Friday, March 10, 2017

Join the Dugger Family On The Big Sandy Campus

You too can join the Dugger family for a weekend on the former Ambassador College campus in Big Sandy, TX where you can delve deeper into the cultic beliefs of the Quiverfull cult.  You can learn patriarchy, how to make your wives and children really submit, and you can share warm stories around the campfire about your glory days attending the BS Feast site and camping in the very same spot!

If you thought the craziness of Armstrongism was legalistic, just wait till you learn how it really should be in the QUIVERFULL cult!


UCG Examining Whether To Make DUB A Full 7 Days

UCG has some "papers" submitted to them that they are going to be discussing.  Not a single one of these is of any actual importance.

Project 54: Age of the Universe: Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is a popular belief, and it can be compelling on the surface, but it collapses billions of years of recorded data into a space of 1,000 years before the flood. Many forms of dating the earth are dismissed. The Achilles heel of the YEC is the speed of light and the diameter of the universe being 27.2 billion light years across. YEC also doesn’t consider the rebellion of Satan and his demons.
Project 46: Unleavened Bread Services for Seven Days: Proposed that Mr. Armstrong made a bad decision to reverse his custom of holding daily services during UB. (Actually it was more of a localized custom [i.e., Ambassador College] done for a brief number of years.) There is no scriptural directive for daily offerings as there is during the FOT.  
Project 11: Passover and the NTBMO Are on the Same Evening: An opinion has been making the rounds that Israel kept the first Passover, staying in their houses all night, and somehow also spoiled the Egyptians that night, and traveled with their animals to assemble at Rameses that night and all marched out of Rameses all on the same night. That idea attempts to be reinforced with a first century Jewish tradition of the time of the killing of Passover lambs. Believers of this concept attempt to impose events from during the Sinai Covenant onto the observance of the New Covenant Passover. First Corinthians 11:23 cuts through it all as it states, “The Lord Jesus on the same night He was betrayed took bread . . . ” We keep the New Covenant Passover. We teach what Scripture teaches and observe accordingly.

UCG Sydney AU is so dysfunctional that UCG members won't even attend when visiting the city.

UCG has always been known to be dysfunctional, but a comment on a Yahoo group proves that further.  UCG members are avoiding their own church like the plague.  On top of that, UCG is being out preached by the Seventh Day Adventists and Church of God 7th Day.  Unlike UCG, Adventists  and COG7 make no excuses for what they believe, UCG and most other COG's are embarrassed about themselves and are constantly making excuses for hiding what they claim to believe.

Church of God 7th Day and the Adventists are putting the regular Churches of God to shame.  Both preach what they believe and are active in their communities and around the world.  The Church of God is not.

UCG pays thousands of dollars to hold campaigns around the country.  One of their latest attempts they are bragging about had around 145 in attendance.  Of that number only 25 some "new" people showed up.  The rest of the audience was padded with 120 UCG members.  The COG message is shallow out out of touch with 21st century life and issues.  The Adventists and COG7 get it, the Church of God does not.

Even till today I know UCG people who if they have to visit Sydney on business. They will not attend the Sydney UCG. On the Sabbath. 
Which is voting will your feet. 

One other thing that I have noticed. Back in the 1970s HWA had a great interesting broadcast. 
Where now days hardly any of the cogs stand out. 
He in NZ the SDAs have there own Full time TV station plus one part time Station. 
As for preaching Gods laws they are spot on. 
Regarding prophecy and Gods laws they are now very close to what HWA taught.
 Those who preach on the SDAs TV stations have an excellent grasp on gods laws. They all preach the same. 

There is  a new big boy on the block.