Monday, November 8, 2010

Silly COGer Quote of the Day: Fixing Broken Dykes on the Sabbath is 'Act of Mercy'

The Flickering Candle says it is ok to help fix broken dykes on the Sabbath, but not to make someone fix you food to feed yourself:.  What if the broken dyke wanted some food after you fixed her? Bummer!

Yesterday I mentioned that working on the Sabbath was occasionally allowable, but that regular such work was not.  I seem to have been a little unclear on this: I had meant that work involving acts of mercy was acceptable.  I was thinking of the dykes breaking and of helping people to escape ect.  I had NOT meant that working late from time to time to please the boss was an “ox in the ditch”.  Longtime readers will know that I am most zealous for the Sabbath. Only ACTS OF MERCY ARE PERMITTED. It is NOT appropiate to work late from time to time at any regular job and it is NOT acceptable to God to pay others to do any work on Sabbath.  That would include paying others persons or businesses to cook or work for  us in restaurants or any other business establishment.

Um, someone had better talk to this self appointed savior of Armstrongism and let him know that his choice of words is hilarious.  Any check of the online dictionary will find you this as to what a dyke is:

Church Leader to Iraqi Christians: It’s Finally Time to Leave

This will not be of much interest to those entrenched in Armstrongism, since there are no other Christians outside the "One and Only True Church.". But those that have taken the time to educate themselves know things differently.

Church Leader to Iraqi Christians: It’s Finally Time to Leave

Angry mourners gather for a mass funeral in Baghdad after 58 Christians were massacred by Muslims last week.

UPDATE/FURTHER INFO: For those of our readers who will be in the UK, Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, president of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, will preside and preach at a remembrance service for the victims of the Baghdad massacre, to be held at Westminster Cathedral on Friday, November 27. Catholic or not, do try to attend to protest and to show your support.
After the horror of last weeks massacre of 58 Iraqi Christians at a Baghdad church by a RoP mob, the exiled Archbishop tells his flock it’s finally time to up sticks and begin an exodus:
A senior Iraqi Christian is to call on believers to quit the country, after gunmen targeted a church in Baghdad.
Archbishop Athanasios Dawood, who is based in the UK, will make his appeal during a service at the Syrian Orthodox Church in London.
The archbishop has previously criticised the lack of protection for Iraqi Christians.
At least 52 people died as security forces stormed a Catholic church in Baghdad to free dozens of hostages.
A number of gunmen entered Our Lady of Salvation in the city’s Karada district during Mass on Sunday 31 October, sparking an hours-long stand-off.
The militants made contact with the authorities by mobile phone, demanding the release of al-Qaeda prisoners and also of a number of Muslim women they insisted were being held prisoner by the Coptic Church in Egypt.
After negotiations failed, Iraqi security forces stormed the building, before the gunmen reportedly threw grenades and detonated their suicide vests.
On Sunday, Archbishop Dawood is expected to advise all Christians to leave Iraq now that al-Qaeda has warned of more attacks there.
The archbishop is also calling on the UK government to grant Christian Iraqis asylum.
Christians – as ethnic Assyrians – have lived in Iraq since the 1st Century, but following the fall of Saddam Hussein, they have become isolated and the Baghdad government has proved unwilling or unable to protect them.
There has been a string of bomb attacks on churches leading many to flee to neighbouring countries.
Church leaders have in the past advised the faithful to stay in Iraq and strengthen their communities.
But such is the insecurity, there are signs this policy may be about to change.
“Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” Qur’an 9:29
Anyone who knows about Islam or reads publications such as ours will be all too aware of the plight of Christians living in Muslim lands. Sanctioned by Allah, non-Muslims in every Muslim-majority country in the world face life as second-class citizens; with restrictions and challenges ranging from low-level harassment to outright (and often violent) persecution by both the state and their Muslim neighbours.
Humiliation kidnap, rape, violence, legal persecution and other forms of hatred are rife and regular. Post-Saddam Iraq is one of the worst examples possible. Christians here are a target for any violent Islamist thug that feels the need for a little blood-letting. Or a lot, as was the case last week.
This is no place for Christians.
We fully support the Archbishop’s Dawood’s call for all Christians to quit Iraq – and for them to be afforded asylum in Britain and the West. Without the bloody sword of Islam over their heads, they are sure to integrate well and lead peaceful, productive lives.
[Source: BBC News]

Saturday, November 6, 2010

COG Tithe Money at Work in Philadelphia

Years ago the tithe money of Worldwide Church of God members went to help restore the Wanamaker pipe organ in Philadelphia.  Check out the following video to see your tithe money actually being put to use in something worthwhile, instead of supporting some splinter group and it's Dwight Armstrong hymns.

