipe his ass for many months before you are even allowed to assume any position.

God forbid if you were ordained AFTER the the COG breakup in the 1990's, you are lower that the snake that crawls on it's belly!

For those ministers that refuse to receive correction Davey's god has a special warning for you.  You are nothing more than bastards because you are illegitimate in his god's sight (Hebrews 12:7-8)

Consider this, and how it relates to your ministry today: If a minister left God’s Church in the 1960s, 70s or 80s, could he later return and immediately re-enter the ministry? Of course not! There would be a transition back into service, and only then if he had not permanently disqualified himself. Also, if someone were ordained outside God’s Church his ordination would not be accepted in the Worldwide Church of God. Why would these things be different today? Now add another factor: the man was gone from the Church for decades. If brethren must be reinstated into the Church, so must ministers into the true ministry. (Again, a series of questions later in this announcement will explain this process in more detail.)

Christ is about to bring all those with His Spirit out of the other groups. He has a plan to gather His scattered flock. But what has not yet been covered is the crucial role that YOU can play in this gathering. Before full reunification of God’s people occurs, you will have one last opportunity to repent from a degenerate spiritual condition in order to assist Christ. It will take a jolt to awaken everyone to their condition—literally worse than wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked because this describes people inside God’s Church, and they have not yet even returned. Read Hebrews 12:7-8 and remind yourself of how God describes those who will not receive correction. Soon you will either help with Christ’s regathering process, or you will hinder His work. There will be only gatherers or scatterers. (Read Christ’s words in Matthew 12:30.) When the opportunity to do the right thing presents itself, do not blow it!