Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Dave Pack: My Church Members Are So Electrified By My Sermons That NONE Are Leaving The Church

Superfantabulous Dave,
the most electrifying COG minister ever!

Well Dave should have kept his mouth shut.  He has lost many member since stating this, including family members.

I learned the truth that Ambassador College. It was fairly well established by the mid-1960’s God called me, as I often say 50 years ago now this month. Next week 50 years since I began to learn the truth. We heard things ahead of the brethren—but it’s been a difficult thing for our ministers. We’re learning so much, so fast, and I know everybody has riveted. I ought to just tell you, it’s been weeks, quite a number of weeks since even one person, anywhere in the world has left the Church. That tells me that the reports I’m getting that people are just riveted, and electrified are real (if you will), and there’s going to be much, much more again, including today (of course).

Dave Pack: Gleeful at all of the ministers dying in LCG and other COG's. Calls all those COG's "The Widow's Convention"

Dave thinks that the recent deaths of COG ministers are a sure sign that his god is displeased with all of the COG's.   The god of Armstrongism has always been a magical god, ready to wreck vengeance upon all the ministers and COG's that certain leaders disagree with.
I wanted to talk a little bit about something that relates to prophecy in a way that we would not normally talk about or think of. If a certain verse came to mind…that I’m going to show you in a moment…that, again, is another one of those that nobody ever understood, you certainly wouldn’t think of what I’m going to tell you. I’m just going to pass on something that is not pleasant, but, in a way, it can be, once I explain the whole picture.
For a number of days now, maybe a couple weeks, in a large splinter…One of the large groups; the one I was in when it was called Global…one person after another, one minister after another, has died in an unbelievably tragic way. It’s just unprecedented. For a long time, in some ways before we even got to the things that I’m going to mention, I often thought of that group as a place of death and tragedy in some ways.
Now, you might say that’s awfully strong…but there’s so much. There’s been murder. There’s been a vastness of the ministers that have died; been incapacitated. I’ve often called the group a widows’ convention…and there are a great many.
About two weeks ago, maybe just a little over two weeks ago, a senior minister—a man who was ordained an evangelist over there in Australia—died suddenly. A massive stroke—dead—and left Australia rudderless. They put his son in charge because all the other ministers in Australia have grave health problems, and they can’t put any of them in charge. I know these men, because I’ve been to Australia for the Feast 20 years ago. I helped this man come into Global. I remember meeting him back in 1973. He was a faithful man in many regards. Love him dearly, and suddenly—gone.
Another minister—this week—killed himself, and I knew him very well. The name is very personal to me. He was my first wife’s dear friend, beginning in 1960. She was in Milwaukee at age 14, and he was in the teenage group from Chicago, age 15. She would have graduated from college in’ 67; he in’ 66. Her childhood friend…I’m glad my wife is not here to learn how he took his own life.
When I got to meet him, it was a joy, because I’d heard so much about him, and how, when my first wife’s grandmother, who was from Germany, came to services one day in Chicago for a Holy Day, this man’s father…very German family…also from Germany, walked up to the two Germans, on a Holy Day at, I believe it was McCormick Place in Chicago in the early’ 60s, and said, Oh, are you a member of the Church? She said no, and he goes, Ahh, du bist ein Heide. In other words, “You’re a heathen.” [laughter] I’ve never forgotten that story. And I kidded this man about his father, and it was a fun story. There are many wonderful memories I have of this man.
I also helped him…even though he was older than I was by about four-, four-and-a-half years; five years ahead of me in college…I helped him come into the Global Church of God. Now, they’re both suddenly gone.
Another pastor, in the Philippines, dropped dead this week. Just dropped dead, in the same group—heart attack, massive heart attack—longtime pastor.
A member in this splinter was on the plane that went down—Egypt Air. A member in France left a grieving husband and son…and she’s never to be found. A terrorist act or not…I don’t know…but they were coming in…If you know the story, about two-and-a-half weeks ago. That’s a sad situation.
So, there’s four, right there, and I wanted to just to cover this. I don’t “speak to” every one of those people. I’m not about to say that, if you take your life…That’s why I don’t want to get into his name…that you’re just going to come up in the Kingdom. Because very difficult things are going to happen, and to suggest to people—who, really, in the end, don’t endure to the end—that’s all right, you can die this way or that……But, that’s okay. You take your life, even though you didn’t endure to the end, you can be in the Kingdom. Because you suggest, to other people, that if the going gets tough—check out, and you’ll be in the Kingdom.
There is a horriblehorrible message being portrayed about this…I hope the man, who was a friend of mine, was never converted; then maybe he could be someday. It’s a confusing time. One other thing that makes this man personal to me, and I guess I choose to share it with you, this particular minister took the Real Truth magazine for many years, right till his death. His name is still on our subscription list. He used my book on the trinity to help people in the splinters. The fact that the Worldwide Church of God introduced the trinity at a point was a big, big problem, in a particular way to this particular man, and he saw the book that I had written…and he’d studied the subject a lot…and he asked if he could have copies of the book.
There was certainly a very interested and zealous side of this man, and none of you would have ever known he was on the Real Truth list, but now that he is gone, I will make you aware of that. But one of the concerns that we have, brethren—and I’ve seen this—where we sort of judge in more than one way. We have to be very careful we do not judge that people don’t make it into the Kingdom. You have to be very careful. And I’m not doing that. But when you declare that someone is in the Kingdom, you have also overruled God in a different way. You have judged for Him.
We can understand sin. We can know people by their fruits, but when it comes to such matters, at the end of the day, where they do or don’t go, we stay out of it. I just bring that up, because there are so many different elements of the tragedy like this in an organization that’s full of tragedy, where sometimes that tragedy can personally touch us. And in this case, I’m very personally touched. I’m just glad my wife, again, is not here to know how her dear friend, from the early 1950s, ended.
It’s a very confusing time with some of these people. The person who went down in that plane…Is it random? It’s kind of like the tower of Siloam fell on certain ones, you recall Christ’s account—except you repent you shall all likewise perish. These were not chief sinners, Christ said. There are tragic things that happen in a world. Why does God let a woman like that go down in that plane, leaving a grieving husband, and son? It also happens in other splinter groups where a lot of people are dying, not just ministers. I listed both there. 

Dave Pack: HWA Being Resurrected So He Can Come Back and Flatten Jerusalem So Christ Can Build The New Jerusalem

Things are getting crazier and crazier in Wadsworth as Dave Pack sinks further into mental delusions. With over 8 decades of absolute absurdities uttered by Gerald Waterhouse, Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, James Malm and Herbert Armstrong; Dave Pack is putting them all to shame.  Decades of false prophecies and outright lies have resulted in the delusional mind of Dave Pack.

In a previous post I quoted Dave where he said Herbert Armstrong was going to be resurrected first, above almost all people in human history.  There is a reason for that.  Herb is coming back early so he can destroy Jerusalem who is the Great Whore of Revelation...according to Dave.  HWA's power will be so incredible that the will wipe Jerusalem and all of its inhabitants off the face of the earth so that the New Jerusalem can replace it...with Dave walking up the steps of the new temple to greet Jesus.  Of course this all happens after Dave and his members go to Jerusalem several years earlier and save it and its inhabitants from the wrath of Satan.   Sound crazy?  It only gets worse.

First, let me tell you what it is and why Mr. Armstrong is tied to it. That “mountain” is the seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire that Jesus Christ comes and throws down, ultimately destroys. Remember, we go to Jerusalem and we save Jerusalem from all nations of the world gathered against it.
Now…I have to bring Daniel and Jeremiah and Ezekiel and more of Isaiah, coming in a sermon in four weeks, but that great mountain, which, in his life time, was probably more like the State of California going against him…It isn’t America…It isn’t any other country…But apparently, the man to whom God revealed the sixth resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire is going to be the one who personally deals with the seventh one. I know of no other way to explain it. He apparently is going to flatten it…and using others, no doubt, and angels. If there’s some other way to take it, I don’t know.
And then he’s going to bring forth the Headstone, as the Chief Administrator. I believe Elijah’s task…As I’ve explained…he does a different thing before and after. He works with the nations of Israel. I understand that. But he will then introduce—to the entire world—Jesus Christ. That’s why three verses after saving Judah, and I believe Mr. Armstrong…You can understand why he would have to come back well in advance—get back into context. And you can understand why, at the end of the book of Haggai—you’ve been chosen for a time when I shake the heavens and the earth—at the time Christ comes back to His Temple—and “I’m going to throw down the kingdoms, the thrones and the armies—the strengths of the heathen—and I have chosen you” in that context. It’s impossible to misunderstand.
And this becomes…By the way, now that you understand, there’s another great world government…not world government…we’ll call it European…but, the Vatican reaches all nations of the world with Catholics and others so that Mr. Armstrong…someone…is going to have to deal with and throw down and flatten. A great mountain that gets flattened.
It’s interesting. When you look at the description of Mr. Armstrong, there in the end of Haggai, and the time that God is bringing him back to take down…among many other things, to take down the seventh resurrection, you think of Isaiah 2 and Micah 4. What’s the biggest thing on God’s mind when He sets up His government? He’s going to teach the nations to learn no more war. They’re notgoing to learn war any more. He’s got to stop it. 
This week, the Russians announced a new missile called “The Son of Satan.” The whole world is trembling as they read about this weapon. One single missile can carry ten warheads. Each of those warheads over 1,300 times more powerful than what hit Hiroshima. And it can independently target…With a single missile, it said, we can wipe out France…Wednesday and Thursday, we can wipe out the entirety of Texas, one missile.
Each warhead—ten warheads—750 kilotons. Hiroshima was hit with 15…Multiply that times ten. 7,500 kilotons in a single missile and they think they can get it up to 20,000 in one missile that flies so fast you can’t track it or stop it…And Hiroshima was 15. So divide 15 into 7,500 kilotons and you get 1,333. The article I read said they think they can, eventually, get 20,000 kilotons on each of the ten warheads—not the missile. So, they can get 200,000 kilotons on one missile that will split ten ways. They’ll erase all life on Earth…That’s just this week.…And they have super systems. So, in Poland and Romania on Thursday and Friday…And the Russians are upset a missile defense system goes up. Shock of shocks…
But, there’s coming a world war of spectacular proportion. Whether nukes are ever allowed to be used, we’ll have to see. It will be church and state. Europe is going to have to respond. I will show you so much more. I know much more of the detail than I have time to tell you.
Dave claims that HWA is going to lead the armies of Dave's god as he destroys the kingdoms of the earth.  HWA should like this since he always thought he was something special and powerful.
Suffice to say, Christ knows “Before I get anywhere, we’re going to disarm” and Mr. Armstrong will be the one…As near as I can read and understand it, Mr. Armstrong will be the one that leads the way as God throws down all of the kingdoms, the thrones of the kingdoms and the strengths of the kingdoms of the heathen and disarms the world before the kingdom of God goes on to all that it will be in the first phases of the Kingdom.
There’s much more to cover. In weeks to come, I will show you more about how Mr. Armstrong was, in fact, right on several things we thought might be wrong, merely because the timing was wrong. Zerubbabel…You know…That he was Zerubbabel is just one example of things we have seen that were right. But if you don’t know about a resurrection of the dead…I mean, brethren, how am I going to know he was Zerubbabel? But, finally, God breaks the code like with so many other things.
We are in a very evil time—and I mean, a terrible time—and I don’t think we have long. That’s a different discussion. But, maybe you’ll enjoy thinking about that “three years” business. I will have a lot more to say in three weeks. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Only Philadelphia Christians In Falsely Named Continuing Church of God To Be Protected In Tribulation

While Almost Arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Joshua, Amos, Doubly Blessed, Mayan Authority, Dreamweaver, Apostle, Prophet, Witness Bob Thiel was gallivanting around Serbia for his "feast" he was posting various topics of doom and gloom.  One day he was discussing how "scared" people are to walk around in the dark, of cyber-theft and public speaking. 
California-based Chapman University questioned 1,500 people from across the United States to reach its conclusions. The survey found that the top five things that scare Americans the most are: walking alone at night, becoming the victim of identity theft, Internet safety, being the victim of a mass/random shooting, and public speaking.
Fear is the main thing that keeps the Almost Arrested Doubly Blessed Apostle in business.   He tells his followers to be prudent and be alert because all kinds of hell will soon be happening.  If you are not awake and following him works for word then you will be unaware and you will suffer.  It then is apparently YOUR fault!
Of course, natural and other disasters are coming and it is wise to take physical and spiritual steps to deal with them. Yet, many with fears and worries take few, if any, effect steps to deal with such matters. 
As far as taking proper preparation goes, the Bible teaches the following:
3 A prudent man forsees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are punished. (Proverbs 22:3) 
That does not mean that there will be no difficulties, but that proper steps should be taken. Jesus said:
43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (Matthew 24:43-44).

So brethren, listen to the Almost Arrested Prophet and his wise words, follow him and you WILL be protected!
People need to take proper spiritual steps now.
Trials and tribulations are coming, but those who will heed the call to be Philadelphian Christians in this age can be protected from the coming hour of trial that will come upon the earth 
Please consider your spiritual state, no matter where you may live. Just because you profess Jesus Christ and may keep the commandments does NOT mean that you will be protected. Only the Philadelphian Christians are promised protection and they have a different focus on truly doing the work (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20) in these end times.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Rod Meredith Suffered Great Trauma When He Was 12 Years Old...All Thanks To His Mother

Meredith's deep seated aversion to sexuality had to have been formed prior to this incident when he was 12 years old.  His mind was already looking at sex as perverse.

I had dance classes all through elementary school and at no time was it sexualized with panting boys lusting after girls.  Even dance classes at Ambassador did not lead to coeds fornicating in the Student Center mail room or the Frontier Room.

"Even back in the 1940s, my mother and her friends - no doubt like millions of mothers all across the United States - had pushed me and dozens of my classmates to attend "dancing school" - where we were taught to dance face to face and chest to chest with young girls barely entering puberty. We were just little children who wanted to play baseball and "kick the can." God does not forbid dancing, of course, but He does command us to "flee sexual immorality" (1 Corinthians 6:18). Why did our mothers push us into the kind of semi-romantic, semi-sexual behavior involved in that kind of dancing when we were only twelve years old?"


"We were so embarrassed at holding these girls in our arms that we simply took off running - not knowing what else to do with ourselves. It would be several years before we were truly ready for such "romantic" involvements even in an innocent way. Why were our mothers pressuring us into this kind of precocious behavior?"


Rod's childhood was traumatised by dancing lessons at age twelve? Rod - now a septuagenarian - still has unresolved issues with his mother?

As they say, "who'd have thunk it?"

Memories from the old Alumni Discussion board

Refuting Dave Pack's Irrefutable Fallacies: : Epilogue

David C Pack: "Everyone who has challenged me has either died, been seriously injured or has been eliminated from the work."

The following appeared in the 1985 issue of the Ambassador Report. Thirty some years later and Dave Pack still has not changed.

David Pack's Reign of Terror 
On the night of Roxanne Elliott's death, one of the last people - probably the very last one - Lois Elliott phoned before the tragedy was WCG minister David Pack, pastor of the Buffalo (North), New York congregation.. Exactly what was said, we don't know. At least not yet. That information may well come out should Lois Elliott ever recover sufficiently to stand trial. What is remarkable, however, is how often Pack's name seems to appear in conjunction with tragedies in the WCG. For a number of years now, no WCG minister's name has appeared more often in letters written to the Report complaining of ministerial abuse. 
Pack, a burly 6-foot, 5-inch Ambassador College graduate known locally for his authoritarian style, has so incensed some in his flock that a group have circulated an open letter detailing his abuses and have called for his removal. The letter describes Pack's ministerial leadership as a "Reign of Terror." On the cover page, addressed to WCG headquarters leaders, they wrote: "David's power-crazed quest to totally dominate the mind, body, and spirit of church members has not been done in a corner and has been done clearly in view of all to see at headquarters in Pasadena." 
On the following 13 pages of their letter the allegations about Pack read like a horror story. The authors contend that Pack constantly intimidates members, uses threats and mind-control methods, is given to extreme emotional outbursts, is highly political, believes in winning at all cost, has disfellowshipped members for trivial faults, prescribes diets while "playing M.D.," insists on being addressed as Mr. Pack, enjoys wearing skimpy, skin-tight shorts to sporting events, has actually worn a wolf costume to church socials, enjoys putting down women, and told one married woman with children, "It would be better for you to shack up one night with a man than wear makeup." 
The letter quotes Pack as having said, "Everyone who has challenged me has either died, been seriously injured or has been eliminated from the work." And, "God backs me even if I am wrong." 
On page 7 the authors made this statement to Pack (emphasis ours):
Doesn't it bother you that while you were in charge of the Rochester and Syracuse area there were three suicides? One can only wonder why they chose to kill themselves while you were their main advisor in the area. Perhaps you suggested to one or more of them that they would in no way make it into the Kingdom of God.... A statement such as, "You are no longer in the body of Christ," could have caused one to give up and kill himself.
The above quote was written well before the Elliott family tragedy. Some who knew little Roxanne and her mother Lois Elliott wonder if it might have been a prophecy.

Ambassador Report, June 1985 

Wade Cox: Prophetic Buffoonery...The World in 2027

What is it with all of the crackpots of Armstrongism the have to set timelines for events of the end time to take place in.  Not a single one of these liars has ever told the truth and not a single one of their predictions has ever and will never come to pass.

This is the silliness that Cox is predicting.  Remember this is the same guy that lies that half of the African continent are members of his cult...which we all know is not true since they are all members of Almost Arrested Bob Thiel's cult.

From 1972 to 1975 the Church was given 1260 days to deal with its problems and prophecy, and it failed its task by giving false prophecy. 2012 to 2015 covers the same period at the end of the forty years for repentance of the Church.

By this time the earth will be in serious damage and will require divine intervention.

From 2019 we will have seen the Witnesses and the Messianic system from the Reading of the Law. From 2019 to 2027 the planet will be brought to its knees under the Messiah and subjugated.  
From Atonement 2027 the world will be allocated its inheritance for the Millennium in all lands.

This action then commences the Golden Jubilee, or Jubilee of Jubilees.

After twenty-five years of war what might we expect the world to be like?

The planet will be in the throes of the Millennial Warm Period (MilWP). That will be far worse than the last Medieval Warm Period (MWP).

Sea levels should be well over the previous seven-feet levels of the MWP and the Roman Warm Period (RWP).

The destruction of the planet will have taken over 25 years and the effects will continue on into that Jubilee. 

The seas will be dead. The lands will be polluted and the population will be less than ten percent of its 2007 levels.

The long process of repair and restoration will be commenced.

Hadithic Islam, Rabbinical Judaism, and Trinitarian Christianity will be no more. Their ministers, imams and rabbis will be dead in the wars or converted to the true Faith. The only way out of the wars of the end is on our knees before God.

In 2026 and 2027 the nations will send their representatives to Jerusalem for the most important conferences in the history of the world.

Those that do not go there for the Reading of the Law will receive no rain in due season and suffer the plagues of Egypt. The nexus of the Law will be restored and the wages of sin will be obvious and immediate.

On the Tenth day of the Seventh month in the 49th year of the 120th Jubilee, or Sunday 20th September 2026, commencing from dark the previous day, the Jubilee year will commence.

Over that year the nations will be planned and organised into their inheritance. At Atonement in the Fiftieth year of the 120th Jubilee the Jubilee will be blown, and on the 23rd day of the Seventh month, immediately following the Last Great Day at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles, the restoration of lands will take place. All people will take up their inheritance within those lands. 

They will commence ploughing and sowing for the first harvest of the millennial system at Passover in 2028. The major harvests of the Southern Hemisphere will be organised in accordance with their seasons and harvests. The Northern Hemisphere will be seriously damaged through the wars.

The earth will have to be restored from 2028 to 2077. This period will mark the change of the entire attitude and approach of the earth’s populace.

From 2028 the Temple system will be under the new priesthood of Melchisedek. The place of worship in Jerusalem will be commenced. This will be the millennial Temple and focal point of worship for the entire world.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Wade Cox: If You Do Not Keep The Sabbath You Are An Ape

Wade Cox, crazier than hell.

Those periods come to an end from the arrival of the Witnesses. The people in them will be brought to repentance and brought into the body of Christ from the periods of the Witnesses, and from the First Resurrection of the Dead, as either spiritual or physical beings. The choice will be theirs alone and the reward theirs alone due to their own errors and choices.

The conversion of Judah is accomplished under the witnesses and from that time no person can enter the First Resurrection. It will be too late.

Satan will be bound and placed in the bottomless pit for the Millennium from the return of the Messiah. 

From the return of the Messiah the nations will be brought down to Megiddo and they will be brought into subjection to the Messiah.

By 2025 the entire world will be in the process of final subjugation for placement in its inheritance and the places in which it needs to be in order to prepare for the millennial system.

In 2026 the last Sabbath Year of this age occurs.

In 2027 the jubilee is blown and the new system takes its place and begins to prepare its own harvests from Atonement.

In 2028 the Millennium commences from the New Moon of Abib, which is the New Year. 

From this date there will be no harvests and no rain in due season for those who do not keep the Laws of God and send their representatives to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech. 14:16-21).

It is of great interest that the religious systems of this world do not have any idea of the time frames under which they work and take no action to identify and restore the Laws of God and the Sacred Calendar (see the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156)).

Everyone in the world will be given the opportunity to repent and to take his/her place in the Kingdom of God. Not many people will achieve the First Resurrection in the Last Days.

Most will fail because they simply will not repent of the traditions of men. Hadithic Islam will fail miserably unless it repents and is baptised. As the Koran says if you do not keep the Sabbath of the Lord you are an ape (see Sabbath in the Qur’an (No. 274)Christ in the Koran (No. 163)The Koran on the Bible, the Law and the Covenant (No. 83) and the Hebrew and Islamic Calendar Reconciled (No. 53)). 

All the three main systems of Islam, Judaism and Christianity will become things of the past. They will be part of a bygone age and brought to remembrance no more, along with the people who represented them. Those people will all be in the Second Resurrection at the end of the millennial system.

Dave Pack's Awesome Insights of 2013. Let the Current Buyer Beware

                                           Why Unification  NOW!  (2013)


"Now comes a series of reasons Haggai’s prophecy will be fulfilled this year. They are summarized, with only a very little detail added. More could be said of each, but the descriptions given will suffice to those willing to think just a little about them. Realize there are over 30 more reasons—many of them very powerful—that I have left off the list because some will be covered later or because they would only be recognized as proofs by our Headquarters ministry (involving various miracles, some big). Readers would be largely unable to appreciate them as proofs:  (There was a reason for that)

1) Understanding the meaning of the prophecy, starting with Haggai 1:2, automatically carries the requirement of taking a position on it. This cannot be avoided after one learns it. Think about this. The position of the remnant is that “the time is not come” to rebuild God’s House. Are they right or wrong? God indicts their thinking, meaning they are wrong! If the prophecy is not now, the net effect would be that God agrees with the remnant’s view. Worse, so should those currently in God’s one Church because they now know the meaning of the prophecy. Think this through. One does or does not agree with the remnant. God does not—and we do not. The time is now! Let’s go further.

2) Directly related, why (or how) would God command the remnant to “Go…build the House!” (Hag. 1:8)—but not mean NOW? How could He mean some undetermined future year? Why would God tell them (twice) to “consider their ways”—but not mean that they should do this now? Try to imagine God saying, “Consider your ways, but take your time. There’s no hurry. In fact, take years to think it over—even though you have been out of My Church for 20 years! You don’t have to DO anything now.”

3) Also related, if God waited 2,500 years to reveal the prophecy’s meaning (3,000 years when various related much older Psalms are considered), is not His waiting done? Does His revealing it not signal that He has reached the time to fulfill it rather than having reached a point one, two or three years out?

4) Next, why would God wait longer? What would He wait for? The remnant is absolutely ripe for deliverance.

5) Internally, and this is no small thing, God’s Church is truly ready to expand the Work in a BIG WAY. The prophecy features this as the MAIN PURPOSE of the remnant returning! Without the prophecy’s fulfillment, this expansion would be delayed one year—or more! Why would God notify His Church of the prophecy’s existence at the very same time our staff is ready, our websites are ready, our literature is ready and even God’s college is ready for more students if the prophecy were not imminent? Why would God notify His Church if HE were not ready?

6) Related to this, the buildings on our campus can very soon handle significantly more staff than we have now. This is already true without the other two buildings scheduled for completion in the late fall. However, this extra size works perfectly if the prophecy occurs this year.

7) Also related, but separate, our infrastructure is ready to receive and serve a much larger flock this fall! This includes field ministry being ready, but also other things.

8) Maturing interest from many in the world due to one year of explosive television expansion requires many more laborers in the ministry by this autumn.

9) The Restored Church of God is experiencing an AWESOME period of growth and development at this time—in the runup period just prior to the prophecy’s fulfillment. This is putting it mildly! To us, this is powerful indication that we are on the right track for this year—that God is not only pleased with His Church, but that He is helping it get ready.

10) If the prophecy did not happen this year, the remnant would remain another year (or more) undergoing ever worsening false ways. Worse off, they would have a commensurate shorter time to spiritually recover before the Tribulation. Think worse condition, less time to recover.

11) If reunification occurred next year (or any year after), those with God’s Spirit would have one more year cut off from God’s Church. This carries the potential for more to quench the Holy Spirit (I Thes. 5:19) and lose salvation.

12) The readers of the Haggai prophecy announcements (this is #21) who believed them would be the most disillusioned and the biggest candidates to QUIT everything if God did not return His people to one House this year! This would work directly against what God is doing—directly opposite His overall purpose.

13) Further desolation (Hag. 1:11; 2:16-17) from God of the splinter “houses” would practically wipe out the few remaining senior leaders in them. This includes pastors and elders, all of whom are NEEDED TO CARRY OUT THE BIG WORK!

14) The onset of all future years would never come with clarity—with any certainty! Would God leave thousands who are now aware of this prophecy in such a condition? Hardly.

15) Next, for those who will see the value of how to pursue spiritual matters, there is this: After fervently seeking God about it, not one reason the prophecy is off this year ever emerged in the minds of even one of our 16 Headquarters ministers! I (we) have NEVER prayed about, studied over, meditated on, fasted about and counseled with other ministers regarding a subject more than this one—in fact no other subject is even close!

16) Similarly, as questions emerged throughout our pursuit of truth with the many details of the prophecy, so many of these details kept coming clear as direct answers to prayer. And these were often immediate.

17) Recall Haggai 1:13: “Then spoke Haggai the Lord’s messenger in the Lord’s message unto the people…” Haggai is the messenger to God’s people, with what is an all-important message from God. Would not God make clear in such a unique message He describes as “the Lord’s message unto His people” the correct date for action? What kind of message would it be if people did not know WHEN TO CARRY IT OUT?

18) Since the apostasy, God had not wanted the remnant back in His Church, but now He does. He would first reveal the remnant to His leader, then tell him how they would return, and finally that He meant NOW. This was the order in which these things became apparent.

19) Imagine God not revealing the year the remnant is coming—but only the day and month. Vast amounts of time would have been wasted by His leaders studying and preparing for something that was not imminent. Would God put His Church in such a position?

20) Of interest, God revealed to me during ELUL four years ago my role as the modern Joshua.

21) Also of interest, I and The Restored Church of God learned about the New Testament remnant last ELUL (August). Let’s ask: Would timing of when we were shown the prophecy not be tied to its unique timing of fulfillment during the very next available ELUL?

22) We might ask: does the DEVIL know the prophecy is on? For those who understand how the devil works—that he counterfeits EVERYTHING God does—a variety of counterfeit theories have recently appeared about how God is going to reunite His people. Should not the devil be expected to do this at the time it would cause the most confusion? You will soon see that most of these theories are coming from men standing on the wrong side of this prophecy.

23) With God’s people split up, it is now almost impossible to do a powerful Work. (This might be the one area where the splinter leaders would agree.) God’s Church is largely stymied in working with both brethren and the world because of the confusion and deception from top leaders about where God’s Church is, who has the truth, who is carrying on after Mr. Armstrong, who is doing the true Work, etc. (Reread #22.) There is no other way to proceed than for God to remove leaders who have lulled with deceit many thousands who were blind (Rev. 3:17) to begin with.

24) World conditions cry out for a big Work NOW!!!—not one or more years from now.
I repeat: There are many more reasons for a 2013 fulfillment, with a few of a personal nature—and others involving God moving miraculously to reveal crucial things at certain times within an extraordinarily complex prophecy that involves hundreds of verses. I have not included all of these reasons because others would likely not accept them as legitimate. They are, however, on MY much longer list (now 56 total). And these reasons stand on bedrock in the eyes of ALL our Headquarters ministers.

Again, some of these other reasons—VERY POWERFUL POINTS—can only be brought out when I go into other scriptures in the final two announcements (these are verses outside Haggai, not yet covered). I will carefully denote these reasons when we come to them. There are at least seven or eight.

Some summary review. Since the prophecy has been revealed, brethren have new knowledge. They know God disagrees with the remnant’s decision that it is not yet time to come together and build His House. With knowledge comes responsibility (Jms. 4:17; Heb. 10:26). Since God revealed the prophecy NOW, He clearly does NOT agree with the remnant NOW. If it were not to be fulfilled this year, He would essentially be agreeing with the very people He just commanded to change and come to work in His Temple. This would make revealing the meaning of Haggai pointless—because it would still not yet be time. Would God do this? No!

The timing of this reunification is wonderful news for you, but terrible news for the leaders of the large organizations. They must continue attacking and lampooning these announcements. ou may begin to see a new level of viciousness appear regarding the work of The Restored Church of God—or me.

Many reading the announcements are intrigued. Some are fascinated. Most are dismissive.....


Wade Cox: Unless you Prosecute Murderers They Will End Up Being Sabbath Breakers and Will Start Keeping Christmas and Easter

Wade Cox shows the world once again just how disturbed his little cultish mind is.  He has posted a comment on his Facebook page stating how important it is to prosecute murderers.  If murderers are not prosecuted they will end up being Sabbath breakers and will start celebrating Christmas and Easter. Who knew!!!!!!!!!!

Cox is a prime example of what happens to one's mind when one claims to be a Christian yet denies the one whom they claim to be following.  To Cox, Jesus is a created creature just like koala's and panda's.

It is mind boggling that there are a few hundred followers of this buffoon.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dave Pack: Christ personally picked the Wadsworth compound because of the trees

Oh Dave!  You are such a lumberjack!

“Open your doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars” (Zech. 11:1). Trees are a wonderful thing or, they can be a terrible thing. Again, I’ve been mentioning this…Cutting a lot of trees…I’ll be back tomorrow. I have cut about 500 trees myself, personally, over the last three Sundays. Most of them are small…
I read an interesting article about trees, and it tells you something interesting about the Garden of Eden environment that God wants to bring to the whole world, and I think why the living Christ…Before we get into a story of “bad” trees, let’s talk about “good” trees for a moment, because the world will be filled with beautiful trees. I was just sitting the other day writing down the number of kinds of major trees on the campus…About four major indigenous oaks. There are a couple of kinds of ash; there are three kinds of maples; there is black locusts; black cherry, wild cherries; there are king nut hickories and shagbark hickories; a couple kinds of poplars, a tulip poplar and then standard American poplars, and American elms and so forth…and they all look different. I’ve gotten to where I can pretty much spot them in the winter. We’ve got some flowering trees and apple; hawthorn and dogwoods, and some ornamentals.
But trees are all unique and different and serve different purposes. Here is an article. I just wonder, as I think of this magnificent campus filled with thousands of trees…about this article title, “Being around trees makes you less stressed”…and Christ picked this property.
Has there ever been a man in human history who is as macho as superfantabulous Dave?

