Thursday, April 1, 2021

Ex-Church of God 7th Day Info Needed


I have a request from a person who is asking if anyone knows of ex-COG7 member sites like Banned, The Painful Truth, and other exmembers sites. There are hundreds of exJW and exSDA sites but no one seems to know of any for COG7.

I am asking a favor - because CoG7 is making an inroad into Sydney, I would like to know the other side of this Organization. 
Many old WCG/splinters members had been so ps-off with Organised Churches
Is there something like Banned somewhere for CoG7?
Great to be forewarned so that others don't jump into the fire?
Thanks a lot and appreciate your thoughts

Gerald Flurry Cracks Down On Smartphone Usage By Ministers and Church Members


There is nothing that infuriates Church of God leaders more than people having access to the internet. The internet had a direct impact on the spectacular implosion of the Worldwide Church of God into hundreds of hundreds of little worthless splinter groups, starting in the early 1990s and onward. Various members started newsgroups on AOL, mailing lists like Good News Grapevine, and other sites. Church of God members could no longer be kept in the dark and church leadership no longer had control of how information was dispersed.

During the 1960's all kinds of books started being written about the church but they had little impact upon church members. Most never even knew they existed. That all changed with the internet. Information flowed freely and swiftly as more and more people began to own computers. 

Today there are numerous websites, blogs, and Facebook groups dealing with COG splits and spiritual abuse. All of those groups exist thanks to the groundbreaking work of the Ambassador Report starting in 1975. Church members were no longer afraid to spill the beans on anything happening in the church. 

The next big leap in information technology was cell phones with internet access. As primitive as they were earlier on, they still allowed quick access to information. Then, smartphones hit the scene. Who could have imagined that a little phone held in your hand was more powerful than the WCG/AC computer system at HQ that took up an entire floor of a building!

Smartphones have led to the dissemination of Church of God shenanigans faster than anything else. Members have instant access to the latest COG news, prophetic utterances, and some of the most idiotic ass-numbing sermons ever delivered.

In spite of all of this, most COG groups embrace this amazing technology and make use of it. Some don't though. Dave Pack has railed on and on about the internet and how demonic it is. Bob Thiel says the technology is tuned in to Satan's wavelength but yet he prostrates himelf at the feet of that technology multiple times a day as he ignores his family.  

And then there is Gerald Flurry, who is in a class all by himself.

Gerald Flurry has tried many times to get all the ministry and all members to stop using smartphones. Many have blatantly ignored him and continue owning them. In one of his fits of rage recently, he lashed out again at ministers and members using smartphones. Exit and Support Network has this up:

March 30, 2021 
Smartphones were forbidden to be used by those on campus last year (read November 19, 2020 letter: “PCG Ruling Says No Smartphones Allowed“). It was January 24, 2020 when Andrew Locher gave a sermon about “Technology Use” where he said using smart devices will “destroy our teenagers.” That was the time G. Flurry put in place policies that would eliminate Smartphones on campus to “set the example for the brethren,” even though some did not obey that policy at the time. 
The February 21, 2020 phone policy update said full time ministers were “expected to switch from their Smartphones to a future phone.” However, if some needed a Smartphone for their business, that was okay. G. Flurry “approved” the use of i-pads if you needed one. Then the April 2020 Pastor General’s Report reiterated again that the cell phone policy for ministers was that ministers should not be using Smartphones unless they were required to use one for their business. There were no exceptions for this policy. Minister’s wives were likewise expected to make the transition away from Smartphones. 
Not all members have been following this policy because this subject about Smartphones was brought up again at the recent PCG Ministerial Conference when Stephen Flurry gave a lecture. He talked about what he called “the signs of warning and danger” for the congregation if they used Smartphones. One of the warning signs he said was “too much technology.” 
Wayne Turgeon on day two of the conference gave a lecture on “Materialism” [Note by ESN: Why then did Turgeon in a 2021 sermon refer to all the materialism, riches and luxuries at HQs as “perks and fringe benefits” for being the few first fruits on this earth?] and said, “Materialism [not Charles Darwin] is the father of evolution and what we call human nature is really Satan’s nature. [Note by ESN: Human nature is that which makes us distinctly human] … People change a little at a time in the direction of the masses as they are influenced a little at a time.” This sounded to me exactly how PCG members change a little at a time as they are influenced by the leader’s mind control. 
I know several members in PCG who all have Smartphones. But if G. Flurry continues his crack down, the day could come when we’ll see them with a flip phone again. It’s ridiculous to what lengths PCG will go to in order to keep members from finding out the truth about PCG. I know GF is also worried about someone recording their sermons with these Smartphones. 
Members have been told that if they want to overcome they must hear what God (i. e., PCG government) is saying about this. 
Members, however, are still using Smartphones. –[name withheld]

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Pre-Axial Age Prophet Amos: Why the Church of God "Prophets" are living in the wrong age.


Dr Bob Thiel really seems to like the Prophet Amos. The reason seems clear.  Amos was just your average guy sheepherder. He did not go to the school of the prophets. He wasn't trained in it. He just are one evidently. Some think he spent too much time herding his sheep with nothing much else to do those lonely days and nights.  Maybe he had a dream or got doubly blessed somehow and ...Viola!  I am a prophet!  I can see why Bob likes that tale. 

(For my own general view and examples of mental illness in the Biblical Characters see:,-Apostles,-and-Mental-Illness&id=90708)

Amos is also used by those who study the psychology or lack thereof of the Biblical characters. Some seem very depressed such as Jeremiah. Some almost defy description with their schizophrenia such as an Ezekiel. All hear the voice of God in their heads. Few seem to act on their own volition.  And all were not as conscious in their thinking as we are today.  

