Friday, May 26, 2017

Gerald Flurry, Apostle/Prophet/Martyr, and His Personal Family Jet...UPDATE

It looks like Gerald Flurry and Lil'Stevie got a burr up their butt's recently when it was discovered that people could track their personal flights with their new jet.

They have now changed the FAA Registry number of the jet to a new ID number:

They have also disabled anyone tracking their movements around the country as they fly grandkids to their Irish dance competitions.

Apostles and prophets in the Church of God must NEVER be accountable to their members, now should they?  We must never assume that self-appointed church leaders would use these jets for their own personal jaunts around the country, now should we?

After all, prophets, apostles, and martyrs all need to fly in a clean breathable atmosphere so that those dirty nasty germs of the unwashed heathen masses might never enter their nostrils.

Oh, the joy of using hard-earned tithe money to buy what you want for your own personal extravagance.


As Income Plummets 25% Gerald Flurry Set to Buy Jet Plane So Stevie and His Kids Can Fly In Luxury

Gerald Flurry Follows in HWA's Steps and Buys Gulfstream G450 Jet


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dave Pack: Lay Members Are Too Stupid To Understand What I Explain To The Ministers

The hierarchical ranking in the Restored Church of God places the members at the bottom of the poop pole where they receive the dregs of Dave's superfantabulous revelations.  Ministers receive deeper knowledge than the students.  The students receive deeper knowledge than the lay members who are not educated enough to understand.  His church literature is basic and rudimentary for the lower masses.

Apparently, Dave's god mind-streams his messages to him.  He says that his god does not expect him to think.  Well, that is rather obvious!

I told you a few weeks ago, or many months ago, really, in this series, that there were different ways that we bring knowledge to the Church. And I chose to bring the in-depth kind of knowledge to the Church—so, it’s why we’re at Part 59—more like you’d talk to ministers, which is even above what you talk to students, and way beyond what do you talk to lay members about. And of course, the literature is really basic and rudimentary when you’re teaching the truth to the world. But you’re getting almost…you’re getting graduate level detail here. And so, I’m explaining all of these different things at a level that we never understood in the time…in the past. But as God’s showing them to me…I’m constructed in such a way, I’m not going to sit…bottle it all up. Surely, God didn’t expect me to think…No one would ever think that increasing knowledge is so that one man can go around with a head full of it, or maybe half of it he dispenses; the other half he doesn’t.

Dave Pack: In His First Kingdom "The women are in the background. The world is not ready to see you ladies..."

The curse of Eve, always behind the man/boys of the Restored Church of God

Now, it’s interesting. The women are not mentioned yet. This does mean males…This is not salvation, where the women have the same power as men. That could be just a few months out. There’ll be no difference. Salvation for women; come to awesome power and authority, just like men. Don’t doubt that. But it’s interesting, one other important side point, the men are singled out. The women are in the background. The world is not ready to see you ladies, when God unveils you in final form. 
But the men are the ones who are going to go and shepherd the flock of God. That isn’t something that women would do. So it helps you understand that there’s an emphasis on the men. You’ll be just as escaped as they are. You’ll be playing important roles, all over the world, in the background You’ll be helping, and nobody can lay a glove on you either. Now, it could be a special emphasis on certain men at Headquarters, or the ministry. Everybody’s role is going to be different and I’m going to come to that in a moment. But it is interesting, it could almost be—I’ll throw an interesting side, kind of side point.