Dave Pack: "the Bible, almost is like reading McGuffey’s Readers" to me

Dave is so theologically brilliant the the Bible is now equivalent to children's story books.

strange thing is happening, brethren. And I’m going to show you some more absolutel fascinating things later. It’s almost as though, now, I have reached a point where so many things have opened up—that I’ve battled for half a century—that the Bible, almost is like reading McGuffey’s Readers—“See Spot run.” I mean…I open things up now and it just talks in a clear way. I’m going to stun you later…Maybe not any more than making Haggai 2:7 and Revelation 11:18 compatible…or maybe, not necessarily any more than explaining verses about the resurrection of the dead and how they come and when they come…maybe not any more than that, but because of the eminence of the things I’m going to describe later, I know that will stun you in a powerful way. You can be sort of the judge of what stuns you more than anything else in all of this.
Dave then makes the claim that he takes all of his new understanding to his inner circle of elite ministers and asks them what they think.  Is he really stupid enough to think that any of them would ever disagree with him?  They don't.  They are all "yes men" who will validate anything Dave comes up with, even though deep down they know it is a load of manure.

I sometimes sit with all the ministers, and I will show them a whole bunch of things I have learned, because I kind of want to see what they think, and we come to agreement. I do that always. I never just come up here. I could, but I choose not to. I don’t think it would be wise to just come up here without having talked to a lot of men that I greatly respect, who are deeply converted, have a lot of God’s Spirit. We sit for hours and go through these things. And so, I’ll often say, at the end of sessions…I did it a couple times this week…with some of what we’re covering here, as a matter of fact…What grabs you most? What do you find the most fascinating? And you get different answers. They don’t all say the same thing—they all believe all parts of it—but they may react to or find a certain part is more visceral with them or punches them or exhilarates them…you can be “punched” with things that are exciting.

James Malm...The Cowardly Lion

James Malm has been one of my favorite Church of God liars and false prophets.  Even Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Joshua Second Witness Bob Thiel pales in comparison.  In Malm's world "zeal" is the most important thing a COG member can have in his/her life.  Zeal for the law.   Not zeal for Jesus though, that is little too effeminate and wishy-washy.

Besides prostituting himself to the law, he also makes many phantasmagorical false prophecies.  His editing of scriptures to fit his shallow law based belief system he is theologically bankrupt.  Wild end time prophecies about Clinton, Trump, 2017, 2024 and other wrong dates makes him and his Wiccan sidekick look like like fools.

Even other COG's realize Malm is theologically bankrupt.
The Cowardly Lion, the Straw Man and the Tin Man
James Malm is the cowardly lion, hiding behind his keyboard, spreading and even entrenching himself in slanders and lies. Instead of repenting of his evil ways, he digs in his heels whenever caught in a lie or at very least excuses himself with the wave of a hand. He engages in straw man arguments continuously, but then he goes far beyond even that.
By creating fictitious viewpoints of the various COG groups, he stands up his straw man and then knocks it down at least a couple times per week. A straw man, of course, is a lie. It is not the truth, and Malm trades in lies and gossip.
However, he also takes it one step further. He will then engage in a tin man argument as well.
In Malm’s world, not having a heart = “no zeal”. Even worse than the tin man argument, though, he first sets up the straw man, knocks it down, and then proceeds to use the tin man argument that because of the (straw man) false belief, the COG organizations have no zeal. It is such an obvious ploy that only the truly deceived can fall for it all. Dunce caps for the lot of them! 
The false prophet Malm writes:
A Trump presidency also does not bode well for the Internet. Recent advances in net neutrality may be derailed (“Will net neutrality survive Trump’s first 100 days?“). Privacy concerns is also not a top priority for Trump, and it is likely that government surveillance will increase. With his talk of “law and order”, we could well become just a little closer to a police state.
Everyone wants to talk now about healing and unity, and even Bernie Sanders is attempting to quell dissent (“Bernie Sanders is ‘prepared to work with’ Donald Trump“). In spite of all the politicians playing nice post-election, it is only a matter of time before Republicans and Democrats start fighting again. There already are protesters in the streets who don’t want to accept the rule of law, and it is unlikely that Trump can really stem the tides of riots and police tension any more than President Obama could.
I have increasingly felt this year that within 15 years, we will probably be in a state of civil war. In fact, I believe it will be much shorter than that, but something could still happen to forestall that. A Trump presidency is not that something, however.
Our problems will only increase because our society and our politicians are utterly delusional. They have rejected the truth — all truth, not just biblical truth. Good is evil, evil is good, up is down, down is up. Gender is called “fluid”, but the human body is fairly solid material and is only vague in the case of undesired mutations. In every culture, marriage comes with religious groundings, but our society has tried to pry religion even out of marriage. When you pry too hard, things break, BTW, and the structure that comes tumbling down will be the nation itself.
This process has been long in the making, and Trump, who himself is delusional in at least one or two areas, is not going to make that any better, either. In fact, his backing of so-called LGBT “rights” will likely only quicken the demise of the US, which has stuck its finger in God’s nostril and dictated it has a morality superior to even that of the Bible. Just go to any atheist website, and you can clearly see that they characterize the God of the Bible in very unflattering terms, most often by taking Scripture out of context and twisting it to mean something it does not say. 
When will all of these lairs ever get off their butts and stop begging for money and help the widows, feed the hungry, asset the orphans and act like Christians that they claim to be?