The theory of the just how conscious human beings were up until three thousand years ago when writing came into the picture is a fascinating study. I personally found Julian Jaynes perspective on Consciousness and the Bi Cameral Mind telling and explained a lot that I had always noticed in the personalities or lack thereof in the OT prophets and characters. They seemed like robots. 

The basic premise is that the personal "I" was not present in the recent past.  Humans were more robotic and obeyed the voice of the gods in their heads more than thinking it through themselves.  You see this plainly in the Old Testament. And if you know the text well enough, you will see that those who were the bad boys of the OT were the more conscious ones and the less conscious types punished them for stepping out of line.  The less conscious who just robotically repeated "Thus saith the Lord...", were inevitably the priest craft.  As God evolves from walking in the Garden with Adam and Eve to the cry of "Why art thou so afar off...?"  , Jaynes does a magnificent job of showing how humans woke up and lost that voice of the gods only in their heads.  Today in religion the fix is to "just have faith. Trust and obey for there no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey"

So how did Amos think?  Was he as conscious a human as we are today? No he wasn't. He simply was a conduit for the voices in his head he ascribed to God.  He belonged to what is called the Axial Age.  He was slow to adopt ,or never did or could, the changes that were coming to human consciousness

From Psychology Today...

"According to many scholars of the era, before about 550 BCE, human personality was different than it is now. The conscious, aware, self was simply a different and more limited entity. It was not until the Axial Age that reflective self-awareness, reflective consciousness, and a modern sense of identity emerged.

Three differences in particular separated the pre-Axial from contemporary personality.

The first difference was in how people perceived their thoughts. Pre-Axial peoples often attributed their ideas and motives as coming from outside themselves, from other people, from nature, or emanating from Gods.  (Ahem...Bob)

Secondly, Pre-Axial peoples were almost exclusively aware of the outside world of the land, people, things, and the gods they perceived around them.  They tended to ignore their inner ideas and feelings almost entirely.  Their psychological thought processes remained mostly unexplored territory.  One exception: under some life-threatening circumstances, their attention could be captured by extreme feelings of fear and terror.  (Ahem....)

Third, for a pre-Axial person, identity was limited to one's name, parentage, occupation, and personal life history. By contrast, for most of us today, our identities include also a sense of our thoughts, beliefs, goals, and moral characteristics.

Many pre-Axial written works (e.g., before about 550 BCE) though richly detailed, lack introspective, reflective words, descriptions or accounts. (See here for evidence beyond the literature of the time).

An example of a pre-Axial personality depicted in the Hebrew Bible is of Amos. The Hebrew Bible is a collection of books, some multiply-authored, and others authored mostly by a single individual. These books began to be assembled into what is known today as the Hebrew Bible around 600 BCE.

One of the earliest singly-authored book is that of Amos, which may have been written in 800 BCE (and transmitted orally before that).  Amos is one of the 12 minor prophets.

Consistent with ideas of the pre-Axial identity, Amos possesses a name, occupation, and a sketch of a life history, but little more. A brief introduction to the book states simply:

The words of Amos, a sheepbreeder from Tekoa, who prophesied concerning Israel in the reigns of Kings Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam son of Joash of Israel, two years before the earthquake.

The book continues regarding Amos, that "He [Amos] proclaimed:"

The Lord roars from Zion,
Shouts aloud from Jerusalem;
And the pastures of the shepherds shall languish,
And the summit of Carmel shall wither.

Thus said the Lord:
For three transgressions of Damascus,
For four, I will not revoke it,
Because they threshed Gilead
With threshing boards of iron,
I will send down fire upon the palace of Hazael...

The book of Amos begins, in other words, with Amos' repetition of what he believes to be the Lord's words to him, without alteration. The psychology of this is clarified in Chapter 3, when Amos pauses from his recitation with the following commentary:

Can misfortune come to a town
If the Lord has not caused it?
Indeed, my Lord God does nothing
Without having revealed His purpose
To His servants the prophets.
A lion has roared
Who can but fear?
My Lord God has spoken,
Who can but prophesy?

Amos then continues to further describe transgressions and the consequent punishments by God, each verse concluding with "...declares the Lord."

In Chapter 7, Amos recounts that he had a conversation with God, asking God to restrain several of his most severe punishments so that Israel might survive, and that God relented. In the same chapter, Amos describes how the priest of Bethel advised him to leave the area as he was stirring up trouble. Amos replies, basically, that he is not in control; God is:

"I am not a prophet, and I am not a prophet's disciple. I am a cattle breeder and tender of sycamore figs. But the Lord took me away from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel...'"  (Or maybe "I got doubly blessed?)

From one perspective, Amos exhibits the many qualities of pre-Axial human beings. When he hears voices he obeys. He responds with little or no internal awareness, and he possesses little or no identity beyond a name, life history, and occupation.

This conception of the pre-Axial mind could all be wrong, of course. The Bible's redactors might simply have focused on the prophesies, omitting anything further about Amos and his character as irrelevant.  Alternatively, Amos may have been fully aware, but have lacked words to describe his awareness. 

A religious interpretation is also possible, of course (one that takes us outside science today): that God was directing Amos and that Amos, although aware and conscious, is simply reporting what occurred.

Yet Amos' apparent lack of awareness is similar to the descriptions others of the pre-Axial period have provided of their own and others' acts."

For the continuation of the concept the follow up article can be found here: