Showing posts with label Andrew Locher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Locher. Show all posts

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Dipping Into Your Second Tithe Is Now Embezzling

The myths and legends that abound in the Church of God are endless and many of the leadership in various COG's use that to their advantage. It's never used for anything good but as a tool to instill fear into their followers and keep them in line. It can be anything from the myth of British Israelism, make-up, clothing and hair styles, technology, to tithing.

After British Israelism, tithing is the biggest tool used to instill fear into members. Ignoring the fact that it is not a New Covenant expectation, tithing is used as a way to control members. Instilling fear in members that if they do not tithe they will be severely punished by the god of whichever leader is bellowing about it, to even worse consequences if they dip their hands in the second tithe jar to pay for an emergency expense.

When ancient Israel tithed it never went to one leader so he could build up his personal surroundings with new palaces, flocks of animals, gold and silver, employ the best craftsmen at the time or have a stable full of the latest model of double hump-backed camels ready to use to help spread the word to faraway places. It went to a centralized place where it was used for the Temple or dispersed as needed when things were done right. But, like today, some of it went into the pockets of some of the high and mighty Pharisees that made life miserable for their followers.

Today's COG leaders use tithe money for whatever they want, even lining their own pockets with it and enriching their lives and their families. From building beautiful homes, filling them with beautiful decorations, having the latest technology at their fingertips, having the best vehicles, buying personal jets, and building huge elaborate buildings on campuses as their legacies. None of that is spreading the gospel.

Gerald Flurry is the king of enforcing tithing by using fear. Not only is tithing used as a weapon but demanding members give special funds for buildings, jets, and other "important" things is also used. They don't care that their devotees are triple tithing as they demand special contributions for their vanity campuses or pet projects, demanding that they tithe on their tithes, give offerings on holy days, and harangue members with fundraising co-worker letters while they themselves are above it all because they have labeled themselves as Levites.

GF’s fear tactics are getting stronger. If members dare to get into their 2nd tithe, it’s considered not only “stealing” (as HWA used to say) but now is “embezzling“! He says it “does not work” to do that and if they refuse to set aside their 2nd tithe, or get into it, they will “surely suffer financial and spiritual penalties for disobeying God!” To strengthen this fear tactic, he says, “Quite a number have learned the hard way that ‘this borrowing’ does not work.

First of all, tithes are not commanded under the New Covenant and neither is keeping the O. T. festivals, but all HWA cult leaders (con-artists) must enforce tithing by twisting Scripture, or they themselves fear they won’t be rolling in the dough anymore. –[name withheld] Exit and Support Network

Flurry and the PCG recently bragged through Andrew Locher that the PCG was now debt-free and owed money to no one. I am sure members breathed a sigh of relief that they could ease up on sending in their last dime for Flurry's latest demand. But that relief did not last but a few days when Andrew Locher opened his mouth and told members that they were expected to continue to fund the Flurry family's private jet and to continue to give for big projects Flurry's "god" has in mind for the PCG.

“Thanks to your sacrifice in the aircraft fund and other fundraisers,” Mr. Locher said, “the purchase price as well as a new paint job, avionics and safety upgrades, and planned (and unplanned) maintenance has all been paid. … Already this year, we have made several trips, with additional flights already planned. Thank you so much for your sacrifice! We still average nearly $80,000 per month in operating expense.This figure fluctuates quite a bit depending on our flight activity, but we can still really use any contributions you can make toward the aircraft fund.” (Excepted from PN, 5-7-21) 
“There is no doubt that God has big projects in mind, so let’s keep pace with God and continue to give as we are able.” (Ibid, Andrew Locher) Exit and Support Network

"Keeping pace with God" is helping the homeless, feeding the poor, helping refugees, caring for their neighbors, and not lining the pockets of Flurry, Pack, Weston, Kubik, Thiel, or the rest of the leaders of the COG's. They above all should be giving the most to their churches to the point they have nothing. They are all like HWA though. They have huge homes filled with fine art, gold, silver, fancy offices, fancy campuses, and more. Even while demanding members tithe and give all they could HWA never tithed 10% on his income. The COG is filled with hypocritical leaders who make demands upon their followers that they themselves never keep.

The only embezzlers the Church of God has right now are its leaders.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

More Craziness From PCG's Andrew Locher: "PCG is Debt Free, We Own Everything - Even God's Revelations, The Most Valuable Gift Of All!"


More craziness from Phialdpahia Church of God's Andrew Locher. Exit and Support Network has this up:

May 2, 2021

Andrew Locher gave a sermon on April 24 about “Reviving the Elijah Work.” It was just another boring sermon about how the book of Malachi (which has “code” in chapter 3) is written to the Laodicean ministry, and HWA and GF are in it, and GF who is Elisha has “revelation” and must prophesy again.

Only a few highlights and news from the sermon: (comments by L. S.)

“We had more people attending services in 1999 than we do today. … We need bigger congregations. Are we praying hard enough?” (Translation: Are we sending enough money in?)

Well, duh! Abuse your people for so long a time that they finally leave. Split up families, destroy marriages, prohibit contact with loved ones, and constantly berate members for not doing enough to support the work and they will leave (at least the smart ones).

“After the world collapses they will say “there was a prophet among them.” (Lie: There are no prophets today, in spite of GF claiming to be “that Prophet.”)

And just who would that be? Dave Pack thinks he is a prophet. Bob Thiel is adamant that he is one.  Ron Weinland says he is one. The COG has so many prophets right now that if HWA were alive he would kick their sorry asses out of the church so fast their heads would be spinning. The problem that remains is that not one single one of them has any truth to tell us or the world.

“When God says He will send his messenger in Malachi 3, that is a coded message.”

“The three messengers in Malachi are: John the Baptist, Christ and HWA.” (Lie: There is no 3rd messenger in Malachi 3.)

Herbert Armstrong was never some messenger to the church after 1,800 years. To say that invalidates the men and women over the centuries who led the church through good and bad times. The jump from Jesus to HWA and naturally to Flurry is 100% wrong.

“The work of Elisha that God said He gave the little book to, his job is to prophesy again, and give this warning to the Laodiceans.” (Lies: Elisha and Laodiceans are not even mentioned in Malachi. This is all part of GF’s so-called “revelations.”)

“We better recognize where God is working.” (God works in many places, not just in PCG.)

Every single COG out there makes this same preposterous claim. They and they alone are God's work. Pure unadulterated crap! The COG has no need for any prophet, apostle, Elisha, or Elijah in this day and age. If they actually followed that inconvenient dude that they ignore 99% of the time and actually paid attention to his words then they would know they have no need for prophets, even when people like Bob Thiel lies and say we do.

“The Key of David is no longer on two national stations. … God made that happen. But God has added close to 30 new television stations in the past few weeks.”

“The ministry is increasingly becoming graduates.” (of Armstrong College) (That way they are more submissive to “God’s government”; i. e., PCG HQs and there is less chance of them leaving.)

While I think it may be true that these graduates who make up most of PCG's ministry now will be more submissive to HQ, there is also a strong chance that these same graduates will be the rule-breakers when Flurry dies. They may form the catalyst for changes in the PCG.

“Our primary and our distinguishing blessing is God’s new revelation. That’s what distinguishes us.” (That’s what distinguishes a group as a cult.)

New revelation about a dirty stone from Oregon?  Does Jesus even care about it? NO!

Finances: 2021 is stunning. As of today, our income is 30% increase over last year (which was the best ever). Holy day offerings this spring are at their highest levels they’ve ever been–8-10% increase over last year (last year being the biggest). GF announced we received a million dollar donation and that’s on top of all this record breaking other donations. Best year ever in first tithe, best year ever in holy day offerings, best year ever in third tithe–by a long shot.” (Could that be how all those new TV stations are being paid for?)

PCG's 30% income jump is also thanks to the church not having to pay for hall rental for PCG church services. 

“We’ve had a terrific year in Canada. Income in Canada right now is 330% increase over last year. We received $1.1 million dollars so far this year in Estate income in Canada. So Mr. Heyer’s (Carlos Heyer) prayer for multiple millions–God is doing it. It’s happening in the United States; it’s happening in Canada; holy day offerings are up all over the globe as far as I can see. Mr. Heyer brings back a huge amount of money. The sacrifice of the brethren there. He brings back thousands and thousands of dollars from Central and South America.” (The poor members in those countries are giving money they don’t really have. And Locher encourages them to keep on giving!)

“The Gulfstream G450 Jet is now paid off. We own it. God’s church is debt free. We don’t own anything to anybody–except to God. We own everything–Edstone, Edmond, all the equipment, the aircraft, the vehicles. We own God’s revelation, the most valuable gift of all.” (Where did this million dollars really come from? Read April 5 letter above, “PCG’s $1 Million Offering Sounds Suspicious.”)

“The 3 Elijahs are: John the Baptist, the original Elijah and Herbert W. Armstrong.” (Lie: HWA isn’t in the book of Malachi. There are no three Elijahs.)

“Increase if we can as the offerings are so important for God’s Work.” (The words “if we can” will be ignored by the members and they will give all they can. The money is so important for GF’s ego.)

“The Laodicean approach is that it is all in vain. They are tired. But God commands us to have some joy, some excitement, to stir that Spirit.”

“Imagine what it would be like if you were totally submissive and totally dedicated to God.” (Yes, imagine the heavy burdens and the empty pocketbooks.) 

In PCG submission to God is irrelevant, submission to the church hierarchy and its leadership trump submission to God, 

–[name withheld] (comments by L. S.)

Saturday, April 17, 2021

PCG's Andrew Locher Is A Perfect Example Of The Complete Idiocy Of So Many In The COG Ministry


There is one thing about the ministry in the Church of God movement and that it has some absolutely batshit crazy ministers who are theologically ignorant about the book they claim to follow. The problem is that so many of them do not follow that book and instead bow down at the altar of Herbert Armstrong and worship everything he said and did. To them, HWA was the most perfect thing to walk this earth since Jesus, that inconvenient dude they know nothing about.

From Exit and Support Network

Andrew Locher, April 9 Bible Study, spoke on the “Mark of the Best” and came up with the answer by quoting HWA who said the mark is “Sunday” and “those with the mark of the beast will suffer God’s wrath, but those without the mark will be tortured and killed by man. Do you want to die at the hands of man or by God?” (Quite an option.) “We can be protected in a Place of Safety during the Tribulation. It requires faith and obedience to God’s Law.” 

It absolutely does NOT require faith and obedience to the law. COG ministers continue to lie to this day that this kind of obedience is required. Jesus be damnd, the law rules the day. After all, Jesus is still in that high school gym or Masonic lodge where he was left on Passover night till they have to mention his name again as they re-crucify him. 

“Satan was cast down at the death of HWA. It was the transition into the Laodicean era. The 7th head, the Holy Roman Empire is here.” (There is no biblical basis at all for this.)
“We are the only ones that keep the Sabbath.” (Those tutored under HWA have heard this a thousand times.) 

Another lie of the ministry. Satan was not cast down to earth at the death of HWA. Herbert was not some bulwark that kept Satan at bay. The stupidity in this belief is astounding. 

The following notes were gathered from a recent PCG conference: 
GF admitted he doesn’t emphasize certain verses or words on his programs because he “will lose listeners.” 

Flurry doesn't mention certain scriptures because they condemn him. If he spoke about Jesus, grace, justification, and mercy, he would have no ministry to con people with. 

“God’s law is a law of love.” (Does the Bible say that? If so, I can’t find it. Your Q&A say the Law was given to ancient Israel, not to the Church.) 

Scripture says the law is death. "for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." 

“God wants us to get it into our minds about the Father and the family.” (No, God wants us to understand about His Son who gave His life for us so we might have everlasting life.) 

Another deceptive lie. The emphasis in PCG and many COG's is the erroneous belief that COG members will become "mini gods" and thus equal with Jesus. 

The Laodiceans would forget everything in the Tribulation if it wasn’t for us. They will know they are being punished for their sins “.(I wonder if GF will know he is being punished for his sins when he finds himself in the Tribulation?) 
If we don’t have the Law we are going to be deceived by the Devil.” (No, if we hold to the Law, we will not understand the grace of God.) 

More idiotic theological bullshit that places the law about Jesus and anything he said, did, and accomplished with his death. The majority of Christianity understand what that means except for the Church of God fake theologians. 

There is the possibility that we will be martyred. So what if you have to give up your life?” (Yeah, so what? No big deal.) 

The chances of COG members dying at the hands of COG leaders and their blasphemous teachings are far greater than martyrdom for being Christians. The PCG and many COG's are the ministries of death.  

There is no way we can ever get in this Paradise without God teaching and correcting us.” (We will be in Paradise if we have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus; it has nothing to do with correction; He took our punishment on Calvary.) 
We will rule over all the universe and all the planets will blossom like a rose. (I thought it was the desert that would blossom like a rose.) 
God feeds us so much new revelation.” (No, GF thinks God is feeding him new revelation.)
“The Laodiceans have no new revelation. God cuts them off because Elijah [HWA] prayed that He would.” –name of country withheld

God has no more revealed any new revelation to Gerald Flurry than he has to Dave Pack and Bob Thiel. The blasphemous things these guys say come straight from the narcissistic minds and the darkness that dwells within them, not from God.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Gerald Flurry Cracks Down On Smartphone Usage By Ministers and Church Members


There is nothing that infuriates Church of God leaders more than people having access to the internet. The internet had a direct impact on the spectacular implosion of the Worldwide Church of God into hundreds of hundreds of little worthless splinter groups, starting in the early 1990s and onward. Various members started newsgroups on AOL, mailing lists like Good News Grapevine, and other sites. Church of God members could no longer be kept in the dark and church leadership no longer had control of how information was dispersed.

During the 1960's all kinds of books started being written about the church but they had little impact upon church members. Most never even knew they existed. That all changed with the internet. Information flowed freely and swiftly as more and more people began to own computers. 

Today there are numerous websites, blogs, and Facebook groups dealing with COG splits and spiritual abuse. All of those groups exist thanks to the groundbreaking work of the Ambassador Report starting in 1975. Church members were no longer afraid to spill the beans on anything happening in the church. 

The next big leap in information technology was cell phones with internet access. As primitive as they were earlier on, they still allowed quick access to information. Then, smartphones hit the scene. Who could have imagined that a little phone held in your hand was more powerful than the WCG/AC computer system at HQ that took up an entire floor of a building!

Smartphones have led to the dissemination of Church of God shenanigans faster than anything else. Members have instant access to the latest COG news, prophetic utterances, and some of the most idiotic ass-numbing sermons ever delivered.

In spite of all of this, most COG groups embrace this amazing technology and make use of it. Some don't though. Dave Pack has railed on and on about the internet and how demonic it is. Bob Thiel says the technology is tuned in to Satan's wavelength but yet he prostrates himelf at the feet of that technology multiple times a day as he ignores his family.  

And then there is Gerald Flurry, who is in a class all by himself.

Gerald Flurry has tried many times to get all the ministry and all members to stop using smartphones. Many have blatantly ignored him and continue owning them. In one of his fits of rage recently, he lashed out again at ministers and members using smartphones. Exit and Support Network has this up:

March 30, 2021 
Smartphones were forbidden to be used by those on campus last year (read November 19, 2020 letter: “PCG Ruling Says No Smartphones Allowed“). It was January 24, 2020 when Andrew Locher gave a sermon about “Technology Use” where he said using smart devices will “destroy our teenagers.” That was the time G. Flurry put in place policies that would eliminate Smartphones on campus to “set the example for the brethren,” even though some did not obey that policy at the time. 
The February 21, 2020 phone policy update said full time ministers were “expected to switch from their Smartphones to a future phone.” However, if some needed a Smartphone for their business, that was okay. G. Flurry “approved” the use of i-pads if you needed one. Then the April 2020 Pastor General’s Report reiterated again that the cell phone policy for ministers was that ministers should not be using Smartphones unless they were required to use one for their business. There were no exceptions for this policy. Minister’s wives were likewise expected to make the transition away from Smartphones. 
Not all members have been following this policy because this subject about Smartphones was brought up again at the recent PCG Ministerial Conference when Stephen Flurry gave a lecture. He talked about what he called “the signs of warning and danger” for the congregation if they used Smartphones. One of the warning signs he said was “too much technology.” 
Wayne Turgeon on day two of the conference gave a lecture on “Materialism” [Note by ESN: Why then did Turgeon in a 2021 sermon refer to all the materialism, riches and luxuries at HQs as “perks and fringe benefits” for being the few first fruits on this earth?] and said, “Materialism [not Charles Darwin] is the father of evolution and what we call human nature is really Satan’s nature. [Note by ESN: Human nature is that which makes us distinctly human] … People change a little at a time in the direction of the masses as they are influenced a little at a time.” This sounded to me exactly how PCG members change a little at a time as they are influenced by the leader’s mind control. 
I know several members in PCG who all have Smartphones. But if G. Flurry continues his crack down, the day could come when we’ll see them with a flip phone again. It’s ridiculous to what lengths PCG will go to in order to keep members from finding out the truth about PCG. I know GF is also worried about someone recording their sermons with these Smartphones. 
Members have been told that if they want to overcome they must hear what God (i. e., PCG government) is saying about this. 
Members, however, are still using Smartphones. –[name withheld]