Saturday, February 4, 2017

Getting Sodom Straighter

"It’s interesting—Lot was also protected right where he was by angels. (I think this is the main point.  Dave is not going to want to "flee" and leave his stuff behind, so maybe they can be protected in their homes . However, since all the members have taken out the equity in their homes and sent it in, and not to worry, "Frankly before it becomes due, we flee",  I could be mistaken) It was a very perverse city. There were a lot of homosexuals who saw these two beautiful young men. I mean, angels wouldn’t have come and been ugly, they would have been attractive or handsome, we’ll say, and they come into Lot’s house. And there are a couple of interesting things about the story…many interesting things about the story, but one of them is they demanded that Lot send these two men out.
Well, he first tried his daughters, his married daughters. It shows that God’s servants can make mistakes, brethren, and it ought to encourage you.  (Meaning:  I have made big mistakes and even though I don't admit to them and that should make you feel good when you do). The Bible calls Lot a just man, but the first thing he tried to do to satisfy these homosexuals is to send his daughters out to commit adultery…Not the best thing to do when you’re threatened…and yet God still let him escape…still let them escape.
By the way, they did some terrible things after they got out…but that is kind of an aside. The angels protected him where he was, in the home he was in; used miracles to create blindness to keep the people outside from getting in and just sealed them in the home. They escaped before they left the city and fled to Zoar. It’s an interesting story. It also is instructive for those who think that to be like Sodom and Gomorrah everybody has to be perverse or homosexual. Well, no they don’t. There are a lot of problems with that. (Yes there are. I think he gets this)
First of all, Lot was married to a woman, and his daughters were both married to men who mocked and wouldn’t leave. They said, “No, you’re crazy,” and they died the next day. So you had three heterosexual people, who are cited there in the community, and presumably we all believe that there were men and women all through the…all through the city who came about by the usual means, okay?" (Okay!  On this point I think you see more clearly than most COG ministers.  No city is all gay in the Middle East, ever!)
Apostle David C Pack
Screed # 61

Less heat?

Let's get Sodom straight....

The Biblical story of Sodom is not the story of a town that happened to be 100% gay, men and boys, for this is a ludicrous assumption. This would have to be the conclusion if God, vowing to save it for ten righteous men, did not. It would also mean that "righteous" meant heterosexual, while unrighteous meant homosexual and, well, I doubt that alone qualifies men to be righteous.
The story that unfolds in Genesis 19 is a hospitality story and not a story based on homosexuality. Sodom's problems as remembered by Ezekiel were that the people were prideful, had too much food, too much time, neglected the poor, were haughty and committed abominations (Ez. 16:49-50). Not ANY mention of mass homosexuality. Abominations can be just about anything not in tune with the law and in this case was a reference to idol worship. Another common Israelite trait all through their history. 

Why would papa Lot offer his virgin daughter's to a crowd of homosexuals, in place of his guests? What interest would homosexuals have in virgin women? ZERO, unless the girls were being offered as an appeasing virgin sacrifice ("for they have not known a man.") This would qualify as an abomination to be sure, and also idolatry. Human sacrifice was still an option it appears with Abram and Lot. Just a thought....
Another factor is that in that culture the protection of guests under one's roof to a male host was a matter of honor. This is why Lot scrambled to come up with a solution to the problem. In Lot's mind, it was about Lot's reputation and honor. Not an uncommon modern theme in Middle Eastern men to this day. Strangers were not taken kindly to in small clannish towns. They could be spies and were always suspect.
The way to put a stranger in his place was to humiliate them sexually, and send the warning that they had best have no ill intentions in the town. In that culture, the most horrific way to humiliate a stranger and have power over him was to mistreat him as one might mistreat a woman. Symbolic or literal rape. The rape would not be a homosexual act, it would be a warning and a putting of strange man in his place as a warning. "In our town, you are just like any other woman, property to be used as needed and disposed of if necessary" It may only have been a threat to humiliate and control as the original request was for them to come out "that we might know them".
There are two schools of thought on "know them". One is sexual and one is to simply interrogate and get to know. Few ever question Lot's evil counteroffer. But it does show that Lot was a product of his culture and personal ego protection. Eastern hospitality issues were at stake here and not homosexuality. EVERY sermon I ever heard on the topic stops short of explaining Lot's egregious behavior as a father. I doubt this ever really literally happened, but if it did, Lot would be no hero of mine. I seriously doubt he had much of a relationship with the girls after this stunt, not to mention Mrs. Lot! Perhaps she did not so much look back to Sodom as refused to look ahead at him leaving town.

