Monday, July 8, 2024

They Don’t Have the TRUTH!

The Armstrong Churches of God are fond of pointing out that most folks who profess to be Christians are deceived about most things. Unfortunately, as many of us have learned, the “plain truth” is that they wouldn’t recognize the truth if it bit them in the posterior! Where do we begin? They are wrong about so many things!

First and foremost, most Armstrongites do NOT understand or accept what Jesus of Nazareth has done for them. All true disciples of Jesus Christ understand that Jesus Christ removed our sins and imputed to us his righteousness. They understand that Jesus reconciled us to God and made it possible for God to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, most Armstrongites believe that Christians must observe parts of the Law of Moses in order to be saved and that all of our sins will someday be placed on the head of Satan, NOT on Jesus.

Second, most Armstrongites fail to acknowledge that the New Covenant in Jesus has supplanted the Old Covenant between God and Israel. In keeping with their belief that salvation is accomplished in part by their own efforts to obey God’s Law, they believe that things like the observance of the Sabbath and Holy Days are essential for Christians. For them, God’s Law for Christians is still found among the provisions of the Old Covenant between God and Israel. Indeed, instead of understanding that Jesus and his love make us righteous and clean, they continue to define sin as the transgression of the terms of the Old Covenant, and they continue to believe that the physical consumption of certain animals as food can make us unclean.

Third, in clear contradiction of the writings which we refer to as the New Testament, they believe that the Gospel or “Good News” is focused on the establishment of a literal Divine Government on this planet. Unlike most Christians, their message does NOT center on the person of Jesus of Nazareth and salvation through him. Instead, they focus on end-time prophecies and how they think that they relate to today’s headlines. Likewise, instead of spiritual salvation, their message is focused on the physical fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham. And, in keeping with that message, most of them believe that the English-speaking peoples of the earth are descendants of two of the twelve tribes of Israel. In other words, inheriting God’s promises in Christ takes a backseat to the physical birthright of being Abraham’s physical descendants!

Fourth, instead of celebrating the birth, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus of Nazareth with other Christians, they insist that it is only appropriate to celebrate Christ’s death! They believe that the holidays that most Christians celebrate are drawn from ancient pagan practices and reject any association of those days with Jesus Christ. Likewise, they shun meeting together with other Christians on Sunday and insist on worshipping with folks of like mind on the Jewish Sabbath. Indeed, they believe that gathering on Sunday is another pagan practice and that Jesus didn’t really mean that wherever two or three are gathered together in his name he would be there in the midst of those people!

Fifth, they reject the Christian understanding of the nature of God. In fact, they deny that the Holy Spirit is God, and both believe and preach that only the Father and the Son are God! Moreover, they believe and teach that humans will one day be God – as God is God! Indeed, most of them believe that God looks like us and thinks the way that we think! Instead of things like compassion, mercy, and love, they believe in a God who is royally pissed off at humanity and is just waiting for an opportunity to zap most of us out of existence. Instead of a God who wants to save the world, they preach an authoritarian and stern God who will forcibly impose his will on a rebellious and delinquent mankind. Instead of serving and helping humanity, they see themselves as someday ruling over mankind with a rod of iron!

And, finally, instead of acknowledging that Jesus Christ is THE TRUTH, they arrogantly believe that their own little package of beliefs constitutes the truth. Likewise, instead of love as the foundation, object and goal of everything that God has done and will do, they believe that a utopian government and world is his objective. For them, what happens when we die is more important than how we treat each other in the present. In short, the Armstrong Churches of God embody the Spirit of Anti-Christ more than they embody God’s Holy Spirit. In the words of the book of Revelation, they believe that they are rich (in truth) and have everything that they need, but they do not realize that they “are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” In times past, God winked at such ignorance, but NOW it is time for them to REPENT and accept Jesus of Nazareth as their Savior and acknowledge the inadequacy of their own righteousness!