Just this past weekend, shoppers at the the Macy's in Philadelphia (the old Wanamaker building) were surprised when over 600 choristers who were there mingling with regular shoppers suddenly burst into Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. It's pretty awesome.

The Opera Company of Philadelphia was instrumental in bringing it together to perform one of the Knight Foundation's "1000 Random Acts of Culture" which they'll be doing over the next three years across the country. Accompanied by the Wanamaker Organ - the world's largest pipe organ - the singers burst into song at exactly noon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

New UCG Splinter Groups Starting to Form

The first official splinter group to form from the current UCG crisis has just occurred.

Jack Hendren has split off and started a new group.  The Church of God - South Texas.

He has ties to the Church of God in Latin America that UCG has forced out also.

This is shades of WCG all over again.  More lives, families, and friends will be ripped apart by greedy, self serving ministers on BOTH sides who claim they are the REAL representatives of Christ on the earth.

Is Your XYZ Church of God Spiritually Abusive?

 From Wicked Shepherds web site
The following is a questionnaire to see just how healthy your church really is. To determine how well it ranks, answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions:

Does your church tightly control the flow of information within its ranks?

Does the head of your church, along with the other “leaders”, use public shaming as a method to gain the compliance of followers? 

Does the head of your church and his “fellow elders” appear to be intolerant or consider it evil persecution when criticized or questioned?

Are you discouraged to associate with former members, being warned that they are "evil" or "defiling"; a “danger to your spiritual welfare”?

Is leaving your church to join another church that “is not approved by your elders” equal to leaving God? 

Do you fear being rebuked, shunned, or ignored for expressing a different opinion?

At church, is there a sense of control, rather than support?

Is there a relentless obsession of reminding the sheep of “who’s in authority”?

Are you told not to ask questions as to why others have left?  Are you told to accept the statements that “your elders” give you?

Are books, tapes and CD’s, speakers, music, etc., carefully controlled to keep only          the belief structure of your church before your mind?

Is there is a relentless campaign to keep you around the activities of your church,   expecting you to be at all the stated meetings, except if providentially hindered?  And if you are absent, is  your spirituality and dedication sometimes questioned?

Is the concept ever so subtly present that, “when you please the 'pastor', God is pleased and when your 'pastor' is not pleased with you, God is not pleased with you?"

Is there present, the breaking of even the closest family ties, to “guard” the flock?

Is there the constant using of guilt and shame as tools of control?

Is there present at your church the encouragement of the members to spy and report on each other, lest sin be found in the midst?

Is there present at your church the dominant climate of fear in the group – fear of failing to keep one of the rules, and fear of being held up to public humiliation and rejection?

At church, are the normal lines between what is private and what is public knowledge broken, and members confess the most personal, and the most minor sins, as the conscience is being surrendered to the “leadership”?

Are many (if not all) of the results from voting at "congregational business meetings"
announced as..... "it is unanimous!"?

Is questioning condemned as "whispering, back- biting, vicious slander, gossip, nit   picking, signs of a proud rebellious spirit, being disaffected and divisive?"

Are those who dissent publicly punished?  Are their  reputations murdered by veiled, or not so veiled “revelations” of “sins”; past and present, as confidentiality is broken for the benefit of the leaders? 

Is there a misplaced loyalty from Jesus and God onto the leadership, which is idolatry?

Is there harsh preaching and full of condemnation for your failures and are you              deliberately being kept wounded and off balance by the haranguing and condemnation from the pulpit?

Is “Persevere or be damned” and “listen to YOUR elders; obey YOUR elders”; "submit to YOUR elders" preached over and over again?

Is paranoia the “very air you breathe”?  Paranoia of falling from grace; thinking for yourselves; breaking the many unspoken rules as well as the clearly spelled out expectations of the leader?

Are you becoming paranoid – carefully watching your every word and even gesture, lest someone report your faults?

Does a code of silence reign at your church?  Is no one to divulge the business of the church, or the faults of the leadership?

●      Do the spiritual leaders at your church seem to give you the impression that either covertly or overtly, they have the right to tell you how you should manage your own family; presuming that they know your own family better than you know yourself?

If you answered "no" to all of the above questions, your church is relatively
healthy. If you answered "yes" to a quarter or more, your church is showing

signs of being unhealthy. If you answered "yes" to half or more, your church

is very, very unhealthy. If you answered "yes" to three-quarters or more,

your church is an authoritarian cult.  If you answered “yes” to all of the above

questions, click here.