And no one literally turned into a pillar of salt

Ezekiel 16 is all about Israel acting the part of adulterous woman and prostitute and concludes with:

Ezekiel 16: 49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: 
She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; 
they did not help the poor and needy.
50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. 
Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. 
51 Samaria did not commit half the sins you did. 
You have done more detestable things than they, 
and have made your sisters seem righteous by all these things you have done. 
52 Bear your disgrace, for you have furnished some justification for your sisters. 
Because your sins were more vile than theirs, they appear more righteous than you. 
So then, be ashamed and bear your disgrace, 
for you have made your sisters appear righteous.

No totally gay town here to see.

Keep moving please.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jesus personally named the church "Worldwide Church of God"

As Jesus was naming all of the dinosaurs,
he realized that they all lived worldwide and thought,
"Hey, this would be a good name to call my church.
And thus he did, he named it "Worldwide" Church of God."

Jesus was one busy dude, though I guess he has had time over the last 80 some years to name Herbert Armstrong's church The Worldwide Church of God.  After all, having his second coming delayed because of church members "just not getting it," he has had some time to do some extracurricular activities.

The Kitchen clan writes on Facebook:
"Under God's apostle, the true Church of God was named "Worldwide Church of God". 
The bona-fide unincorporated spiritual organism not the California Corporation.
The Worldwide Church of God had nothing to do with the atrocities of those who no longer were members of God's true Church! i.e from people like Joe Tkach and those who went on to create "Grace Communion International" and other organizations and corporations.
But what Satan has done, is he has stapled those atrocities on the name "Worldwide", in order to cause people to reject that name, and to make it easier to accept "another name". It's a true slander coming from the father of lies. 
In Revelation 3:8, we read that God's true Church does not deny the name that belongs to Christ! The name "Worldwide Church of God" did not and does not belong to ex-members or ex-ministers, or false ministers or false brethren. It was given, through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, from Jesus Christ. It is the name Jesus Christ gave to His Church, the spiritual body of Christ, through His apostle!
The Worldwide Church of God had nothing to do with the atrocities of those who no longer were members of God's true Church! i.e from people like Joe Tkach and those who went on to create "Grace Communion International" and other organizations and corporations.
But what Satan has done, is he has stapled those atrocities on the name "Worldwide", in order to cause people to reject that name, and to make it easier to accept "another name". It's a true slander coming from the father of lies.
In Revelation 3:8, we read that God's true Church does not deny the name that belongs to Christ! The name "Worldwide Church of God" did not and does not belong to ex-members or ex-ministers, or false ministers or false brethren. It was given, through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, from Jesus Christ. It is the name Jesus Christ gave to His Church, the spiritual body of Christ, through His apostle!
Jesus Christ commends His People for not denying it! So what does that mean? It means a great deal of people have denied it!(apart of the 2 Thes. 2 Great Falling Away) 
It is amazing to watch the mental gymnastics legalists and cultists go through in justifying everything Herb did.   Jesus no more told HWA to call the church "worldwide" than he told him to call the church "Radio."


LCG Members Spanked For Sharing Passwords and Streaming Services At Home

It seems that some LCG members have gotten lazy during these horrific end times.  Some do not even bother to come to church any more and just stay home a stream the sermons.  Oh the horrors!!!!!!

LCG also knows that some of their sermons can have damaging results upon the church if they are released out into the "world."  We saw what happened with a sermon by Rod Meredith the sent Terry Ratzmann off the deep end and murder LCG members during a church service.

LCG members are streaming sermons regularly and sharing passwords to friends so that they too can enjoy the sermons.  Not for much longer though.  Word has come down from on high to STOP doing this.  Lazy Laodiceans!