From Anon...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dave Pack: I Am Branch

I Am Branch

Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God did not arrive on July 7, 2024. That is today. David C. Pack’s Tammuz Trifecta was a perfect failure for the third year in a row. Nothing biblical happened as the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God taught about Tammuz 1 in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Do not fret because the newest date was firmly established last night:

Jesus Christ Returns on Tammuz 5
Sunset in Jerusalem
July 10 @ 12:47 PM ET

That will be covered in the coming days.


During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 521)” on June 29, 2024, David C. Pack continued to tiptoe just right when bringing up The Restored Church of God’s depleting membership. Being a little flock is biblical, so it is actually good news despite growth no longer being a fruit of God’s blessings.

Dave carefully words his statements with a bait-and-switch mid-thought.

Part 521 – June 29, 2024
@ 1:10:42 In Luke 12, we’ve been a little flock. Haggai 1 twice describes God’s house lies waste. His church. Not been easy to be in a smaller group. A lotta people would not leave the bigger groups ‘cause they wanted numbers. Their proof of where God was working was numbers. That’s it’s called democracy.

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives;
a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

@ 1:11:07 Majority rules. You gotta bigger church, then you gotta be the right church. But there's a micro flock. Revelation 3 says they have micro-strength. But they have an open door, and nobody could shut it.

First, it is about numbers, but then he shifts to voting. It is unclear what point he is trying to make, which gives the impression he is not sure either. His rationale is as brittle as his reliability.

Church size has NOTHING to do with any form of government. You can have a church totaling 100 members that vote or a church consisting of 100,000 members that do not vote. Dave was trying so carefully to tiptoe just right he stepped in logic manure and tracked it across the house.

@ 1:14:46 We’ve got all kinds of literature. We’ve got a wonderful Campus. We’ve got websites galore. All kinds of tools. A fabulous staff. But, we are one seriously abbreviated church. [chuckles] We are diminutive. We used to be Gulliver. Now we’re in Lilliputia. I despised it. I hated that I we could not see all of us back together again. I hated it.

Dave is a big phony. He loves people being together just as long as he stays in charge.

All kinds of outdated literature and an ample library of discontinued books, booklets, and videos. A wonderful Campus that does nothing for “the Work” but is a private money pit for the paid Headquarters ministry, their families, and the local congregation. Websites galore that recycle material produced years ago. A fabulous staff that surrendered their integrity to support an exploitative system they know is spiritually corrupt.

It is enough to give you goosebumps on your goosebumps.

Calling the Common Kettle black in 3…2…1…

@ 1:15:15 I’ve watched people treated like merchandise. Swapped around by leaders who are so greedy and selfish they only thought about themselves.

Brethren, give your Common or “No salvation for you!”

@ 1:15:31 But, some people loathed and hated it and wouldn’t endure, so they left. They wanna go someplace bigger. This wuddn’t good enough for them.

When anyone joins The Restored Church of God, it is not about the membership numbers. They come to hear the truths of God. But RCG is not in the truth business anymore. Some would point out they never were.

People leave The Restored Church of God because a proven false prophet, false apostle, and false teacher lies to them weekly, and cowardly hirelings who were supposed to protect the sheep let the wolves gorge themselves.

I left the United Church of God in 2012 to join RCG. UCG vastly outnumbered those attending The Restored Church of God, even though they were growing. I did not come for the larger choirs. I moved to Ohio because I thought that was where God was working. I resigned from RCG in March 2021 when I knew for sure He was not. Some point out that RCG was never where God was working because Armstrongism was corrupt from the beginning.

The Restored Church of God is not the right church, the true church, or even a good church. They embody so much of what is vile in modern religion but are smug while doing it. It is a den of all manner of theological filthiness.

Former members are not eager to find “someplace bigger.” They are eager to find the right church that does not manipulate them with fear. Speaking of fear…

@ 1:15:38 And they are not gonna see the plummet in the hand of Christ. They may in seven years. He may rise in their hearts, and they're gonna wait a long time. Assuming they even get to wait at all. Those who try to destroy us don’t appear to have much of a future.

David C. Pack cannot wait to see the Lake of Fire put to good use, especially on those who accurately report what he says. How that is trying to destroy them is a mystery. Facts are facts regardless of the intent.

@ 1:18:42 We go first. We’re gonna shock the planet. But, yes, I despise the day of small things. I despised it. I wanted it to end. And it would go on and on and on and on and on. It’s why I’ll always say I don’t care how long we go. This is the right church.

I will finish Dave’s thought for him:

"As long as I'm in charge and nobody challenges me with facts or tells me I'm wrong about the smallest detail. I can do whatever I want. I live in a house built with donated money from my foolish worshippers. I stable my horses on property freely given by the sacrifices of gullible people, thinking that one million dollars would do the Work. So, I don't care how many dates I get wrong. I'm staying put because the RCG Board of Directors lack the guts to do what they know they should to extract a toxic presence from this spiritually corrupt organization.”

@ 1:19:02 If people if we went on another year, I know there’d be some who’d who’d despise the day of small things and do something about it. They’d leave. And nobody else that teaches this, but you can forget this in ten minutes if you work at it. Actually, if you work at it, you can forget it in about five.

Dave harbors deep resentments that his followers do not appreciate all the blessings he bestows upon them while ruining their Sabbaths by teaching presumptuous temporary doctrines. The nerve of those little ingrates.

@ 1:19:16 They forget all the way they feel about this massive, marvelous knowledge.

Departing members do not forget about biblical fraud, mental abuse, constant disappointment, shameful mind control tactics, relentless lying, theft, hypocrisy, and blasphemy.

@ 1:19:24 Or all the all the the the endless things we learned just today. Or just in the last month.

In the last month, brethren learned the Kingdom would come on Sivan 1. Then, Pentecost. Then, Tammuz 1. They learned the Kingdom comes in Spring. Then, it comes in summer. They learned a long list of proofs proving Pentecost can also prove Tammuz 1. They learned that the Kingdom of God arrives at dawn but is actually coming at sunset. They learned Dave can receive an utterance from God without receiving an utterance from God. They learned Dave is not Elijah while he proved that he is Elijah.

That is some of the massive, marvelous knowledge David C. Pack refers to just in the last month.


Another tidbit of marvelous knowledge in the past month was when David C. Pack allowed Jesus Christ to be the Branch again. Hopefully, the brethren learned to take notes in pencil.

@ 41:04 I wanna give you some more wonderful, inspiring news. We gotta go back and talk about the Branch. I’ve gotta correct a correction. Christ rules in the background. He's calling the shots. Elijah's in front a Him every day. But the visible frontman is Elijah. So, let's see if we've got let's see if I've correctly understood all the details of who the Branch is. ‘Member, Christ is the vine. We’re the branches.

This is wonderful, inspiring news only for David C. Pack, who cannot stomach Jesus Christ hogging the spotlight. He tiptoes just right through his reversing reversal without clueing the audience in on who the Branch really is.

@ 42:18 “…just say to him, Behold, the man,” not the Lord’s anointed. Not the angel of the Lord. “The man whose name is the Branch.” Now, here’s where you get into a a almost it's impossible this is Christ, and I don't know how I missed it. I'd known it long ago, and then, I forgot about it.

Imagine forgetting that a role of Jesus Christ in the plan of salvation actually belongs to you. That is some minor Whoopsie Daisy, for sure.

Dave covers the same Bible verses as last time but with an opposite conclusion. This is how we will get to Part 600.

@ 42:52 Does Christ sound like a sprout to you?

Dave must have been kicking himself while shaving in the mirror that morning. He had it right, then made a correction, but now has to endure the discomfort of correcting that correction.

Discerning between Jesus Christ and David C. Pack in the Bible is a monumental challenge. When you hold up both of them to the light side by side, even a person of above-average intelligence cannot tell the difference.

Boy, that is a chore nobody wants to tackle. Not it!

David C. Pack carefully tries to tiptoe just right past this topic to get the brethren back on track.

