Thursday, January 26, 2023

Dave Pack Pulls A Bob Thiel: Prophetic Timing Has Built-in Wiggle Room

Wiggle Room


Monday, January 23 @ 10:04 AM ET

Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET

Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET

Thursday, January 26 @ 10:07 AM ET

Maybe Thursday, January 26 @ 11:35 PM ET ?


According to David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God, prophetic timing has built-in wiggle room. Precision is hard to nail down, so thankfully, the Bible provides a way to fudge expectations this way and that. Over 20,000 hours of Bible study will make anyone an expert in biblical loopholes.


Somehow, Dave’s Spidey-Senses start tingling long before an event is set to occur. This has been proven helpful over the years as deadlines approach. God’s Holy Spirit haunts him. He is uncomfortable. And oh, the chest pains. 


This phenomenon is quite curious. Even after hour upon hour of inarguable proofs and metrics that build a case so strong even the Supreme Court would be astounded, deep down, David C. Pack is not convinced.


All of God's math and over two hours of untaught material proved that the Kingdom of God begins today, Shevat 4 (January 26). This rock-solid, immovable 55-day period ends on the Day of the Lord on March 22, 2023.


Or maybe not.


This was issued yesterday.



Prophecy Update – January 25, 2023


Brethren, we are all expecting Christ at the 1,335.


The date seems beyond all argument.


The only problem that just will not resolve itself has been how to get around the numerous verses about a delay, such as we've done the will of God, but it is still "for yet a little while"—you do not know the hour—you cannot think the hour—statements like it could be the 2nd watch, it could be the 3rd watch (blessed no matter when)—and finally, an initial judgment that appears to be in a hurry (Luke 12:36-38) seems to culminate later in a dawn/rising of the sun when all men are actually present.


Every servant would know the day his master is returning from a wedding! But the hour could remain in question every time.


Night in Jerusalem is about 13.5 hours this time of year. So then, again, the date seems beyond all argument. The hour appears unknowable.


In Christ’s service,


David C. Pack



The man really does not believe his own teachings. Even the unpresented stuff.


The date seems beyond all argument.”


It is 100% guaranteed that David C. Pack will be the one to argue against Shevat 4. He will point out how it was "never gonna be" today, and it was "impossible" for it to happen.


Remember, a non-prophet/non-psychic is calling that out. Not a real one.


To further invoke the powers of Magic 8 Ball, I predict timing will revert back to February 10 being “the day” so Dave can unshred his “proofs Elijah rises before February 10.” The remaining 30 points of the list about a 40-day period before March 22 can be resurrected from the garbage bin and re-ordained as inspired knowledge.


This will buy him two more weeks. He should have taken my advice to go on vacation and catch up on his much-needed sleep. Tend to your marriage, Dave, and leave the churching to Brad. He loves to be in charge.



“…the numerous verses about a delay…”

“…it could be the 2nd watch…the 3rd watch…”

“…seems to culminate later in a dawn…”

“…the hours could remain in question…”

“The hour appears unknowable…”


Wiggle room. Wiggle room. Wiggle room.


The New Testament repeats that no man knows the day AND hour. But as with all things David C. Pack teaches, there is wiggle room.


This entire update is utterly worthless. The push into the sunrise in Jerusalem will not make matters any more accurate. All it will do is have David C. Pack fail twice in one day. Achievement unlocked.


Now, the people of The Restored Church of God get to further defer their hope making their hearts even sicker late into this evening. Thanks a lot, Dave. I hope only very few stay up past their bedtime waiting for the clock to ring in a new disappointment.


Fear not. Part 417 will clarify what we missed because all is well.


Further wiggle room will suggest we are still on track.

Marc Cebrian

See: Wiggle Room

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Growing up as a teen in Philadelphia Church of "God"


There is an excellent yet deeply sad letter on Exit and Support Network from a young woman telling what life was like growing up as a teen in the Philadelphia Church of "God". Her story is similar to those who grew up in the Worldwide Church of God or any of the other hundreds of splinter groups out there. Just more proof of how unChristian and morally bankrupt the entire Armstrongist movement is at its core.

Here is a snippet from her story:

"When I started high school and developed a social life outside of the group is when things got out of hand. My father, still drinking, but this time able to hide behind the fact that he was a prominent member of “the church,” would criticize every one of my friends. They were okay to talk to at school but I was not to spend any time with them outside of that. This is not something a social teen can do. Kids need to experience growing up no matter what religious practices they have. So this turned into an ongoing and sometimes very dark battle between my parents and me. I went to PCG’s church camp and while I met a few people who were feeling the same way I was about the strict rules and the unanswered questions, most of the teens there were very cold-hearted and seemed to be in some sort of popularity contest over who was the best teen Christian. I soon found out that a lot of these so called “good kids” were not at all. They were manipulative, judgmental, rude, arrogant and selfish. A very few of them were sincere. 
More than anything I was confused as to why I couldn’t get a straight answer for anything. My father would always say, “Well, because that is the way God wants it.” I wanted to be in the school plays and was not permitted to because I couldn’t wear the stage makeup and also because me being in the “spot-light” was considered vanity. It’s a school play, for crying out loud, not a Broadway musical! I missed out on dances, choir events, friends, and more importantly, my high school years because of rules that didn’t make any sense. Social interaction wasn’t the only thing that suffered. My class work came after my Bible Lessons and since my father was sure the Great Tribulation would come before I even graduated, I never really had a great deal of interest in school work. In my sophomore year in high school I started to think about college and what I wanted to do after I graduated. Neither of my parents encouraged any kind of education after high school. They were sure things would come to an end before then. I began to work harder in school and managed to get my grades up to a reasonably good average and on a number of occasions was actually scolded for not paying enough attention to my “church-work.” 
Things began to get worse and I grew very hostile towards my parents as well as the PCG. Most Saturday mornings began with an argument between me and my father. I had my home personality, my school personality and my church personality.1 I had to live a lie at home to keep any sort of peace. At services I would just turn myself off and turn into the girl that everyone wanted and expected me to be. I took notes on sermons, I discussed topics with my peers and other members of the group. I acted like it really was my way of life. In all actuality, I wanted to cry when I walked into that place. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs when the sermons would say things about how we need to make sure we are not judgmental and then turn around and flat out say that the world would be a much better place if certain people were killed. I hated feeling like I was supposed to be so much better than what I actually was. I began to sink into a deep depression and almost ended my life. My mother took me to the doctor (a very rare thing) and I was given an anti-depressant that would “make everything ok.” I took this hoping it would give me a few pseudo peaceful moments at home and at services, but in the long run it didn’t do a damn thing. I told my mother I wasn’t going to pretend that I didn’t know why I was upset all the time. I knew the reason I was crying every night in bed and why I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I was unhappy in the “church.” I did not believe it to be the truth. I was sick of living a lie and a double life. That next morning, my parents gave me the choice I had been waiting for years to make, and for the first time in my life, I did not keep the Sabbath." 
To this day I have an extremely hard time finding a place where I am comfortable. Some have called the WCG and the PCG a “cult.” I agree to this wholeheartedly. The typical association might not be the right usage but the idea is there. You have to be let into the group by an official, you have to strictly abide by the laws of the group; once you have been disfellowshipped, you are not to have contact with the people in the group, etc. In many ways it is a cult2 and the emotional damage is also very apparent in the people I have talked to about it, including members of my own family who were also raised inside. There were many ministers and deacons that I came across in the group that were very hard on the younger people. My little sister and I both had been told by Craig and Colleen Craig Winters that our clothing was much too poor to be worn to church services. Dennis Leap, at Philadelphia Youth Camp, would openly make examples of people at the camp that were doing things he didn’t see as appropriate. I was an example on one occasion. I had been injured pretty badly while playing soccer earlier that week and had been on bed rest for the last few days. His way of thinking seemed to be that physical injury and illness were a direct result of “spiritual sin.” He made a point to make sure everyone knew that the real reason I had been injured was not because of actual physical strain, but because I had sinned and was paying for it physically. Can you imagine hearing that? This is a small part of what I and many other young kids were subjected to at these camps.


