Remember this stupidity from Dave?
It has not aged well...
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
There is a private Facebook group that has the following post up:
God Is in Charge: Today, many assume that there is no God and that human beings and human governments must therefore determine their own future. However, the Bible reveals that God does exist and that He alone determines the future of people and nations. The book of Job records that God “makes nations great, and destroys them” (Job 12:23). The prophet Daniel wrote that God “removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21) and that “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses” (Daniel 4:25, 32). The Scriptures reveal that nations and individuals will reap what they sow—those who obey God will be blessed, and those who reject God, ignoring His commandments, will be cursed (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28; Jeremiah 2). We need to remember these valuable instructions as we watch world events in the days ahead.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
This has been sitting in drafts for a while:
It's another sunny day in California, and our resident crackpot is on another of his self-righteous piss-fests. This time, it is about Veterans Day. It just frosts his delicate self-righteous little butt that some in COGland are not the kind of pacifists he thinks they should be. But first, the world's GREATEST prophet and true church leader to ever exist in human history wants you to know that he served in the military for 4 years before he was "converted." That's so funny!
November 11th is called Veteran’s Day in the USA. It is a day to remember those who served in the military.
For what it’s worth, I happen to be a veteran myself, as I served four years in the US military.
The historical position of the true Church of God is that Christians do not become part of the military, and if they are in for some reason, that they “do violence to no man” (Luke 3:14, KJV).
In my own case, perhaps I should mention that I was NOT raised in a Church of God (COG) family, and entered the military before being baptized by a Worldwide Church of God (WCG) minister.
Since the break-up of the old WCG decades ago some relatively few, affiliated with the COGs, publicly changed and have improperly taught that it is acceptable for true Christians to be part of the military and kill others.
He then has to add the following, proving once again what a delicate little man he is and how he gets so easily upset. He easily gets his wholistic knickers in a really big knot when COG folk do not adhere to the pacifist stance that the elite chicken hawks in the church do.
Furthermore, some of these few have seemed to wish to poke fun at those of us who hold to the original Christian teachings on this matter.
He then proceeds to try and eviscerate Wes White, from the Ronald Dart Evangelistic Association for his stance on military service from a story that was published in the Journal in 2017. Bitter Bob sure can hold grudges a LONG time! Bitter Bob has been to ashamed to post the link to this story, so her eit is
BIG SANDY, Texas--I was jogging past the home of my friend Moore Wright Thnu yesterday when I heard loud screaming coming from his living room. I immediately ran to the door and rang the bell.
When Moore opened the door he was red-faced with rage. Our conversation went like this:
Wes: Moore, what in the world is the matter in there? Is everything all right?
Moore: Did you hear what he called me?
Wes: Who?
Moore: Him! Look at the TV.
I looked at the image being transmitted by the Fox News Network.
Wes: That looks like the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura.
Moore: That's right. The unpatriotic rat.
Wes: Unpatriotic? Wasn't Ventura a decorated war hero during the Vietnam War?
Moore: Well, yes, but that's not the point.
Wes: Didn't he get a lot of medals like the Silver Star, Navy Cross and Purple Heart while serving in the U.S. Navy Seals?
Moore: Forget that part. I'm turning this off. I can't stand it anymore.
Wes: What is it you can't stand?
Moore: He called me a chicken hawk.
Wes: A chicken hawk? Why would he call you a chicken hawk?
Moore: A chicken hawk is a guy who had a chance to join the military and serve in combat but didn't. And, now that the guy is too old to serve, he's in favor of war and sending young men off to fight.
Wes: And you think he's calling you a chicken hawk?
Moore: Of course he is. He says I was chicken when I could have helped out during the Vietnam War, but now I'm a hawk when it comes to the war in Iraq.
Wes: Oh, I get it now. This is interesting. I know you have been vocal in promoting the war in Iraq, but I don't know anything about your personal history in the late '60s and early '70s. Did you serve in the military during those years?
Moore began stammering.
Moore: I was in the church at that time. We weren't allowed to join the army.
Wes: Really? I thought it was okay for you to enlist as a conscientious objector--a CO--and serve as a medic or in some other noncombat capacity. Did you consider that option back then?
Moore: I don't know if I want to discuss this. If you must know, Mr. Nosy, I was in the employ of the church back then.
Wes: I didn't know that. So did you agree with the church's teaching on military service back then?
Moore: Not really. But I went along with it so I could keep my job in the church.
Wes: Are you saying that, when you filed papers with Selective Service saying you didn't believe in carnal warfare, you didn't mean it?
Moore: Now see here, Wes. I didn't want to get disfellowshipped. Besides, Ann Coulter wasn't writing and speaking back then. I didn't have access to her profound insights back in those days.
Wes: Well, please help me understand all this. Would you serve in the military today if you weren't past the maximum age of enlistment?
Moore: Absolutely!
Wes: Would you say that young men today should sign up to help the war effort?
Moore: That's correct!
Wes: But you have three sons of ideal military age. Have you encouraged them to enlist?
Moore started stammering again.
Moore: What? Of course not! Why would I encourage my boys to join? You know that many Sabbath-keeping Churches of God teach against military service.
Wes: But this is not your belief. And your sons don't even attend church or keep the Sabbath. Why wouldn't you want them to enlist?
Moore: I just don't. Wait a minute. You're trying to trick me. You're trying to get me to admit that I don't mind Americans dying in war but I just don't want it to be me or my sons doing the dying.
Wes: Is this true?
Moore: Quit calling me a hypocrite. You're as bad as that Jesse Ventura. You're accusing me of being a chicken hawk. You need to just leave my house right now.
As I walked down the front-porch steps, the door slammed behind me. Halfway down the block I could hear Moore's TV was back on and he was screaming at Jesse Ventura.
Chicken-hawking has been a way of life for many in COG leadership positions. They want the military to be strong and defend them, but they themselves are too lazy and self-righteous to ever take a stand. They wax glorious on the military intervening in world events ever since 9-11, and yet they are too weak to ever step up to the plate and defend their country. These are the types of people who would have turned their neighbors as people did in WWII, ratting out the Jews.