@ 44:28 So, that’s one thing I wanted to tell ya. This is this is setting something up because, you know, you're not talking about yourself. We're all branches. It’s just God uses this one man as a kind of a type of what we would all expect. We’re all gonna sprout because we’re all branches. So, you’re just using one man. This so you’re you’re you’re reading about yourself while looking at this one kinda we’ll call him a what? A prototype.

As of Part 521 in The Restored Church of God, Jesus Christ is no longer the Branch. There is one man who is a prototype. But who is he?

Dunno. David C. Pack was so careful tiptoeing that he avoided revealing who the Branch was. Longtime readers know Elijah is the alternate default, but since Dave recently denied he was Elijah, it becomes an open question.

Anyone paying attention has the answer: David C. Pack is the Branch because he is Elijah. Wink-wink. But the self-professed man-child will not say that until he is tired of having to tiptoe just right.

Watch the video segment courtesy of another former RCG member’s exRestoredCOG YouTube channel.

@ 1:29:06 So, we know we’re close. We know Israel’s at war. We know 2024 is the year, so don't worry about it, brethren. All is well. Stay close to God and enjoy thinking about how enjoyable it will be once all of this begins. Good night.

We are not close. 2024 is not the year. All is not well in The Restored Church of Another god. Today, Tammuz 1 failed. Dave’s shift to Tammuz 5 will not make him more accurate than he has always been.

David C. Pack tried to tiptoe just right and lacked the conviction to declare openly, “I am Branch.”

Marc Cebrian

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dave Pack: Tiptoe Just Right


Tiptoe Just Right

The righteous are as bold as a lion, but David C. Pack has to tiptoe just right.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God did his best to deprogram the brethren away from remembering Jesus Christ had to return at sunrise on Pentecost by force-feeding them his Tammuz Trifecta supposedly occurring on July 7.

The third time's the charm, except for all things David C. Pack. The man is a sitting legend of prophetic failure, atrocious speaking ability, and the most astonishing piss-poor reading comprehension skills of anyone you will ever know. That does not stop him from being The Little Theologian That Could.

After nothing happened on June 16, it was another biblical fraud brainstorming session in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium where Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy pulled out their “Tammuz 1” notes stored in Bankers Boxes marked 2022 and 2023 from under the sink.

Four crucial messages were essential for the brethren of The Restored Church of God to be adequately prepared to receive salvation to feed a gluttonous ego.

The Greatest Untold Story!
Part 519 on June 20 – 1:27:49     Part 520 on June 22 – 1:51:05
Part 521 on June 29 – 1:58:49     Part 522 on June 29 – 1:28:42

After completing four messages lasting 6 hours, 48 minutes, and 25 seconds, Tammuz 1 should be undeniably proven, and the Series must be over…right?

Well, not quite.

David C. Pack has fully adopted a tiptoe preaching style that avoids definitive assertions brimming over with power and confidence. Instead, the members of The Restored Church of God have to make do with being their own judges about what he might be suggesting:

“Mr. Pack thinks he is pretty sure with all that he can see right now based on what he currently understands since he is doing this all on his own without an oracle from God. He is doing this alone and hasn’t had as much time as Mr. Armstrong to figure this out. He is not prophesying. He is simply teaching what the Bible says."

David C. Pack now timidly slinks through the Headquarters' hallways on his tippy toes, avoiding all "impossible that it's wrong" proclamations since exposing his soft underbelly during Part 520.

Flashback Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 1:44:09 You don’t want that pressure on you. I promise you. You have no idea how many of our enemies are sitting out there mocking what I took on that nobody else even saw. You have no idea.

@ 1:45:39 I had under nine years working alone with ferocious opposition. And boy, if I don’t tiptoe just right, you just can’t even believe. You can’t even believe.

Triggered by his internal defense mechanism, Dave carefully worded “our enemies," “mocking what I took on” rather than HIS enemies mocking HIM. He wants to believe the ferocious opposition is focused on the foolish malarkey, not the foolish malarkey maker.

