Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Meredith Family Business

From a reader here with links to the Living Church of God:

In a recent article put out by LCG Rod Meredith appoints Dick Ames to be the successor to his throne. Even if Ames is the "face" they push as the new church leader, on paper and in truth it will be Jim Meredith. The Meredith's look at LCG as a 10 Million dollar a year "family business".  They have said as much openly in the presence of many over they years. Of course I realize that Ames is Meredith's brother in-law (the nepotism in that organization is profound) but the money and power will be left to the son, Jim.
Unfortunately Jim has a proficiency for bankrupting business. That's how he ended up suckling off of his daddy's tit in the 1st place. His poor management and extravagant expenditures caused his California business to go belly-up so he was forced to come to Charlotte because he was broke. His daddy tried to make the move as comfortable as possible for him by putting him in charge of the Feast of Tabernacles so that he could travel the world, stay in fancy hotels and eat gourmet meals with the company credit card (I wonder how the tithing member who makes $300 a week feels about Jim spending $300 a night to stay at 4 and 5 star hotels with their tithe money). Jim dislikes Charlotte so much (cool people live in California after all) that he uses any excuse possible to leave town. His daddy also gave him a cushy executive office right next to his.  Exactly where one would assume the 2nd in command would sit.
At least LCG is wise enough to know that (most) of the members would be outraged if they thought Jim was taking over so they peddle the rouse that Ames will be in control (although, so many of the members now blindly follow anything Rod Meredith he says regardless of its insanity).
When Rod Meredith dies and LCG implodes Jim will take the money and run (probably to Hawaii) where he will retire comfortably with his wife).  I would venture to guess that legal paperwork is already in place to turn the bank accounts over to Jim as soon as the old man dies. Ironically, Jim is spending so much money on travel expenses and Feast sites that there may not be that much left in the end!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Is Dave Pack The Most Benevolent Man On Earth Today? Only Flaccid Critics Think Otherwise!

A reader here from Dave Pack's personality cult has objected to my postings and to your comments.

Apparently we are ignorant of the fact that Davey is the most benevolent caring COG leader to live in this dispensation. No one is more merciful or caring than Davey.  Davey has the utmost concern for the spiritual welfare of his church members so how dare we think differently!

How dare we criticize members as scared little walking Stepford citizens! Every single member is allowed to think, believe and do what they want without Davey ever stopping them. Everyone is free to question. Everyone is free to think what they want and interpret Dave's teachings as to how best they fit their lives.  Everyone cashes out their retirement accounts because they love their benevolent leader soooooooooooooo much.

Apparently we all need Viagra since we are all so flaccid.  That might be a hard thing to do since Davey has bought it all in order to keep up with his younger bride.  Declining age is certainly a bitch!

I'm sure the moderator will filter this one out! "No need to share an alternate viewpoint" on this blog of critics.  

I have worked at RCG HQ in the past and I can personally state that Mr. Pack is one of the most genuine, caring and concerned people I have ever met. He repeatedly tells the staff "not just clean - but squeaky clean" in all aspects of the Work.

Mr. Pack is very concerned with the spiritual well being of not only RCG members - but of all of God's people spread around the world (in the splinters and slivers).

There is a saying in the vernacular "walk the talk" and I have personally witnessed this in Mr. Pack in all my time in RCG.

All RCG members are independent persons - free to operate at our own will. Through the guidance of God's Holy Spirit and His living Word - we govern our own lives - upholding God's Commands, Holy Days and doctrines.

The trite and infantile comments on this blog are a testimony to the depravity of those who participate. In one moment the bloggers are criticizing what is termed as "Armstrongism" and in the very next sentence they use WCG doctrine to adjudicate their criticism.

You boys really need to grow up and get a spine. One day soon God will show you how flaccid you are.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rod Meredith Disfellowships Members Over A Book He Recommended For His "University" Students to Read

Rod Meredith is now telling his Living Church of God members what they can read and not read.  More importantly though is the fact that LCG members are NOT to think about the books they read nor discuss them with other church members WITHOUT a minister present.  Dumb sheep are certainly the most complacent.

From a  reader:

As part of the Gestapo-like LCG purity purge, Meredith has now started telling his members what they can and can not read.
 In the last few months several members have been suspended while others have been disfellowshipped over a little thing called the Book of Enoch. According to sources, no one in LCG had ever heard of the Book of Enoch until it was listed as recommended reading in a Living University course. Once people started reading it, they began discussing it. People in the Living Church of God are not allowed to have open discussions among themselves according to Meredith because they aren't strong-minded enough to discern right from wrong without the spiritual guidance of one of his ministers present. Hence the rule against private Bible studies (what kind of church tells it's members NOT to get together to study the Bible?). So instead of educating, counseling, or doing anything else that might have been Christian and adult-like behavior, Meredith labels these horrible book-readers as causing "church division" (his favorite label for people he can't actually come up with a good reason to kick out) and accuses them of spreading heresy. In true Meredith form, the punishments for this book reading crime have not been the same across the board. If your parents are ministers or if you own your own business and send in big offerings, your sins are forgiven. If not, you're squashed like a bug.
Maybe at the next LCG campout members can all bring books to throw on the fire like the Nazi's did. How fun!