A comment on the Dale Schurter and David C Pack: The Love Story That Wasn't
- I have the shameful confession of being a member of the RCG for 7 years, from 2008 - 2015. I never knew Dale Schurter, but he spoke like a very genuine and nice fellow. It is easy to make jokes, but the reality is people in groups like the Restored Church of God are genuinely trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately the reality has nothing to do with members deluded perceptions. They (once me too) are held captive by their own shortcomings as a christian, i.e. lack of diligence in discerning the truth. The result is destroyed lives for members and their families.
With regard to the fish in the pond episode, the truth is stranger than anything you could make up. I remember sitting and listening to two sermons where Pack ridiculed Dale Schurter. The first one Pack was raging (for well over an hour) about the lack of Godly fear amongst the congregation and ministry and used the carp being put in the lake as an example of self willed arrogance, of complete ungodliness. Then a few weeks later Pack announced the culprit was Dale Schurter, and that Dale had early onset dimentia, and was being retired. No apology for the previous cursing of the man.
After I left the RCG in late 2015, I contacted several ex ministers, one of which had worked with Pack at 'headquarters' for over 10 years. He related how Pack had sanctioned the whole fish in the lake exercise, dragged all the staff away from their work to witness a cutsie ceremony at the lake, to witness the genious of 'Gods' natural means of controlling weeds in waterways.
Later when the fish had eaten all of the weed, the water turned muddy and became an eyesore, and unfit for 'Gods' headquarters. Pack now claiming complete ignorance of the ungodly act undertaken in secret by a lone perpetrator, sought a scape goat. He did so in a public and vicious manner.
Pack is simply insane, and most likely demon possessed, so his conduct is not that surprising. To me the most sickening part of this element of the RCG story, is that the whole drama was watched by dozens of 'true' christians who thought it more righteous to see an innocent man humiliated in front of the entire 'world wide' congregation, and allow an open and public lie to go unchecked, than to obey any essence of christianity or common decency.
Pack is the definition of high level narcissistic personality disorder. The 'fish in the lake' is the very tip of the iceberg concerning Pack.