Thursday, October 18, 2018

HWA: Little tiny embittered angered, revenge seeking former members falling flat on their face

submitted by SHT
PGR 07/11/80

Poor Bob Thiel and all the other splinter leaders are in direct defiance of their spiritual leader.  They all claim to know better than their spiritual daddy.

HWA: I Take the Ordinary and Make it Out of the Ordinary Using Psychological Tools

submitted by SHT

Pastor General Report 08/29/80

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

"To say Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is NOT a Saint, is kin to the UNPARDONABLE SIN!"

The Kitchen clan have a bizarre posting up on Facebook concerning HWA and the unpardonable sin.

A person that one of the Kitchen's had attempted to "friend" on Facebook rejected his friendship when she found out he was not a Living Church of God member.

She made this comment:

"Mr. Merideth was appointed by the church board members, all ministers. I don't know where you get your info. but you are wrong on more than one count. My. Armstrong was a very good and intelligent man and he loved Father God and he taught others to be the same. He is not a Saint. Nor is He an apostle. He would be the very first to say so. I am sorry you do not understand your Bible better and that you believe without proof in your fellow man."
Her comment above, that HWA was not a saint, sent the Kitchen clan into a pretribulation Laodicean meltdown.
To say Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is NOT a Saint, is kin to the UNPARDONABLE SIN!
It is saying he had NO HOLY SPIRIT within him, and therefore is NOT a member of the Church, and therefore WILL NOT rise to meet Christ in the air on the last trump of God! And that sentences him to the third resurrection does it not? The Lake of fire?

And to say he is NOT an apostle, and that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong would be the first to say he is NOT a Saint, and apostle? Read Mr. Armstrong's articles! Listen to his sermons! In his article “How Christ gives Church its beliefs” he specifically says he is an apostle! In the World Tomorrow TV program “The Coming Kingdom” he says to the PUBLIC that he is an APOSTLE of Jesus Christ! He says this numerous times! Yet you say he would admit that he WASN'T ONE? First, perhaps you should consider that you could be wrong or mistaken. Or if you are merely parroting what has been told you by a pastor, maybe you should examine whether such statements is true. They are not. And is very dangerously close to committing the unpardonable sin!
The Kitchen's worship at the altar of HWA like James Malm worships at the altar of the law.  Neither has any idea who Jesus is or what he accomplished.