Wednesday, July 4, 2018

PCG: God Is Presently Stationing His Angels In Certain Locations around The World In Preparation For The Tribulation

Ever eager for God to come and spank the world with pestilence, famine and war, Gerald Flurry says that God is stationing angels at various points around the world in preparation for the tribulation. The angels are really pissed off like Flurry's god.  They are just itching to wipe most of humanity off the face of the earth. Church of God leaders need this to be so.

The violence, pestilence, famine and starvation of the Tribulation are already building! The terrible prophecies we have discussed for years are starting to come to pass! And God isalready preparing by stationing these angels in certain locations among the nations. These spirits of God are walking to and fro over the Earth right now! They will have to deal with Satan in all his wrath to make sure God’s plan is carried out, and you can be sure they will succeed. God is active in all this.
If God is getting ready for this even now, then we certainly should be getting ready too! This is not something to take lightly!

PCG: " cannot legislate the way people think "

Gerald Flurry makes the following comment in his latest booklet.  This is pretty rich coming from a guy that controls every aspect of his follower's lives to the point they will abandon families just because he said so.  The Church of God has always been about legislating what its members thought with hundreds of booklets, letters, magazines and books on every topic imaginable.
David could command huge choirs of people, and he commanded praising and thanking God. That is straightforward instruction. But you cannot legislate the way people think. This is where character comes in. Each individual must make his own decisions and master his own thoughts.
When has any member in the church ever been able to make their own decisions and formulate their own thoughts without the church interfering in one manner or another?  Anytime a church member does that the ministry brings the hammer down.

Ted Talk: How cults rewire the brain