Another observation for budding psychologists and body language experts is that this inappropriate smirk at this moment expresses extreme discomfort.


Even though Dave tiptoed just right through his concluding 3 hours and 27 minutes, there were notable changes for the brethren of The Restored Church of God to judge on their own.

  New Moon services have officially ended.
•  Jesus Christ is NOT the Branch. Again.
•  The Kingdom comes at sunset, not sunrise.
•  There could be a delay until Tammuz 5 (July 11, 2024).
•  The translators got something right.

David C Pack sounded like his usual self at the start of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 521)” on June 29, 2024. Nobody could have guessed that major tiptoeing was coming later.

Part 521 – June 29, 2024
@ 01:56 I’ve got some of the most wonderful things. Just the most wonderful, wonderful, happy, powerful things to cover here on what I still believe is our last Sabbath before we’re outta time. And …it’s almost like God has saved the best for last.

Dave proves he does not have a clue about his own content in 3…2…1…

@ 12:31 Sometimes, as I like to say, preaching is fun. If you’re teaching the truth, it’s always fun.

As a former eyewitness who sat in the Main Hall at Headquarters from December 2012 until March 2021, I would testify in a court of law that David C. Pack's teachings are not fun. In fact, the misery he inflicts on his audience sucks all the joy and peace out of the room, making the Sabbath a burden to bear.

David C. Pack does not teach the truth. He teaches his private interpretation of the truth. This is why nothing biblical will happen on Tammuz 1 or Tammuz 5 this year. There will be no tiptoeing past that.


David C. Pack will either exalt or abase a person, place, or thing when it suits his needs. He will sing praises one day but give a backhanded slap the next. According to David C. Pack, nobody has thwarted him more during his solo journey to ending the Mystery of God than the King James Bible translators.

Before Dave gushes, refresh yourself with his status quo.

Flashback Part 382 – July 17, 2022
@ 16:17 Now we’re gonna go over and look at an almost unbelievable mistranslation. …you’re almost not gonna believe the translators could’ve been so terribly wrong and how it affected my ability to figure outhow the Day of the Lord comes.

Flashback Part 417 – February 2, 2023
@ 03:16 Now, as I like to say, “Our old friend Miss Translations” has revisited us one more time. And it’s powerful. …I can only wish I had learned this long ago. I would have never wrestled if a single word were correctly translated.

Flashback Part 441 – May 6, 2023
@ 52:30 Here’s an example of trying to deal with a terrible mistranslation. …And the answer is a grievous, horrific, the worst mistranslation (probably) in the Bible.

Since the divorce, the Bible translators must have gone on a diet, hit the gym, dyed their hair blonde, and gotten implants because Dave was practically drooling over them.

Part 521 – June 29, 2024
@ 25:26 The translators knew in Colossians 2:16, they knew that this was talkin’ about Pentecost. The translators knew Paul had Pentecost in mind. And the world keeps Pentecost.

@ 26:13 They knew what Pentecost was, and they knew that Paul was talking about Sivan.

@ 26:30 Kind of interesting. So, I just thought you’d find it also very helpful if we’re looking for metrics that the translators understood the shadow month was Pentecost.

@ 27:29 These brilliant men who knew Greek and Hebrew understood exactly what month Paul was talking about.

The same men who kept Dave from correctly understanding God’s word for decades are now brilliant for the first time in his life. Wow. A man who claims his enemies as his allies is in a truly sorry state.

But we can tiptoe past that.


Despite the biblical evidence, David C. Pack repeats something until it becomes true. He also ignores verses that disprove his current assumption, only to return later and tout those exact skipped words, claiming they make him right this time.

RCG New Moons No Mo

The fleeting love The Restored Church of God once had for New Moon observances started waning almost immediately, maybe because they sometimes kept them on the wrong day.

Once RCG skipped their first service due to a lack of spiritual food, it was apparent there was trouble in paradise. They signaled their doctrinal distancing back in February, much to the chagrin of Edward L. Winkfield, who is no longer smiling about the wonderful gift of New Moons.