Dave Pack: Thursday Is Now The Day! (After Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FAILED!)


Not A Goodman


Monday, January 23 @ 10:04 AM ET

Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET

Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET


Three down. A fourth was called up from the reserves.


Thursday, January 26 @ 10:07 AM ET


Imagine a husband tells his wife, “Honey, maybe on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday, but probably not Thursday, when you wake up, you will find a surprise on the nightstand."


The wife wakes up Monday morning. Nothing on the nightstand.


The wife wakes up Tuesday morning to nothing on the nightstand.


When she rolls over to an empty nightstand on Wednesday morning, how irritated should she be? But there is always the outside possibility of Thursday.


By this point, should the wife consider it foolish to believe Thursday would be any different? And what does this say about the character of her husband, who is stringing her along?


Take this scenario about a surprise on the nightstand but replace it with the return of Jesus Christ, the establishment of the Kingdom of God, eternal life, and the fulfillment of years of exercised faith.


The Restored Church of God members are experiencing an empty nightstand every morning this week.



David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God did not express confidence that the Kingdom of God would arrive on Thursday morning during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 416).”


Part 416 – January 21, 2023

@ 47:07 It is interesting that the goodman of the house [Matthew 24:43] is charged with telling the brethren…the hour and the watch when the thief would come. And so, I’ve told you that. Per Headquarters time, it's around 10 in the morning. Anytime from tomorrow morning, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and I guess if you’d say Thursday and no flight time to get out of trouble. It’s possible. It’s possible.


David C. Pack proves to the members of The Restore Church of God that he is NOT a goodman for the nth time. Not biblically. Not as the Pester General. He is not a goodman. By his fruits, you know him.


His piss-poor reading comprehension skills also butchered Matthew 24:43 and Luke 12:39. The verses say, “IF the goodman of the house had known…” not “the goodman tells the house to watch.”


You cannot believe what Dave tells you. Not when he quotes himself. Not when he presents math. He is not a goodman.


@ 1:02:07 I hope it’s tomorrow. I suspect it’s not. It’s okay if it’s Thursday. I suspect it’s not. We'll see which day it is. Check your clocks around the world per Jerusalem sunset. I think math has brought us what we've been waiting for a long time. Good night.


Did Dave just give God his approval if God wanted to do it on Thursday? “It’s okay…” That is an odd statement. What day would the arrival of The Kingdom of God not be okay?


He went from suspecting it was not Thursday to telling the members it could ONLY be Thursday.


On Monday night, a hideous block of text was posted in Member Services that intended to re-clarify the mess of Part 416.



Prophecy Update – January 23, 2023


No undisclosed points from Mr. Pack’s sermon notes remained applicable. Counting back 55 days from Abib 1—45 days followed by 10 more—is the only way to read the 1,335 days. With one more day to prepare, two more hours of proof could have been added to this math. You may wish to read Dan. 11:45 and 12:1 to realize how it states several times there are no days between the arrival of the 7th Head in Jerusalem and the 10 days of great tribulation. Reading Dan. 11:31-35 is also helpful. So is Rev. 12:12-14. And so is Matt. 24:15-21. The flight start is simultaneous with armies arriving, the abomination being set up and the great tribulation beginning. Note that speaking of the FLIGHT (vs. 16-20) is followed with “THEN shall be great tribulation.” No break in time! Thursday sunset in Jerusalem appears to be the ONLY time God’s math works! Abib 1 cannot change—nor can the length of 55 days before it!



The alphabet vomit begins with a real zinger.


No undisclosed points from Mr. Pack’s sermon notes remained applicable.”


