Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dave Pack: Maybe Only 7,000 Baptized Members Will Actually Join

7,000 new members to go through reeducation camp.

Poor Dave, he has run off at the mouth so much over the last several months that he has to back peddle on how many might actually jumping ship to his splinter group.  It has went from all the members and ex-members will come over to 7,000 people (excluding kids).

Many Old Testament passages foretell a remnant of physical Israel returning from captivity. In the Zechariah prophecy, God is going to break His staff called “Grace.” How interesting that the apostle Paul was inspired to describe the New Testament “remnant” (of Romans 11:1-5) as a “remnant according to the election of GRACE.” In addition, verse 4 points to the Old Testament account in I Kings 19. The serious reader may wish to read all of I Kings 19 for parallels in search of why God inspired Paul to use THIS ACCOUNT as a reference regarding how we do or do not listen to God, among other purposes. Recall and reread I Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4 from last week. Is Paul also telling us that 7,000 baptized members will be faithful, and added to His Church? If so, what about children in the count? Are these just the number who are “holdovers, the surviving portion” (the meaning of remnant in Haggai), from the Worldwide Church of God, with others converted later in the splinters on top of this? How do the thousands already in The Restored Church of God fit into this number—if it is to be taken as a literal number at all? I do not know the answers. I have ideas, but we will all wait to see the answers.

Dave Pack: Why Do You Want To Know Who The Three Are?

Davie has been running off at the mouth over the last several months about the three COG leaders who will soon die a horrible death, yet is not too happy that people want to know who they are.

Of course, many are eager to learn “Who are the three shepherds?” We will know soon enough. But we might ask: Which three leaders are the greatest obstructionists to God’s stated purpose in Haggai—returning HIS people to doing HIS Work? Yet again, we will watch and see.

Of course, numb-nuts really doesn't know himself, so he can't really answer the question.

Dave Pack: Back Peddles but Still Thinks His Great Reunification Will be a "COLOSSAL" Work

Yes Dave, pretty up the colossal fat pig that is RCG, but it is still a pig.

Dave thinks his church will be the COLOSSAL and will go forth on the "world skyline."  Well maybe, it depends on what his god wants to happen, if it does at all.  Back peddle again Davie, back peddle just in case nothing happens.

Next consider that God has never dealt with people or done with leaders exactly as He plans with the three shepherds. In fact, there may be other miraculous events immediately surrounding this one. A number of verses suggest this. (The case is strong.) In part it will depend on the new greater profile which God wants to use as a starting point for His Work going forward within the “world skyline.” Although it is to be immensely powerful and big before complete, the final Work of God is also foretold to be very short—and Luke 14 shows the Work will be carried out in two stages after the Haggai/“Grace” prophecy is fulfilled. The question becomes how well-known does God want His new expanded Work to be in the immediate wake of His intervention to reunify His flock. Put another way, what does God want His Church and Work to look like on the world scene?

If I were trying to palm myself off as a prophet, I would just spout a personal opinion at this point without worrying about whether I was right or wrong, or what God says. But the above question is an example of something we must wait to see. The “size”—the MAGNITUDE—of the three shepherds’ removal on the world scene will speak volumes to God’s Church and the Government within it about how rapidly God is planning a Work of great impact. Emphatically ruling out emerging “small,” will events of August catapult God’s Work to something immediately the size of “medium,” “large” or “colossal”? While I have ideas, I do not have the answer. We will wait and see together.