We are happy to see that more and more pastors are using technology to stay connected to their congregations. The Internet can be a powerful way to do that, especially as many brethren are geographically spread out and the pastor can’t be in the same congregation every week. With that in mind, we ask you, brethren, please do not share passwords outside of your area. Your pastor’s sermons are prepared and designed with your local congregation in mind—not for brethren across the country or around the world. 
 From experience, we have seen that some brethren stay at home instead of going to services if they can watch a streamed service from another congregation. Church services are a commanded assembly, where we are not only attending to learn, but also to “stir up love and good works… exhorting one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25).  God’s word warns us that as the end draws near, we should not forsake “the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some” (verse 25).  With that in mind, please make every effort to attend when you can (of course, stay home if you are sick!).  And when you do view or listen to your pastor’s messages from home, please do not share the password outside your pastor’s area.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rod Meredith: Even though men and women use separate bathrooms, we are all one family!

For decades we heard COG leaders proclaim, "We are family!"  Yet has there ever been a church that treated its member with as much disdain, at times, as has the Church of God?  Never has there been a group of people who has been constantly beaten down as "unworthy" because "they just don't get it," or have so disappointed Jesus Christ that he has had to delay his second coming for 80 some years.  Thousands of articles and member letters have been written berating the brethren as worthless pond scum lower than the worms in the field.

Many ministers and evangelists used members as their own personal slaves, yet never deeming them worthy enough to invite them into their own homes.  Through it all members were supposed to love one another, "as Christ loved the church."  That love usually stopped the second you dared to question a minister or the church leadership, or God forbade something from the Bible.

How could members "love" one another and care for one another when its own leaders held everyone in such contempt?  That love was never genuine and was usually the end result of fear mongering. Intense persecution, concentration camps, parents eating their children, and more gore awaited the brethren around every corner they turned.  Satan was aways on the attack.

A Church leader gets caught in adultery...Satan is attacking the church.  A church leader gets sent to prison...Satan is attacking the church.  People refuse to acknowledge self-appointed dreamy false prophets...Satan is deceiving the brethren.  Tens of thousands refuse to jump church fellowships to join a delusional narcissist...Satan is deceiving the brethren.  God has been turned into a impotent cowering old dude sitting in the northern heavens while Satan has free reign.  Satan is even more powerful that Jesus, at least in the COG's eyes.

Times are rough in COG land as Satan is preparing to wreck havoc with Brexit and Trump. At least in the eyes of Rod Meredith.  Now it is even more important than ever for church members to love one another.  Soon there will be intense persecution, famine and death.

In his latest member letter to the ever growing disenchanted LCG membership, he warns of this very thing.  Fear and persecution start ripping the world apart in the very first couple of paragraphs.  Terrible times are ahead as the LCG membership will be divided by battling factions within the church and with outside splinter cult leaders like Bob Thiel and Dave Pack seeking to con as many members as they can to their dark sides.

We Must Become Family!

Many of us realize that. God’s people will be tried and tested as we never have been before. We will be persecuted as never before in the years ahead—as God’s Word clearly predicts. Satan will try to “divide and conquer,” as is his usual tactic. He will not only try to divide different nations and ethnic groups, but he will surely go after Christ’s true Church and try to confuse, undermine and divide us in any way he can. Yet in the terrible times just ahead, we will all need the love and support of one another more than ever. We will need to become “family” more than ever, and I hope that all of us can fully realize that and pray that God can help us respond and become a true family under the leadership of Jesus Christ. God is reproducing Himself and enlarging His Family to ultimately include billions of human beings made in His image. 
I wonder if church member are getting sick of this "god is reproducing himself" nonsense after all these decades?  Making such a claim totally invalidates anything Jesus ever meant or anything do with the new covenant.  Anyway, back to the big powerful bogey man, the all powerful Satan, as he persecutes the chosen ones.
But right now, as religious persecution and harassment are going to increase, we will “need each other” more than ever. We will need a “safe place” to give us the help and human support that is so encouraging—certainly in addition to direct guidance and help from God Himself. Some of our brethren may lose their jobs or lose their homes. Some may even go hungry in the years ahead, as national upheavals become worse and worse in the various parts of the world, and some will go hungry even among God’s people. So we are held accountable by our Father in heaven, who will expect us to respond with love and show a “family” spirit in the way we interact with one another.
Can church leaders truly ever have a "safe space" in the church? With all the back stabbing, gossiping and lying members who run to the ministry every time some people wipe their noses, can here every be a true "safe space?"   It certainly will NOT be Petra.  If they treat each other like crap now, just imagine the hell it will be when everyone is isolated for 3 1/2 years in a sweltering desert as hundreds of "doubly blessed self-appointed" leaders fight over who  is in control.  Then the winning team will hold all other church leaders and members at a lower level than their frozen chosen.

