Dave makes another claim that he is not a prophet. These are not his words but God's. He claims he has not interpreted anything privately into these scriptures on Haggai. But, since he is God's most highly Favored and Chosen, God is working through HIM! All of his sermons are not of his own private interpretation or things he has dreamed up. It is God's words that flow through him. It is God using and speaking through me to reveal His interpretations.
Before continuing we must also grasp something repeated from before. I am neither a prophet nor have I any self-prescribed authority to bring any prophecies. What will be shown is entirely GOD’S prophecy—from HIS WORD—explained and conveyed through the only office He ever uses to bring biblical truth to His Church (Acts 2:42; Eph. 2:20). The Bible warns that “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation” (II Pet. 1:20). But God does work through His chosen servants. In fact, He never reveals His Plan through anyone else. The many sermons I have given, including much of what you have read and will read, bring God’s interpretation of symbols and terms that He uses, not my private opinions. The reader will find that Zechariah 11 is in code. But nothing within it is complicated. Each verse has a clear explanation if we just allow the Bible—meaning GOD!—to interpret the meaning through other scriptures. The “code” it is written in becomes easily unlocked.