Can the leadership of the Living Church of God EVER say anything positive to the membership without denigrating them, week after week? Once more, LCG members are doing things wrong. It is never the overlords in Charlotte who seek to make life so difficult, but it is the back-sliding members.
Brethren usually follow by example. When they see the ministry being truly loving and grace-filled, people respond enthusiastically, when they see ministers acting like stupid jerks, they start ignoring the ministry and criticize it. Truly, when has the ministry every led by the right example?
Do You Love Your Neighbor? Jesus commanded His disciples to love one another, and He stated that the capacity to show love for one another would be a sign that would identify His truedisciples (John 13:34-35). This command from Jesus takes on even more meaning when we realize that this instruction was given at the Passover—the last meal the disciples would have with Jesus until after His crucifixion—and in light of the fact that the disciples had actually been arguing among themselves at that dinner about who would be the greatest in the Kingdom of God (Luke 22:24). Regrettably, these same attitudes of strife and competition are still with us today, even within the Church, the body of Jesus Christ. According to the Scriptures, if we profess to be Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, but continue to hate (offend, despise, argue with, talk against, or be jealous of) our brothers and sisters in the faith, we are deceiving ourselves and actually walking in darkness (1 John 2:9-11). The Spring Holy Days that we have just completed are designed to help us identify and root out these wrong and sinful attitudes so we can more faithfully follow Jesus’ instructions to love our neighbors. Let’s strive to live up to this commandment in the days and months ahead.Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail