Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Dave Pack: Unless Dave Pulls His Wild Card, The Crap Hits The Fan This Feast of Trumpets

David C. Pack’s Wild Card


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God is at a loss as to what the heck-fire is going on. He is desperately scrambling to find “anything” in the Bible to explain why nothing ever happens the way he teaches it.


Tammuz. Av. Elul. The Trinity of Consistent Failure.


Facing the reality that he is a biblical fraud and God is not using him cannot be considered. The little snowflake world he has built up for himself, enabled by "ministers" who surround him with pillows, will crash and burn spectacularly if the truth ever becomes fully realized.


This ambiguous update in Member Services reveals his fading courage as the clock ticks down to his next whopper-of-baloney, which will be on the Feast of Trumpets this coming Monday.



Prophecy Update – Elul 24 (September 20, 2022)


With Trumpets getting closer, the natural conclusion is that we are out of time. Where and how to place the initial short Kingdom has been the ultimate enigma! The week we await clearly includes Trumpets, as before explained. The passing of time made that evident.


The only question now is how much time could the long Day of the Lord envelop? Like Joshua’s long day of 48 hours (Joshua 10:13-14), could the 84 hours that form the bad half of the week be reckoned as a single day? In other words, might the good half of the week start before Trumpets, with the bad half entirely within it?


This enigmatic day “which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night” (Zechariah 14:6-7) holds the key to why there is still a little more time. So much happens in “that day.” An astonishing array of verses and facts—up to 60 now since we learned how to look for them—reveal that all seven seals are all ENTIRELY inside Trumpets. All the good things that follow the seals are also inside it. The 3.5 days of evening and morning sacrifices precede this ultra-long day. No wonder there are no more twice-daily sacrifices once the single day of Trumpets arrives.


The prospect of waiting a year remains as difficult to believe as ever!



“The passing of time made that evident.”


As it always does. The passing of time reveals what is true and what is false. The passing of time reveals who is true and what is false.


Is David C. Pack true? Time has already told.

Credit: Colin Davis on Unsplash


I grew up playing the card game Uno with my family during summer vacations. It became a camping tradition by Coleman lamp light that I looked forward to and have fond memories of.


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God uses Bible verses like he is playing Uno with the church. He enjoys throwing down a Draw 2, an enabler adds a Draw 2, and yet another enabler adds another Draw 2 that all pile into the brethren's laps.


He has been using “Joshua’s long day” as his Wild Card for years before I realized he was even playing a game. Whenever a literal use of numbers or days does not fly, Joshua’s Long Day…saves the day! Hold on to it until it is absolutely necessary.


The Wild Card gets you out of a jam. David C. Pack is in the biggest jam of his life. He is a false prophet and false apostle who can never be right because God will not allow it.


Dave is also a fan of the Reverse card. Reverse. Reverse. Reverse. Reverse.


He will thunder, “When God says XYZ, then maybe we should believe Him. His word is purified seven times. If He said XYZ, then you know what? Maybe he really meant XYZ!”


However, when it suits his purpose, he will Reverse and say, “When God says XYZ, then maybe it could mean YZX because if X overlaps with Y, then Z is a type of A.”


Whoa. We got dangerously close to doing math there. My apologies.


The point is: David C. Pack takes the Bible literally when he needs to or takes the Bible figuratively when he needs to. Now, we are back to seven days does not mean seven days, but 3 ½ days with 3 ½ days overlapping and compressed into Trumpets.


You sad little man. Though you may throw down a Draw 4 with a smug grin, everyone else on the table has one, too. Eventually, the messy pile that you started will fall back into your hands.

This new list of 60 can be thrown on the burn pile with all the other lists Dave has wasted his time generating over the years. Even the hill of beans is laughing.


It is probably best that the list of 60 items never leaves the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium because, by the time Sabbath Services comes around, the black Sharpie will run out of ink unlisting the list.


Notice the “3.5 days” is thrown out as a possibility but not with a solid declaration. He lacked the courage to "make it plain" and, thus, open for interpretation.


You could count Trumpets minus 3 ½ to be TODAY. Or you could count Trumpets minus 3 ½ to be tomorrow morning. Either way, David C. Pack will be proven wrong by the passage of time, making what he is to be evident.


At every step, I declare David C. Pack a fraud. At every step, he proves me right. I do not want to be right. I want it to be over. I want him to stop. I want the people stuck inside RCG to see with their eyes and hear with their ears that which is “plain” before them.


Please consider how much you put into your green envelopes beginning on Monday. Consider.

Marc Cebrian

See: David C. Pack’s Wild Card

Part 7 How It's Done TV Discusses Dave Pack's Recent "Unopen House"

 Dave Pack hired armed Wadsworth Police to keep Dawn Blue and Mark Cebrian from entering RCG's recent "unOpen House". 

This is the picture that Dave never wanted to be associated with him and the Restored Church of God.

Part 7

Restored Church of God: "Money Down The Drain" Part 6

Christ is set to return on Feast of Trumpets and yet Dave buys new land and homes while members are told to give more money and be ready to meet Christ.


Dawn Blue interviews Marc Cebrian over Dave Pack's recent purchase of new properties all the while expecting his followers to believe Christ's returning just a few days away and that they need to give as much money as they can.