Will self appointed ministers in the church start showing love in the way they treat members?  Don't count on it. The COG track record proves otherwise.

Meredith goes on to quote Paul and then makes the following bizarre comment:
So even though we certainly continue to use separate bathrooms as male and female—and there are, and should be, certain differences in purely physical matters—we are one family in God, who is our Father, and we are to let this spiritual relationship override physical differences as much as we possibly can within God’s Law and God’s teachings!

Apparently intense persecution will be coming when men and women can't use separate bathrooms, or something.

Meredith then quotes Matthew 26 and adds this:
Notice that Jesus Christ powerfully instructs us, as His servants, to feed the hungry, take in strangers, nurture the sick, visit those in prison and help those “in trouble” in every way we can. He tells those doubters who try to water down what He was saying, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it toMe” (v. 40). When you take in brethren or any human being in this kind of circumstance, you are taking in and helping Jesus Christ Himself! We all need to meditate on this and try to “do better” in the way we help and serve one another. Brethren, pray fervently about this and ask God to help us to demonstrate—in every way we can—a more complete “family spirit” in the way we interact with each other and treat one another.

Will Rod Meredith, Gerald Weston, Richard Ames and others start taking in aimless to feed them and care for them? Will they welcome with open arms the prostitute down on that lonely Charlotte street corner or the gay, lesbian, transgendered teen recently kicked out of their home?  Will church members cook food, feed them and give them warm beds to sleep in?  Don't count on it. The answer is a BOLD NO!
Dear brethren, let us all try to develop an even greater sense of love, warmth and enthusiasm, and a total outflowing and “giving” spirit in the way we interact with another. This will not be easy. Do not “kid” yourself. Our natural tendency is to be selfish and to take care of “self” first and others last.
Let us “take action” now! For the times of trials and tests are coming upon us within the next few years. Again, we will “need” each other. We will “need” to have the help, the warmth, the encouragement and the physical necessities that we can share with each other in time to come. Let us not fail to serve Jesus Christ Himself, as He is present in each one of these situations. As Jesus said, “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” (Matthew 25:40). 
Since the church does not follow Christ it is going to be a hard them for them to emulate "Christ like" love.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Another COG "School" Is In Our Midst

What would the Church of God movement be without ANOTHER college or school?  After Herbert Armstrong started three different colleges, all of the bigger COG splinter groups feel that they need to do the same thing.  UCG has its Ambassador Bible College.  COGWA has its Foundations Instiute, Center for Biblical Studies. Living Church of God has Living University.  Philadelphia Church of God has its Herbert W Armstrong College.  Dave Pack has sadly missed that band wagon, at least so far, due to his dramatic drop in income. Various other splinter groups also have small "bible based" courses, and the vast majority still have links up to the old Ambassador College Correspondence Course.

Now we have another self appointed man who feels his wisdom surpasses all other COG members, thus he feels the need to educate as many as possible to become his followers.  This man knows more about the Bible than any other COG leader ever has in human history.  And no, it is NOT Bob Thiel. Thiel has been left whimpering in the shadows of his home office due to the miraculous knowledge this end time witness and prophet has.  This miraculous man is James Malm!  Malm and his Wiccan sidekick Constance have now ventured out into a new "school."

Welcome to the Shining Light School of Biblical Studies!  Aren't you excited?????  Can't you just feel the ZEAL!!!!!!  Malm and Constance now have set themselves up as the end-all in biblical knowledge.  There are no other people on this earth who are as righteous and filled with zeal as these two are.  It is no wonder Thiel is whimpering in the corner of his study.  No man on this earth has such an inside track into the mind of the Old Testament God than James Malm, who has elevated the law to a higher position than Jesus had ever imagined his own self attaining.

Where would the Church of God be without all of these prophets, teachers, and end time guru's leading the church astray?  Eighty years of Armstrongism and this is what we end up with...Malm, Pack, Thiel, Flurry, Kubik and Meredith.  Who would ever have imagined!

Is A Church of God Able To Call Down Rain From Heaven?