Dave Pack: Herbert Armstrong will be resurrected ahead of other people

Dave Pack's god is going to resurrect Herbert Armstrong before a lot of other people. HWA will be resurrected so can he arise along side Abraham and Moses.  This the same myth that the church has been preaching for decades.  When David, Daniel, Moses, Abraham and others come back Herb will be there waiting for them on the Pasadena campus.  Everyone knows the campus will be spared and used as the HQ for the invading armies. Oh such wonderful Church of God teachings!
Now we have seen that God will resurrect vast billions at once; 144,000 at another point. Who knows how many were resurrected on the day Christ died, or individuals—the widow’s son, Tabitha, aa, Lazarus, and so forth. He is willing to do one at a time, or medium size numbers, or great numbers. God has a plan for resurrecting each and every person. I have wondered…This is speculation. I don’t know…I have wondered if…At the time we all are born into the Family of God and made of the Holy Spirit, which the later part of this chapter talks about, I wonder if certain ones like Abraham or Moses or others will go first…Noah, Daniel, Job…We are all there, and God will honor certain people and they will come up first. This is important, because I can prove to you, right here—Mr. Armstrong is going to come up ahead of other people.

Dave Pack: I am "settling the score" when it comes to biblical interpretation

Superfantabulous Dave.  He may think he has the inside track on true Biblical knowledge but he has been usurped by the self-appointed false prophet Bob Thiel.  Pack though gives it a mighty try and claims that he is now setting once and for the true the interpretations of scripture that has been lost for decades.
Now, I know I say this every week—and I’m going to continue to say it until it’s not true—but each sermon presents awesome, inspiring new things that are game-changing and, in many ways, continue to make the entire Bible come clear. It has almost become a tradition, not by design, but by accident, that I will open with certain interesting things by way of just “settling the score” on certain questions that have existed for decades and making things clear.
The buffoonery that comes out of Dave's mouth is just more foolishness that has been a long standing tradition in the Church of God.  Countless self-appointed liars and false prophets have claimed they and they alone possess the true words of God.  Every single one of these fools, from end time witless witnesses to evangelists, to those that whore themselves out to the law and to know-it-all ministers, all have ended up being liars.  Dave and his contemporaries are no better then the previous 7 decades of false teachers.

Van Robinson: Dear Worldwide Church of God splinter groups, my sister is a Mormon

Dear Worldwide Church of God splinter groups, my sister is a Mormon.  Like all church of God groups, she fervently believes that "truth" is defined by her religious persuasion.  Never mind that her indoctrination radically differs with all other religious groups on earth, because to her thinking there is only "one" source of all "truth" on earth, and that is the belief system of "The Latter Day Saints."  

The world is overrun with religious zealots who live and die believing that what they think is truth and will some day overtake all humans. Not so!  Humanity is extremely diverse and will never in a billion years think alike in terms of religious beliefs. 

The Worldwide Church of God splinter groups are nothing more than a speck of sand upon the seashore of religious humanity.  They will all extinguish in time as their overlords pass on from this life.  They may have fun times at their "Family Winter" event, but anyone who observes this charade knows full well that scheduled activities at Christmas time is a total religious scam. 

The true motive of "Family Winter" time for church of God splinter groups, is the seduction of naive and gullible people who financially sacrifice their families and children for the wealth of their overlords. 

Virtually anyone can start a religious group and seduce the simple minded.  All religious groups are spearheaded by self-appointed men or women who sail through life living at the expense of their gullible followers.  In the end, the religious rulers rest in the graveyard and so do you.

So who is your God?  Your preacher?  Oh my, he will return to dirt, the same as you do.
Then what?  Your "Bible" is nothing more than ink on paper, and it to will decay and return to dirt also.  You see, God is NOT your church pastor, nor ink on paper.  You have NEVER seen God, nor so much as heard his voice. 

Who is God?  He is NOT your church, your pastor, your ink on paper or your imagination,  or your Family Winter Weekend.  God is in fact someone you have never seen, never encountered and whose voice you have never heard.  And guess what?  Neither has your preacher seen God or heard his voice.  So who are these vain men who stand before you and pretend to speak for God?  Total frauds whose only motive is your $money.

Van Robison

Dave Pack: Ministers who recently left the Restored Church of God were demon possessed

Dave has always believed in a magical god that is desperate to slaughter as many people as possible.  That same god is also an impotent fool who is unable to stop Satan from influencing members and ministers.

Dave has had several recent defections from his ministry.  In typical COG fashion he attributes these defections to the ministers being influenced by demons.

“Also of your own selves shall men arise…[Men who were faithful and turned. There’s a difference. We’re going to see that’s important later on.]…speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them” (Acts 20:30). Now “perverse” means “distorted, misinterpreted” That’s what it means. If you look up the word, it can be translated “perverse or even corrupt,” but the primary meanings are “distorted or misinterpreted.” 
I have watched ministers leave the Church for many years…they will fire off emails where things are distorted or misinterpreted. Now, a lot of stuff in a recent round of emails is just pure fiction; written by inventors of evil things. Almost suggesting the man who wrote these emails is outright demon-possessed. To be in this category, all you really have to do is distort and misinterpret, and that’s a form of perversion and corruption, so that’s important. Men of God can turn and become that way. Never mind those that creep in and never were of God. Here is what struck me, in addition to what I’ve said…