Knowledge-free “Understanding New Moons” in November 2023 did little more than admit they did not understand New Moons. This open shame for Edward Winkfield should cause him to think twice before leaping to the front of the room to be the poster child of non-critical thinking.

Dave tiptoed just right, reversing his New Moon doctrines by teaching what Herbert W. Armstrong already knew in the 1950s.

Ah, gee whiz, fellas. Do you mean New Moons are not Holy Days or Sabbaths and should not be kept the same way? If only those Bible verses were more plain.

Dave likes to hammer the same idea over and over as if saying one thing ten times has the same weight as saying ten things once. He desperately sells the concept that there are no services or messages on New Moons. You know, like they used to teach until November last year.

Instead of just reading two verses and putting a button on it after two minutes, Dave squeezed every bit of exhausting juice from the rotten fruit of his biblical understanding. There is a morbid mental conditioning where he will not relent until his audience is drained into weary acceptance.

To elicit empathy for the brethren in the room, note the timestamps between the droning.

@ 34:32 Now, that’s one of the most astonishing discoveries I’ve ever made. So, when you’re talking about eating and drinking just on a regular New Moon… No indication of any kind of Sabbath. Certainly no Holy Day there. So, we’re thinking the church never kept New Moons.

He could have ended here. Instead, twenty more minutes occupy a singular point.

@ 44:52 You know, one of the things I was noticing as I went back and started doing a more diligent research,we’re gonna we’re we’re gonna see we’re gonna keep learning here. There’s nothing about a message on a New Moon. They’re nothing about a Bible study. Now, the church didn’t keep it.

Instead of plaguing Headquarters with more messages, RCG brethren are “encouraged” to just eat something. You know, like every other day of the week.

@ 45:13 So, if I fear God and I’m faithful, then I have to tell you, I’m learning that New Moons are not for the same purpose as Holy Days and Sabbaths are. It’s revel time. So, brethren around the world can revel in this in little groups even if they–alone to try to do it, but there’s no message to try to tune in to. That’s what I began to notice.

@ 46:24 I did the best I knew. It didn’t hurt us to keep eight Bible studies. But I don’t I I can’t find a single bit of evidence that’s what it [marriage in Cana] is. I'll tell you, I’ll tell you wuh-wuh where the confusion lie. Oh, it’s interesting.

@ 49:09 There’s no evidence here or in John 2 that a message occurred. Sacrifices, yes. God wants His people to have a party, but His kind of party.

@ 49:26 There’s a place for Bible studies. You know, we’re having one now. But, coordinating these worldwide has been a great challenge due just to time zones. How do we do this? And the answer is: You aren’t supposed to.

If Dave is pounding on the table, it must be true.

@ 52:42 You you actually you’re you’re left with you have no choice but to believe that because there’s [pounds on the table] no evidence that [pounds on the table] anything [pounds on the table] was ever [pounds on the table] taught [pounds on the table] on [pounds on the table] New Moons.

@ 57:41 So, that’s the closest you’ll ever get to what a New Moon would be. It would be the Night to Be Much Observed.

Okay. We get it. New Moons are unlike Sabbaths or Holy Days and do not have commanded assemblies. This Church Administration email clarified just how unimportant New Moons are now in RCG.

July 5, 2024
Reminder New Moon of Tammuz 1 – Sunday, July 7

Greeting brethren,

This is a reminder that the next New Moon is this coming Sunday, July 7.

As Mr. Pack mentioned in a recent message, there will no longer be a Bible Study on this occasion. Instead, where possible, we encourage you to gather and enjoy a meal and fellowship to commemorate the New Moon.

If you have any questions, please talk to your minister.

Kind regards,
Church Administration

Wade Cox must be super happy Dave set his ball down and walked off the New Moon field leaving him as king of the kook hill.

If Jesus Christ will bring the Kingdom of God on July 7, why did Dave even go down this disavowal road? Because according to RCG, there will be a New Moon that day. Depending on who you believe, it already occurred at 6:59 PM on July 5 or is to be observed on July 6. Either way, RCG no longer needs to fret about accuracy, which has been their custom for many years.


