Monday, May 16, 2011

We Find This Very Disturbing!

Below is a video of a baby dancing on a table somewhere in Brazil.  
Armstrongites are outraged!  
A few of their comments after the video.

"I find it disturbing, not cute."

"What is the purpose of this dance that baby is doing?"

"Yes a little baby in diapers dancing. Its disturbing."

"Yes, it is disturbing. It is also disgusting that parents would do this 
to their young child."

"I wonder about why so many children are developing weird "talents" 
before they can even control their bladders." 


Is It OK To Do Puzzles While Listening To Sermons At Home?


The idea that any COG members needs to ask this question shows how sick Armstrongism really is!

Back in those early years in Church services, it seems that I can remember when the preaching Pastor would speak out against someone who was sleeping when he was trying to present his sermon! It must have been very exasperating for him to do his best to do his job in preaching and to have someone sleeping!

I can remember when, at one of those Holy Day meetings with several hundred gathered together, that I had spotted a Deacon, at the time, who was sleeping in his chair. I thought that he should have known better but that perhaps he had a bad night the previous night. I`m guessing that he was in his sixties at the time. Obviously, since I was in my forties, I couldn`t understand that!
Now, in my eighties, it is easy for me to understand! Most of the time lately, during services, I have had to fight off nodding to sleep and my wife would give me the elbow to wake me up and on another occasion I would have to bump her arm to wake her up!! We would always be sitting back about the third row and it could be very easy for the minister to see us and for us to be embarrassed.

We had been checking out MP3 tapes to bring home to hear and then when they came out with the DVDs, we chose to watch them through the TV, but the problem was, we would both start falling asleep so we went back to checking out the MP3s. What we had been doing was to put picture puzzles together when listening to sermons which would keep us awake and we could take in every word of the sermons! I had wondered if that would be proper to do on the Sabbath but that is the only way that we can stay awake to hear the sermons!! We have a card table set up in the den next to the computer where we listen to the sermons while piecing the puzzles together. It is the only way that we can stay awake .