The improperly named "continuing" Church of God is making the claim that one of its ministers in Africa was able to call rain down from heaven recently.  Almost arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, Habakuk, prophet Bob Thiel is making that claim.

Miracle rain in Kenya
Pastor Dr Bob
Greetings from Kenya.
Today Alexander was praying for the rain in Kenya. After ten minutes the rain came from nowhere and rain. This is the miracle we seen when we are in Narok. He was feeling very bad when he saw how people were suffering in Kitengela Nairobi simply because of water. His prayer is answered. …
 The self-appointed false propeht makes this claim:
Notice also the following:
17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. (James 5:17-18) 
So the Bible clearly shows that prayer can affect the weather–and it just did in Kenya.
Dave Pack has been proclaiming that mass healings and mass conversions will happening in his church, but instead Elisha Thiel's personality cult is experiencing "healing" and mass conversions instead.

When we wanted to close, one old man stood up and testify that one of his ears had been bad and did not hear anything but when I was preaching, he testify that all his ears we opened miraculously. 
I also met a Sunday pastor there who told me that I have to visit him in his place. So when I went, he took me to his meeting hall where I met all members. I met a total of 94 people and when I taught them about Sabbath and baptism, all of them turned their heart to keep Sabbath. And now they are Sabbathkeepers. One old lady insisted that I must baptize her tomorrow. … So tomorrow I will conduct baptism in MALAWI.
Mass conversions in the improperly named "continuing"Church of God?  

Apostle Thiel then claims though his personality cult, the deaf can now hear,and the spiritually blind can now see.
So consider that we had the deaf who hear, the gospel being preached, and the spiritually blind who can now see (cf. Luke 7:22)!
It looks like God may have performed a miracle then, not only heal the man who could not hear, but to also get the Sunday pastor’s attention. 
God is working and thankfully some can see that.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Perspectives on Paschal's Wager

Anonymous said...
The fairy tales aren't really fairy tales.
Since I won't be there when they are about to throw you into the lake of fire, I'II say it now. I told you so. I repeat, I told you so.

Another Anonymous said:
Dennis Diehl; Well one thing for sure Dennis, you know what wasting time on a fairytale is all about, and listening to others like Aron Ra who believes in the same fairytale, and you talk talk about others wasting their life, either way Dennis, we will all find out who wasted what in the long run. If there is no God or if the bible isn't true then it really doesn't matter if I wasted my time believing it, on the other hand, what if God and Jesus and the bible turns out to actually be real, that means I didn't waste my time at all, now where that leaves you, I don't know.

  • Pas·cal's wa·ger
    1. the argument that it is in one's own best interest to behave as if God exists, since the possibility of eternal punishment in hell outweighs any advantage of believing otherwise.

Hot Rod Church of God

New Living Church of God Splinter Group Forming!

Here's the just finished logo for a soon-coming LCG splinter after RCM's demise. It's core doctrines will be everything RCM ever said or did, including wife spanking, gay bashing, sermons on sexual perversions, boxing, and wildly speculative prophecy. All members will share the honorary title of Third Most Important Person in the Work.

That is not a cross you see. It is a sword.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dave Pack: Man of Sin to Arise From A COG Splinter Group Along With 2 Helpers

The craziness continues to flow out of Wadsworth through the lips of one of Armstrongism's most narcissistic false prophets ever.  Even false teacher Bob Thiel pales in comparison.

Pack believes that the Man of Sin will arise out of a Church of God, along with two assistants who will deceive the whole world.  This man might even be miraculously healed of a major sickness, but will not be a man resurrected from the grave.

Tens of thousands of COG members will wisely refuse to follow this deceitful little man and will immediately recognize that Dave Pack is the true shining light on the hill. They will flow into the Restored Church of God binging their money with them.

