Thursday, November 21, 2019

Abusive ministers!

Abusive ministers!

     I have been in the church of God for almost 50 years and my heart still breaks whenever I see a minister who bullies the members of his congregation.

     Of course, once in a while, a congregation will stand up to this type of false shepherd and throw him out.  And, even though such a cleansing action is sad and unpleasant, it is necessary!

     I have often wondered why a bully would even want to be a pastor!  I mean, why do these men spend time with people week after week — people they don't respect — people they see as ignorant children.

     They find it almost impossible to see any good in their parishioners.  They love to point out their deficiencies.

     And I marvel that sometimes the person who brings the most drama into a church is the pastor!

     Over the years, I have discovered some reasons for this social phenomenon.  

     Many times, these men have low self-esteem.  They are miserable in their jobs.  They had dysfunctional childhoods.  They are in unhappy marriages with neurotic wives.  Their marriages are filled with constant bickering.  Their children reject them.

     And, so many times, they refuse to accept blame for anything.  Their misery is always someone else’s fault.  Never theirs.

     The only thing they have to cling to — the one thing that gives them validation and self-importance — is their title: Pastor!  Sometimes, this title is the only good thing in their lives.  And it’s not that good!

     I always rejoice when i see a congregation that gets to the point where they say, “Enough!” And get rid of the abuser.

     Proverbs 22:10 says that, if you throw out the scorner, strife will cease.

by Wes White

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dave Pack and his 24,000 minute sermon series

At this present time, Mr. Pack has spoken over 24,000 minutes just in this "Greatest Story Never Told" series. Does anyone with a right mind think he hasn't spoke contrary to what Mr. Armstrong spoke or does anyone think he hasn't deviated from Mr. Armstrong's teaching and finally what chance would someone give that he has overturned 75% of what Mr. Armstrong established as doctrine?

I mean think about it, 24,000 minutes and he is talking about the The greatest proof that he lied and is lying is believe it or not, he apologized. There was no apology for the Elul 29 (Three Shepherds Die) fiasco when he said he would apologize if it didn't happen. The next Sabbath after it didn't happen, he said he felt he did not need to apologize for anything.

The actual incrimination and indictment of himself was when he said after saying Herbert Armstrong's understanding of prophetic events was flawed, he said; "brethren I am sorry, I tried for as long as I could to hold to Mr. Armstrong's teaching, but I can't just knowing this (new understanding) and hold it in and not preach it".

About nine months later Mr. Pack said in his best juggling of word semantics that "I haven't changed what Mr. Armstrong did one wit"!

I think maybe the mind shouldn't be wasting possible damage to brain cells on trying to find truth in he didn't lie somewhere and maybe ask the more pertinent question. That question would be if truth only enters the church through apostles, what church office does error enter? Asked more plainly; what church office does error after error after error after error enter?

If you go to RCG website right now, you will find all kinds of declared truths all through their site, all of which they haven't believed or taught for many years. Mr. Pack has somehow not only come to the conclusion it is okay to blatantly lie, he has concluded it is okay to teach and present to the public his own known falsehoods right out in the open.

In Mr. Pack's mind, paradise doesn't lie or does it? The 5000 flowers, the 2000+ trees, the lakes, the best grass in Ohio, the buildings and all the up-lighting in the world do not hide what is true and known. 

by What About The Truth

The Lies of Dave Pack

1 - Some claim that I teach doctrines contrary to Mr. Armstrong. That is pure fiction, coming from people who know it is. Our greatest strength is that we have not departed in any way from “hold that fast which you have” (Rev. 3:11) and “hold fast the faithful word as you have been taught” (Tit. 1:9). Knowing Mr. Armstrong was the prophesied Moses who laid the doctrinal foundation (Mal. 4:4) in the Church, we “continue in the things which we have learned and have been assured of, knowing of whom we have learned them” (II Tim. 3:14). We also do not deviate from Mr. Armstrong’s teaching, written and preached time and again, that truth only enters the Church through apostles, never committees or offices of lower rank (I have his many quotes).

...Despite my office, I also am not permitted to overturn what Mr. Armstrong taught as doctrine. I have certainly added details (almost all in prophecy)—but that is entirely different from supplanting established truth with something else, so commonly done today.

• Pack has said that all the apostles got things in the bible wrong, and that Mr. Armstrong did not know everything and God would not allow him to have certain things right because of timing. Therefore there are some things Armstrong did get wrong and pack had to change, also the entire prophetic series pack has taught has trickled back onto many of the established doctrines and changes elements to many of them, for instance he has completely changed Mr. Armstrongs doctrines on the understanding of "The Kingdom of God" (what is it, When, Attributes to Enter, How Christ Returns), "Millenium" (What), "Prophecy"(Catholic Church, Beast, Order of Day of the Lord, many many harry potter-like fiction sounding things), "Resurrection" (who, when). Armstrong had these established as Rigid Rigid doctrines according to pack and yet he upended them and changed them because Armstrong according to pack had certain things wrong that God could not let him see too early or else it would be premature so Pack had to come in and change it all up. 

2 - Today, in The Restored Church of God, we are almost 14 years old. In that time, I have not disfellowshipped even one person anywhere in the world. Our Church Administration Department began in 2003. It, and our ministry worldwide, have rarely (only a handful of times) had to disfellowship anyone over the nine years that followed. 

• Im laughing...Pack not only has disfellowship ministers from the pulpit but he also has given entire sermons bashing them. classic example was the more than 60 minutes he devoted to bashing former minister Gabriel Lischak it was a shit show that day, he never spit so much and seethed. Rabid man.

3 - We actually were able to undertake national television, and to hire many more ministers and staff. We have also been able to increase our literature budget by 11 times—or 1,000%!!!—at the same time. These are all evidence that GOD IS WITH US—because no man or men could do these things, whether Mr. Armstrong, me or anyone else.

• They are not on national television, in fact according to rcg website they are on international television but even those dont show up anywhere. No one really knows what stations they are truly on. The employee turnover rate at HQ is what allows them to get away with the statement saying they hire more ministers and staff. They have now hired more pastors/members from outside our country because the local crop went bad. Also God is now with them AT ALL, Had He been he would have visited the 20+ times Pack predicted Christ would come. Im laughing so hard right now. 

4 - Many thousands will join us! (In fact, prophecy reveals this, and that it will be soon.) This means our power, impact and growth will be further affected upward. We expect to be the largest presence—the loudest voice!—in religious television in the world some time in 2014. And this will be backed up by the largest amount of literature ever compiled by any single organization on the face of the earth.

    • of course written in feb 2013 this never happened because what was TRULY revealed by God was how FALSE Pack is. Since then the fruits letter that RCG put out yearly to flaunt itself has not been updated since and all the wonderful news they proclaimed would happen did not. The expected money did not come from all those who were going to flock to RCG, all the plans fell thru and RCG has been slowly but surely putting its two commissions on the back burner in order to keep the campus progress going. No where is this more evident than in Behind the Work 2019 where almost the entire film is devoted to the campus and campus shots as it has been over the last several years, there are no more major breakthrough announcements on the advancement of the Preaching to Gospel to the world and sadly RCG remains unknown to all even in wadsworth, its just "white buildings" with a gate to some.