David C. Pack tiptoes just right when seeking members’ approval.

Part 521 – June 29, 2024
@ 1:32:28 Hopefully, I’m givin’ you plenty to buzz about in the first part.

Part 522 – June 29, 2024
@ 20:18 I hope you’re finding this as inspiring as in hearing that as I am in delivering it. I just almost don’t want the message to end. But I know, of course, it has to.

He tiptoes just right when he changes the timing for the arrival of the Kingdom of God.

@ 26:58 I wanna correct something. It’s a minor correction, but it’s helpful. It has to do with dawn. Is a dawn arrival (whatever day it is) is a dawn arrival correct?

The short answer is: No. Dawn is not correct. Dave returns to sunset, but it takes him 14 minutes of tiptoeing to get there.

@ 30:21 Once I went back, and just it struck me what our wait won’t be quite as long. If we’re waiting for the New Moon, we’re waiting for the start of it. Not the end of it.

@ 30:38 So, whatever day it is, we’re not waiting for dawn Jerusalem time. So far, it looks like we’re waiting for dusk Jerusalem time.

@ 40:20 Hopefully, that’s helpful and inspiring. It means our wait is a little bit less than we thought. 

@ 40:39 Earlier, like maybe I’m found so doing if am I at home? Or if it’s the fifth [of July], then I’m here in the office and others are, too. Maybe. Maybe. All right. I hope that’s helpful and also inspiring.

Inspired to do what and feel what? That was always a mystery to me while attending RCG and should perplex everyone still there.


Dave tiptoed just right through the caveat that nothing could happen on Tammuz 1 due to a delay, and receiving an oracle from God is not all it is cracked up to be.

@ 1:22:59 If we would been told if we learned the date that this would happen by an oracle, no one would be say, "Wait for it." We woulda heard God's voice. Or Gabriel's voice. Or the Angel of the Lord, Christ. You wouldn't say, "Wait for it, it won't tarry," if you heard an oracle. It was a date that had to be discerned. Now, what I cannot explain today I cannot I don't know if it delay, if it delay. Or when it delays or though it delay.

@ 1:27:15 I don’t know how you delayed the Kingdom if we’re just waiting to the first day of the month after the last message. It reads to me like (and I wish it didn't), but it reads like it’s the a delay off of what you might expect.

The delay verses in the Bible will never go away, giving David C. Pack perpetual insulation when the arms of the clock do not relent. He is not God's inspired preacher. He is just teaching what the Bible says, which makes him utterly worthless as a self-proclaimed prophecy expert. Dave doesn't know Jack.

@ 1:27:37 So, if we’re here next week, I believe it will be because there’s more to tell you. Maybe including more details I haven’t shared about the fifth [of Tammuz].

Despite tiptoeing just right, David C. Pack has no special insight, no special discernment, no special inspiration, and is receiving no divine guidance. He is simply a theological narcissist sitting at the front of the room, conning people into assuming what he says means anything because he quotes the Bible.

@ 1:28:26 And if there’s more to say, I’ll learn it through the week. And maybe we’ll all be watching the horror of breakout if that’s what happens.

 If. If. If. I believe. Maybe. If. Maybe. If.

Dave will ALWAYS have more to say, and calling this “The Greatest Unending Story!” is shockingly accurate even when David C. Pack tries to tiptoe just right during Parts 521 and 522. His brash, impossible boldness was nowhere to be found, which was inarguably missing.

Maybe the Pastor General has converted to becoming a verbal pacifist tamed by the ferocious opposition of unnamed enemies who document what he says.

David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar not led by the Holy Spirit to proclaim dates for the return of Jesus Christ. He is a false apostle, false prophet, and false teacher forever denied the glory and fear of men he so desperately seeks.

The righteous are as bold as a lion, but David C. Pack has to tiptoe just right.

Marc Cebrian

See: Tiptoe Just Right