II Thessalonians 3verse 6: “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.”
Those in the splinters…There are thousands of them, brethren, who are in the splinters, who have the Holy Spirit. They’re not going to follow this man, and they’re the ones that are going to come back to God’s Church. I’ll have a lot more to say about them, in a way that will simply stun you—stunyou. They’re going to escape, but not until they go through fire.
I don’t know how long this man will last, but we ought to, at least, pause and say…The next thing we’re looking for is not Christ revealed from heaven. It’s this evil blasphemer…revealed out of the splinters—that is coming first, and God is going to vacuum away all the tares and those who lost His Spirit and who will not come—and they’re not going to come later—they’re out. You know Luke 14. There are those who are invited and they don’t come. God said they were not going to come…They will in no wise enter this supper……
Let’s be clear…(II Thessalonians 2verse 12, those who follow him are damned. They are condemned. I didn’t say that. God does. Why? Because they “believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” You cannot be saved if you follow a Satan-possessed, blaspheming, false Christ. Who knows? Maybe he says he’s God the Father. There’s a guy in Rome that calls himself the Holy Father. It’s not shocking that a human being might say that.
Salvation is lost to the people who follow this man…It just was never clear how far they would go, and how God would vacuum them out of the Church. God said in Haggai—I called for the desolation. I raise up the Foolish Shepherd. It’s something He’s doing. He hardened pharaoh. He used Judas. He can do that. He can use man for a righteous purpose like Cyrus, and others.

Perspectives-It Depends on How You Look At It

I just don't see it that way.
Ok...I don't see it at all.

I gave a sermon once with a large 3D image that , when looked at properly and with parallel viewing skills  (go learn ye what that meaneth) one would see the hidden picture embedded in the pattern.

The point was, of course, just how difficult it can be at times to see that which is clearly there if we just know how to do it.  Once you could see the image, you could never unsee it.  If you could not see it, try as you might or would not see it because one believes it's not there to see,  you never saw it.

Small Candy Clusters

After the sermon the large image placed on an easel was available up close and a rather large crowd of people gathered around it. I stood back and listened.

"How's this thing supposed to work?"
(Didn't listen to the sermon)

"Looks like just a bunch of jumble to me"
(Flippant know it all who states the momentary obvious and isn't about to try to see anything differently or ask how to"

"Oh I see it!!!"
(That was fast!)

"Ok, kinda gotta just relax your eyes and cross them a bit."
(Apt to teach)

"You're nuts!"
(Their common response to everything not understood or provides no interest)

"I think I see it."
(Eventually did)

"I think I see it"
(Wanted to but I doubt ever did)

"Yeah I see it it. So what"
(Maybe saw it. Maybe not. Can't admit to learning anything they didn't come up with or not actually seeing it, who cares.)


"This is stupid"
(That's as far as they got)

"Oh , oh....that is so cool!"
(Went about teaching others how to see it too)

"Um...oh yeah, I see it"  
(leaves and didn't really)

"I didn't come to church for this crap"
(I went back to church crap the next week)

"Sorry, I don't see it. I gotta go."
(I think they wanted to but it just didn't work for them)

"Yeah, yeah...I saw it. Let's go to lunch"
(Didn't see it. Didn't want to admit they couldn't see. Changed the topic)

"Diehl is an idiot. I want our old minister back"
(Change is uncomfortable. Long for the past and attack the messenger)

"C'mon! Let's go to lunch!"
(More hungry than inquisitive. Or just can't see it and gave up)

(Just kidding...  Dave Pack sermon in 2D.  Nothing here to see no matter how long you sit and hope to see it)

Old or Young?
It depends on how you look at it...

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dave Pack Befuddled By COG Members Who Ignored Him In Akron

Poor Dave.  He just does not get it.  How can any real COG member ever ignore his preaching?  Church of God News is reporting how befuddle Pack is over the fact hat hardly anyone followed him out of Akron when he got fired, yet followed the next minister into United and then ultimately taking more into COGWA.  How can people ignore the most significant man on earth?

David Pack, of the Restored Church of God, stated, in his sermon on Dec. 31st:
“I remember when I was fired (by the Worldwide Church of God in 1993), right here in Akron, and there were 38 people came with us. That’s the number.
Two years later, another guy was fired, who had bought into and taught the trinity. I had his sermon ... The TRINITY -  and 200 people followed him. He went on to be the President of United. Now he’s a top minister in COGwa.
Two hundred people followed him. Didn’t any of them remember, right there in the room, I told them where it was going, and they follow a guy that taught them the trinity? And these were ‘escapees’, you see? ...
I listened. I mean, the whole thing - eyeballs and elbows - taught it all; swallowed hook, line and sinker - and they followed him 
(to a newly formed church - the United Church of God), because they said, “Well, it’s just the nature of God. We’re not really changing anything.”