Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dave Pack: Cowering In Wadsworth

God's most highly favored man-child.

 From a reader:
I think it's hilarious that Packman devoted 2 entire World To Come programs to bash Harold Camping's failed prophetic dates back in 2011, and now he's getting a taste of his own medicine after that epic fail last year- he actually thought he could get away with a rewrite of some of his earlier material as a cover-up after the blowout! Pack is now left to cower under his desk at the magnificent Hall of Administration and hasn't put out much of anything since. This couldn't have happened at a better time while he's right in the middle of building a costly and glorious monument to his own foolishness in Wadsworth.

Way to go, Dave!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Living "University" Class on "How To Lie With Statistics"

Living Church of God could not have picked a more appropriate title for a book to use at their so-called "university."  The Church of God has had a horrible reputation of using statistics to falsely present an over inflated "God inspired" work.  As one director of the Accounting Department once said, "We can make any figures mean any thing we want them to mean."  That is what the COG did for decades whether it was talking about PT subscribers, members, or income.  That is ghat the present day splinter personality cults do too, especially Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, United Church of God and Rod Meredith.  Pack and Flurry are hands down the biggest liars out there, closely followed by LCG and UCG.

Rod McNair Dares To Preach About Family Communication While Destroying Families

Here is Rod McNair; the one that gets in screaming fights with his brother at LCG HQ.  The one that says elderly people are possessed by demons.  The one who disfellowhips those who do not cowtow to his idiotic demands.  This is the man who rips families apart and then dares to speak about "family communication"...what a joke!