Friday, July 7, 2017

Dave Pack: When it is time to flee do NOT go back home and get your expendable wife

Super Dave has a warning for those men who are at work or not at home when he issues his Clarion Call.  They are not under any circumstances to go home and get their wives.  Apparently, their wives are expendable.  I think in this case though if should be the wives not going home to get their husbands since so many COG men are so emasculated.

“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married…they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all…[So that’s likened to Christ’s Return, we’ll see that in a moment.]…Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat…drank…bought…sold…planted…built; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:26-30). So it’s talking about Christ’s Return.
Now here’s an interesting statement…“In that day…[I want you…I want to read this and see if you can figure out what in the world Christ is saying.]…In that day, he which shall be [on] the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back” (vs. 31). Stop. Now, how in the world could people be thinking about that in the face of salvation?…What?! Want to go back to the house and get mom’s picture and a favorite sweater?
It’s interesting, “stuff in the house”…“stuff” is quite a word…It means “a vessel, implement, equipment or apparatus, specifically, a wife as contributing to the usefulness of the husband…” You wives never thought of yourselves as “stuff,” but now you know…and, presumably, if your husband was on the housetop and he was coming back for a vessel, implement, equipment or apparatus, he’d better be looking for you, too, right?
So…a little humor, there, but that’s what it means. The Greek is skeuos, and there’s a spiritual point. It might literally mean: No, this is you. Don’t go get your wife, and certainly don’t get your favorite chainsaw or hammer or, you know, the expensive vase you bought, this expensive vessel. Don’t go back there!” And if you’re in the field, don’t go back. Now, who would be thinking of that in the face of an angel taking you to the reckoning and the joy of the Lord and salvation! Who would be thinking that?! Let’s keep reading…
“Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it…[What?! How could you be thinking “save your life” when you just made eternal life, if you will? You won’t have a spirit body yet. This is the Return of Christ.]…and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it” (vs. 32-33). Who would be wanting to hold on to this life, on the very day they’re offered the next life?! See the problem?
“I tell you in that night [verse 34] there shall be two in one [couch]”…We know this now…One taken; one left. Two grinding, one taken; one left. Two in the field, one taken; one left (vs. 35-36). Now…whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…taken, just gone. An angel arrives and says, “You ready to take a ride?” Boom—there’s no decision. So which is it? Are you taken or is there a decision point? See the problem? Make yourself come to grips with this. Are you just simply swooped up, the way rapturists think, off to heaven…Only we understand the truth of it…or are you a person who has a decision to make? You’re on a housetop, you’re in the field; there’s things you want, or you want to look back. Remember Lot’s wife turned to salt.

COG Members All Over The World Will Work For Dave Pack For 45 Days As He Vexes The Man Of Sin

He is sorely vexed!

Did you know that you will eventually be working with Dave Pack's cult, regardless of where you live in the world?  When the Man of Sin gets really pissed off because Dave is vexing him, all COG members will lose their jobs.  They will quickly join together in their local church areas to spend 45 days doing a work never before seen in history.

So these are just some things you need to understand about what it means to escape. It isn’t to escape and we go hide in a warehouse for 45 days, or we escape and just relax here at Headquarters. We’re given assignments. Joshua was given assignments to walk; but the men right with him are, too. So, we’ll learn more about that as time goes on.
So we have, maybe you could say, five assignments that I can think of. Number one: We probably confront three men…Maybe six assignments…and we warn the splinters that they’re next. We deal with the rich men and maybe other leaders in Jerusalem, number three. We work with the world, and no doubt, focus on Israelite nations, because Christ starts everything by beginning to restore the Kingdom to Israel. And if you want to put a sixth one in there, at a point, we start to bite and vex the Man of Sin.
Pretty easy to see he’s going to call us the only thing he can, and one of the telltale signs of who’s the antichrist, who’s the fraud, is that he won’t be able to dispatch us. At some point, his narrative collapses. If he’s “God,” how come you can’t deal with this person or this group of people and followers, or however we’re described…Assuming that I have that right. If there’s some other candidate to be the antichrist, you tell me who it is. Unless he just comes and says, “There never was going to be any antichrist.” Now, that’s a little hard to understand.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Dave Pack: I Will Soon Be The Man All 400 COG's Look To To Unite Them

Superfantabulous Dave, God's mightiest man ever in human history will soon be looked upon as the man to unite all 400 splinter Churches of God.  When the Man of Sin arises (Thiel or Lil'Stevie  Flurry as some are speculating) Super Dave will be there to unite the Churches of God into one massive work that will do a mighty work for 45 days.

There may be certain warnings to the ministers in the splinters. You know, where you start dealing…you start calling certain people out—“that man is not of God”—or certain other men may have to be ready to lose their lives. It’s going to be a busy 45 days. The Man of Sin does not personally enter the splinters, probably then unified…Now, let me just explain something. If I judge the house, I’ll just tell you what I would decide. I’m going to tell them immediately, “Guess what, you’re now one church, because God has one church. You’re not 400 churches anymore.”
If I’m given the authority to rule them…Think of Matthew 24 and we are, we’re not going to work with them in 400 hundred groups…I’m going to tell them, “Guess what, today you’re in one organization” and they will be looking for help. They’ll…Absolutely, they all want to be together. Not the ones who aren’t converted, who are going to follow what I call the “spiritual sleeper cells.” They were appointed to this ungodliness when they crept in unawares long ago and then they rise up to do their evil according to Acts 20verse 30, when Christ says, “some will rise among you” and so forth. Those people are not going to agree and the people who follow them aren’t going to agree, but thousands of brethren are going to be looking for direction. Maybe with or without their own ministers, so, you know, we will be in a position to say a lot of…a lot of things that I hope will be very, very helpful.