Friday, September 20, 2013

Bob Thiel: We Are Going Spend Eight Days Reading The Law At My Feast Sites

Bob Thiel, the non-ordained self-appointed Chief Overseer of the Continuing Ed Church of God, is waxing eloquent today about past COG feast sites he has been to, starting in the mid 70's.  At that time ten's of thousands would be attending feast sites.  Those days are looooong gone since the Worldwide Church of God  split into hundreds and hundreds of little personality cults.  The church used to mock Christianity for its many different denominations and yet Armstrongism has turned into the same thing.

Every single one of these splinter groups claim their group are the only ones keeping it properly.

Thiel, in his ever  present arrogance, make such a claim.  His group and only his group are reading ht law this feast.  There will be no talk about Jesus or anything he did and accomplished, but plenty of bull about the law.

The only Feast of Tabernacles’ sites that I am aware of that are following the biblical instruction to read the law every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles for 2013 are those of the Continuing Church of God

Are You Obsessed With HWA To The Point of Madness?

Another intelligent post by Anonymous.

Anonymous said...
The Bible, not hwa, said that the jews would return to the land of israel, but you continue to pretend that hwa said it.

You people are obsessed with hwa to the point of madness. All you can do is puppet the same cliche lines over and over.

You are not even 100 years old yet you think your point of view to be above a prophecy that foretold an actual event several thousand years in advance?

How about offering a coherent rebuttal instead of a bunch of giggles, farts and cliche insults???
September 19, 2013 at 9:24 PM
Even the mainstream media recognizes that HWA was a failed prophet, as does a large percentage of COG members/ex-members.  His prophesies failed, lain and simple.  All the cliched insults by loyalists trying to defend his reputation show how blind some people allow themselves to be.

Notice Anon makes no mention of the idolatry, giggling and farting that Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry and David C. Pack  do about HWA.  It's OK for these men to prostitute themselves to a memory that was filled with a swath of destruction that ruined tens of thousands of lives as they continue that legacy.