This is pure comedy if you pause to soak it in. Read quickly past it, and you will miss the joke.


Dave forgot to present essential points from his notes on Saturday night, and he was so distraught that he made CAD issue a rushed message to tell the church more would come.


But, as with most ideas David C. Pack has, his thinking evolved.


Rust forms when iron is exposed to oxygen and time. Dave’s inspired knowledge does the same thing, rusting with a little bit of air and a little bit of time.


He probably felt like he dodged a bullet. It could have been embarrassing to present items that became irrelevant two days later. Oh, wait. I just described a majority of "The Greatest Unending Story!"


If the points did not “remain” applicable within 48 hours, they were never "applicable" in the first place. Where did those ideas come from? They absolutely did not come from the mind of God. I would love to see the hirelings at Headquarters try to debate that one. The answer is not on your shoes, fellas.



“…is the only way to read the 1,335 days.”


Dave slipped the 1335 back into the mix during Part 416 after removing it during Part 411.


Part 411 – December 24, 2022

@ 55:58 The 1335 is not what we are waiting for, and it's spectacular news for all of you to understand.


This was one week after he stated how important it was during Part 410.


Part 410 – December 17, 2022

@ 1:39:15 The 1335 has to be the coming of Christ and the starting of the seven years.


You can add the 1335 to the growing list of biblical items swooping back and forth in the Wacky World of RCG. David C. Pack is not a goodman.


Quoting accurate statements in a fair manner is perceived as an attack. Yeah, the antichrist using facts is the wicked one. Talk about bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.



“With one more day to prepare,

two more hours of proof could have been added to this math.”


Wait, is RCG trolling? This is pretty funny, too.


Within 48 hours, the math will again prove to be bunk even if he had 48 hours' worth of material.


There is no doubt David C. Pack can fill two hours. Hot air is not in short supply at Headquarters. The gears between Dave’s ears never stop churning. Talking a lot does not equate to knowledge. It does not equate to wisdom. It does not prove anything.


The “Greatest Unending Story!” is at Part 416 with over 700 hours of content across 7-plus years.


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has proven: ZILCH. He is not a goodman.


Should it be shocking to even the All-Believing Zealots that his latest theory will fail tomorrow morning any less spectacularly than it did today, yesterday, Monday, and throw in Sunday for good measure?


Believing the bloated, long-winded words of David C. Pack is a fool’s errand.



Thursday sunset in Jerusalem

appears to be the ONLY time God’s math works!”


That is not what he said on Saturday.


Part 416 – January 21, 2023

@ 47:30 …I guess if you’d say Thursday...It’s possible. It’s possible.


@ 1:02:11 It’s okay if it’s Thursday. I suspect it’s not.


The stone-cold math from Part 416 was soft-serve, after all.


Numbers are equally as malleable as word definitions. Are we sure Dave is not a Reubenite? He keeps saying he is a Levite, but the guy is a walking illustration of “unstable as water.”


The mood on the third floor at Headquarters will be beyond cheery Thursday. Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy should avoid making supper plans with their wives because it will be a long night.



Monday, January 23 @ 10:04 AM ET



Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET



Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET



Thursday, January 26 @ 10:07 AM ET

Impending fail.


Anything he ever says.

Perpetual fail.


Boy, that “February 10 / 40-day” business is really starting to look pretty good to Dave again right about now.


There is a reasonable and natural limit to all things.


Is it reasonable to see that David C. Pack has no biblical credibility?


It is natural to understand that God is not using him to teach any of this?


There is a reasonable and natural limit to all things except when it comes to David C. Pack.


The brethren are urged to continue to be patient, trusting a man who proves you cannot believe him.


He is not mentioned throughout the Bible. He is not fulfilling prophecy. He is not revealing the Mystery of God. He is not Elijah-Elect. He is not an apostle.


Brethren, it is time to anoint your eyes again.


David C. Pack is not a goodman. Never was. Never will be.


Marc Cebrian

See: Not a Goodman