In Conclusion....................."Give me 30 more minutes."
I'll Pray For You.................."You dead wrong, buddy."
Closing Prayer....................My sneaky Sermonette
Opening Prayer..................My sneaky Sermonette
Briefcase............................I'm a Converted Member and Don't You Forget It
Arm Around Spouse...........I'm Just the Perfect Loving Spouse. Always.
Atonement Smiler...............I'm all that Or I Ate and Didn't Tell Nobody
Big KJV...............................My vision's Fine. I Just want you to know how much I know that I know.
Two-Hand Lectern Grip......I'm the Pastor, don't challenge what I'm saying, You Hear Me?
No Hymnal Singer..............I don't need no hymnal, I've been singing these songs for years,
I'm ALL that.
Usher..................................I really don't technically "Usher" at all. I walk backwards and count.
Anointing............................If You've Got the Flu don't Expect me to come touch you. That's what the cloth's for!
Mother's Room...................Nursin' and Spankin'
Father's Room...................Spankin' Room
YOU Hospitality Room.......Free donuts and orange juice room and that's all I'm here for.
C Team (sports).................You Suck At Sports Team (It's what they're really thinking, don't pretend they weren't.)
A Team (sports).................You're OK at sports, but most likely pretty popular. OR you're a Preacher's Kid.
Ambassador Grad.............Very Important Person who has a lot of expectations to live up to.
Deaconess.........................Kitchen Manager who you don't mess with in the Kitchen.
Potluck enforcer.
Pillar In the Church............Pastor's Spy OR Rich Member OR both.
Song Leader......................Dude who has some rhythm but most likely can't hold a tune in a bucket.
You're Encouraged To......."You Better Be there or do this if you know what's best for you."
Questioning.......................Sign of a Rebellious Spirit
(Scripture Reading)..........."Write this in your notes, and I'm watching to see who does or does not."
Flowers Around Lectern.....Gotta be a Holy Day.
Flowers All Over.................Gotta be the Feast.
Palm Trees.........................It's Definitely the Feast.
Banner Behind Podium......Absolutely the Feast.
Submitted by SHT