The Grand Garden where Jesus will walk with Dave pondering his third coming.
Recall that at the Feast last year Dave proclaimed the church only had six months to go until Christ would return to Wadsworth. That was sermon part 144. He said then it was his last sermon. But of course, he hasn't stopped since.
As the winter went on and the prophecy drew close, HQ ministers flattered their leader stating God had saved the best revelations for last. Reports are the congregants were required to stay up all night before Passover, awaiting Jesus.
What happened? Nothing. Pack became a false prophet, again.
He pushed his false prophecy off to Pentecost. But again, it failed.
Last Feast, in the same sermon, Dave implored his sheep "
"Release Your Assets to God! Sell all as you are waiting for the Lord. Even if the Work has no time to use it. Won't change my salary. Won't build any more buildings. But it'll help you! Probably won't help us. But it'll help you! God's looking at your heart."
But wait...bait and switch. Behold just unveiled Dave's puny grand garden. How much do you think this cost? $250,000? $500,000?
Sell all, brethren, even if the Work has no time to use it...
From an anonymous source